Almighty Conceited Sovereign

C544 The crying sounds of the Liuzhuang!

C544 The crying sounds of the Liuzhuang!

Fang Shaobai suddenly felt that it was extremely necessary for him to explore the depths of this Black Hawk Legion, whether it was for the hatred between him and the Tian Luo City's Du Family, or for the blood ocean Tang Wei was in.    


Fang Shaobai raised her head, a glint flashed past her eyes.    


Hehe, Yao'er, then do you know how many people have come from the Black Hawk Legion this time?    


Liu Yaoer shook her head, "I'm not sure yet, I only know that people from the Black Hawk Legion have appeared in the Liuzhuang."    


"Liuzhuang? What kind of place was that, a tavern? "Inn?"    


"That's not it either. The Liuzhuang is a private villa. The master seemed to be a man with surname Liu. He wasn't sure of his background, but this person was usually rather low-key. If it was not a deliberate investigation, when it came to Liuzhuang, many people would not necessarily pay attention. "    


"Is that so? That's interesting."    


Du Family member, Black Hawk Legion, power behind the scenes, Liuzhuang Fang Shaobai, who had a low profile master smiled slightly. A touch of playfulness surfaced on her face, which then turned into a brilliant smile.    


"Yao`er, there's one thing we need to discuss!"    




Liu Yaoer suddenly stood up and pointed angrily at Fang Shaobai, berating: "Fang Shaobai, I already said it, stop calling me Yao'er, why are you still calling me Yao'er, am I that familiar with you?"    


Fang Shaobai's eyes immediately opened wide.    


Tang Wei also widely opened her eyes.    


Was this Liu Yaoer really ignorant, or was she just pretending? Yao'er, Yao'er … it didn't seem like she had called him that once or twice …    


A few minutes later, Fang Shaobai was already like a ghost as she flashed out of an alley beside the first class beast Garden. With the dark system's Wu Zong, even if patrolling guards were to walk through the streets from time to time, no one would notice Fang Shaobai's figure.    


"Hey, little girl, pretend to me!"    


Fang Shaobai laughed proudly, thinking back to the moment she flashed out of Liu Yaoer's room, when she intentionally stared at Liu Yaoer's chest, causing Liu Yaoer to be so angry that she stomped her feet, the smile on her face grew even wider.    


He knew that this young lady of the Liu Family would become his wife sooner or later.    


Sometimes, when he thought about it, although he had experienced a lot of miserable life after teleporting to this world, there was one thing that made him feel exceptionally comfortable. That was the rule of this world. It truly made a man's heart run wild.    


As long as a man had power, he would find a few wives if he wanted, and a great man could rightfully have a lot of women by his side. This kind of thinking was reasonable even for women. If a man wanted to find a woman, he wouldn't have to worry about the jealousy of others if he wanted to find one.    


"The flowers in the mess are gradually becoming dazzling, one day, I will turn bad." Fang Shaobai thought shamelessly with a complacent look.    


In the dark of the night, his figure mysteriously disappeared into the shadows as he rapidly moved towards the south of the city.    


He didn't need to worry about Tang Wei's safety after leaving him with Liu Yaoer. He decided to investigate the bottom of Black Hawk Legion.    


A quarter of an hour later, Fang Shaobai found the Liuzhuang in the southern part of the city.    


This was not an extensive villa, but a red wall with green tiles and vines encircling it. The flowers were alluring and tender even in the dark night.    


Fang Shaobai did not impulsively barge into the Villa.    


Because when he quietly approached the Liuzhuang, through the wall, he could already feel a few hidden auras that were especially strong, they were all at least at the fifth stage of Martial King. Among them, there was an aura that was far stronger than the others. It was as if the stars were hidden in the darkness, making it impossible to conceal the unique Big Dipper light.    


"Martial King!"    


Fang Shaobai's heart jumped, she was secretly shocked.    


Even if it was just a first stage Martial King, she could not be a match for it. Martial King's strength was too terrifying, she could probably kick him out just by thinking about it.    


He could not be impulsive. He could only be patient.    


Just as Fang Shaobai was admonishing herself, a sense of danger arose in her heart, and all of the hairs on her body immediately stood up. Without hesitation, he took out the acanthopanax's Dagger and perfectly covered her own presence in an instant.    


With the help of the acanthopanax's Dagger to hide his presence, coupled with the strange skill that the dark system was using to hide his presence, it would be extremely difficult to detect Fang Shaobai unless there was a Spirit Demon beast that was extremely sensitive to auras like the monkey-face.    


Just as he covered his aura, he suddenly felt a hidden consciousness floating out from the Liuzhuang, slowly sweeping over the wall.    


F * ck!    


What a lie!    


Damn it, that Martial King was actually using her consciousness to scan the entire Liuzhuang. What exactly did she want to do with such vigilance?    


It was all thanks to the acanthopanax's Dagger. Otherwise, it would have been difficult for this Martial King to avoid his detection if she had sat in the Liuzhuang and used her consciousness to scan the place from time to time.    


Fang Shaobai quietly waited for Martial King to withdraw her consciousness and then quietly climbed up the wall. When she went over, her face suddenly changed and she almost jumped up to curse.    


I bought a hiking bag last year.    


It was unknown which bastard had secretly set up some restrictions on the walls, and it was even the dark system's restrictions.    


dark system's restrictions were sinister enough, it was even more sinister in the dark. Fortunately, the Inhibition Formations dark system expert still had not reached his house yet, it should only have been set up by a dark system martial spirit, and could not be hidden from Fang Shaobai who possessed the strange dark inheritance Wu Zong.    


The acanthopanax's Dagger was extremely powerful, and its original owner, the acanthopanax, was even a super expert in the dark system. Through the inherited information left behind by a dagger, it could be said to be all-encompassing, and it was definitely a copy of the dark system's Encyclopedia.    


Even if Fang Shaobai had the time, she would still not have been able to fully comprehend the secrets of the dark system in her mind so far. At most, she would only have grasped thirty percent of it.    


But even if it was only thirty percent, breaking a dark system's seal set up by a dark system's martial spirit was an easy task.    


After all, it was hard to find warriors in the dark system and there weren't many cultivation techniques in the dark system. Ordinary warriors of the dark system would never be able to accept such a large inheritance like Fang Shaobai did. The restrictions that could be set up were not good enough at all.    


Fang Shaobai glanced at it, and a sneer formed on her lips, "Circulation Forbidden, hmph, you want me to activate the seal as soon as I cross the wall? Dream on!"    


Fang Shaobai thought about it, but still did not break the seal. After all, this dark system Inhibition Formation was more or less able to draw energy from the night sky to replenish the Inhibition Formation. Breaking the Inhibition Formation was easy, but it was difficult to completely conceal the energy fluctuations caused by breaking the Inhibition Formation.    


In the Liuzhuang, there was a Martial King that was on guard.    


Fang Shaobai did not use her spirit energy. With just her body's power, she quickly raised the wall by three feet and nodded towards it, then extended her hand to lightly brush aside a beautiful flower on the wall. Immediately, a few ripples of energy dispersed and Fang Shaobai quickly flashed over and jumped down the wall. From start to finish, other than the faint ripples on the wall that rippled a few times in a second, there were no signs of spirit energy undulations.    


Fang Shaobai had already dodged past a group of six and hid behind a tree.    


Looking at the back of the patrolling team as they went further away, Fang Shaobai was secretly speechless. Even the patrolling men were all at Wu Zong.    


After confirming that it was safe, Fang Shaobai went to the nearby corridor in a flash. Using the shadows, he used dark system's concealing techniques to the best of her ability, and quickly explored the interior of the villa from the corridor. Along the way, he encountered four groups of patrolling teams, and Fang Shaobai didn't dare to be careless.    


As they carefully snuck along the way, they did not encounter any of Martial King's probing consciousnesses. Most likely, that Martial King also didn't think that she would be able to infiltrate into the Liuzhuang under such layers of tight defense. But Fang Shaobai also did not encounter anything worth investigating.    


The entire Liuzhuang was like a heavily guarded prison, yet calm as still water.    


"F * ck!" Is this a wasted trip? "    


After an hour, Fang Shaobai carefully avoided all kinds of patrolling teams, and snuck around nearly under the Martial King's noses. She was extremely nervous, she had almost used up all of the dark system's spirit energy, but she was still unable to find anything.    


He didn't see Du Junlin, nor did he see any members of the so-called Black Hawk Legion. Other than the's own experts, the entire Liuzhuang was empty.    


Fang Shaobai was very unhappy.    


"Why don't I give them some stimulation?"    


A thought suddenly flashed through Fang Shaobai's mind. She grabbed a small stone that she picked up casually, and was hesitating on whether or not she should throw it out. He believed that with the Liuzhuang's defensive state, after this rock was thrown out, no matter where it landed, it would become like a huge rock being thrown into a calm lake that surged into a huge wave, causing a series of changes.    


The problem was that he was not confident that he could successfully slip out of the Liuzhuang after throwing the stone out. The most worrisome thing was that if nothing happened and the Liuzhuang was alarmed, then the gains would not make up for the losses.    


Should he throw it?    


Should he throw it?    


Fang Shaobai didn't have any good ideas for a while.    


After hesitating for two minutes.    


Fang Shaobai kept the stone and sneaked along the beams of the corridor. He decided to take a walk around, and if she still did not find anything, she would leave Liuzhuang, at worst, she would come back tomorrow night. She would not alert the experts of Liuzhuang unless she had no other choice.    


Boom! *    


Just as Fang Shaobai moved a few steps, there was a sound coming from the end of the pathway, the sound was like a rock smashing into a calm lake, causing waves of waves. Within a few seconds, the silhouettes of patrol guards appeared in the corridor.    


Within Fang Shaobai's perception, she immediately detected the auras of the three Martial King s …    


At the same time, a sad cry came from the end of the corridor. It turned out to be a girl crying …    


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