Almighty Conceited Sovereign

C533 A strange feeling!

C533 A strange feeling!

As an alchemist, collecting herbs was just a basic skill. After entering the forest, Fang Shaobai's consciousness immediately spread out, and while walking, he kept an eye out for the surrounding thirty meters.    


Why only thirty meters?    


This was not because Fang Shaobai's consciousness could not spread further. As someone who had reached Triple Martial Ancestor and possessed a Martial Spirit, the strength of her consciousness was not to be boasted. As long as Fang Shaobai was willing, it wouldn't be a problem even if she spread it out for a hundred or two hundred meters.    


The problem was, if the range of his consciousness was too wide, he wouldn't be able to easily distinguish the environment within the range of his consciousness. As he continued to analyze the situation, he wasted a lot of soul power, which placed a burden on himself.    


A thirty meters radius was just right, it was roughly the range where Fang Shaobai could identify the medicinal ingredients with a single glance.    


"Purple Lingzhi!"    


"White Fairy Grass!"    


"King of Crab Flower!"    


This Fuliu Mountain is simply a treasure land, I didn't expect this sparsely populated Fuliu Mountain Feng Shui to be so good. He had only been in the forest for a short while, and he had already picked up quite a few medicinal ingredients by Fang Shaobai.    


Spirit medicine referred to a medicinal herb that had a relatively high amount of Spiritual Qi. If it was picked, it could at least be used to refine a Rank 2 pill or higher.    


"Eh, green spirit grass, and it's even five leaves!"    


Suddenly, Fang Shaobai saw a medicinal plant that was verdant and alluring. Five slender willow leaves drooped with dewdrops on them, and the morning sunlight shone through the gaps in the leaves onto the dewdrops. It was extremely beautiful.    


Green Spirit Grass was one of Fang Shaobai's target medicinal herbs. It was mainly used to rejuvenate blood and remove blood stasis, and was a normal medicinal herb. Basically, it was not sought after by alchemists, and was mostly used by normal people to reduce swelling and refine medicinal herbs. However, this Green Spirit Grass was not ordinary at all.    


Common Green Spirit Grass only had three leaves, which was what ordinary people often harvested. However, once the Green Spirit Grass had more than three leaves, reaching four or even five leaves would make it the eye of an apothecary. Basically, it could be considered a spiritual ingredient.    


Five leaves of Green Spirit Grass not only had a strong effect of reducing swelling and removing blood stasis, but also had an analgesic and detoxifying effect.    


Therefore, the Green Spirit Grass with five leaves could already be considered as one of the materials for refining a Tier 3 Calming Pill and a Tier 3 Detoxification Pill.    


Tang Wei only sprained her ankle. With this stalk of Five Leaf Green Spirit Grass, all she needed to do was to make an ordinary Invigorated Meridian Grass to deepen the healing process.    


The Invigorated Meridian Grass was as common as the Green Spirit Grass. It was common to grow in sunny places. Especially in Fuliu Mountain, which was a place where the sun was shining brightly and there were not many people around, there would definitely be a lot of them. Fang Shaobai was not worried at all.    


After harvesting the Five Leaf Green Spirit Grass, Fang Shaobai deliberately looked at the areas where the sunlight was more abundant and walked towards. Sure enough, on a slope where the sunlight was shining, a large piece of Invigorated Meridian Grass was flourishing, with purple leaves extending out greedily and sucking in the rich sunlight, it looked just like a pure and natural purple blanket, extremely beautiful.    


Fang Shaobai walked over and harvested some Invigorated Meridian Grass, and her gaze followed the area where the Invigorated Meridian Grass grew and looked, and suddenly stopped at a place on the right side of the slope that happened to be between the sunlight and darkness.    


One of the tallest and thickest Invigorated Meridian Grass stood there like a flock of chickens. Upon coming close, one could clearly see that its thick leaves were crisscrossed with tiny, vascular-like veins.    


"This is the Invigorated Meridian Grass King!"    


Fang Shaobai's eyes lit up, she was extremely happy.    


This Invigorated Meridian Grass was quite strange. Ordinary Invigorated Meridian Grass liked places that were full of sunlight. The richer it was, the better it would grow, giving birth to a large bunch of Invigorated Meridian Grass. However, the Invigorated Meridian Grass King was not at the place where the sunlight was the most abundant. It needed the location where the sunlight intersected with the shade in order to grow.    


If the sun was too bright, the environment was too cool. Only half of the sunlight and half of the shade would grow out.    


The ordinary Invigorated Meridian Grass was only about six to ten centimeters, but the Invigorated Meridian Grass King was able to grow close to thirty centimeters.    


This Invigorated Meridian Grass King's value was even higher than the Five Leaf Green Spirit Grass. Every single Invigorated Meridian Grass King would sell for at least 300,000 gold coins. Under special conditions, an auction item could even be sold for a high price of two million gold coins.    


This was mainly because the Invigorated Meridian Grass King was one of the three main ingredients for a Grade 5 pill called the Invigorated Meridian Pill.    


The Invigorated Meridian Pills which had reached the intermediate fifth-grade had a very good effect of combing the meridians throughout the body, helping the elemental energy to circulate. It could also clear out the impurities in the meridians, which had the effect of maintaining the purity of the meridians.    


Before a martial practitioner could be promoted from Wu Zong to Martial King, they would need the Invigorated Meridian Pill to comb through all the meridians in their body. Even if it was an innate spirit body like Fang Shaobai, he still needed it.    


"What an unexpected harvest!"    


Fang Shaobai carefully plucked the Invigorated Meridian Grass King out and put it away in a jade box before putting it into her storage ring.    


He would not sell this Invigorated Meridian Grass, he wanted to keep it for himself to concoct the Invigorated Meridian Pill. After all, he was now dark system's Wu Zong. As long as he made up his mind and closed himself off for once, it would not be difficult for him to raise the cultivation of each of the different elements to the Wu Zong realm.    


When that time comes, he would have to make all sorts of preparations to advance to Martial King.    


It must be known, when martial spirit was promoted to Wu Zong, becoming a grandmaster of a generation was a small hurdle. There were countless number of warriors in Eternity Continent, because all sorts of conditions were not prepared well and they were stuck in the Wu Zong realm. There were even many famous geniuses among them.    


Fang Shaobai did not want to become one of them.    


With the Five Leaf Green Spirit Grass and the Invigorated Meridian Grass, it was very easy for Fang Shaobai to treat Tang Wei's injuries. In the end, a field could not be compared to home, and all sorts of sudden mishaps could happen at any time. Fang Shaobai did not plan to continue harvesting the herbs, and decided to go back and treat Tang Wei's injuries.    


Fang Shaobai turned back the way she came.    


Halfway through, a strange feeling suddenly arose in his heart.    


This was a very strange feeling. It did not seem like a warning sign of danger, nor did it seem like he had discovered some heavenly material treasure. In short, it was a strange power that appeared subtly and affected Fang Shaobai.    


Being able to reach Fang Shaobai's level of cultivation, especially with a Martial Spirit at such a high realm, she could be considered a grandmaster of her times.    


However, when Fang Shaobai consciously released her Martial Spirit, that strange feeling disappeared.    


Fang Shaobai turned around and looked at her surroundings suspiciously, but she couldn't see anything wrong with the place.    


Was it an illusion?    


Nonsense, how could he have an illusion for no reason? Moreover, his qi and blood was full, and his spirit was like a dragon or a tiger; wouldn't that mean he had seen a ghost?    


Fang Shaobai shook her head and ignored him, continuing to walk back the way she came. Weird though, when Fang Shaobai just moved her feet, that strange feeling appeared again. It was as if something had nudged him and then disappeared.    


"Damn it!"    


Fang Shaobai stopped again, and looked around at her surroundings vigilantly. She was still the same as before, and couldn't find anything wrong.    


Fang Shaobai frowned, for the second time in a row she had a strange feeling, but she did not see the source of the strange feeling, which was a little unusual. Fang Shaobai was almost certain that there were some special secrets within a five hundred meter radius from here.    


Unfortunately, he would not be able to figure out these mysteries for the time being. Otherwise, he wouldn't mind stopping to take a look first.    


No matter what, he would still treat Tang Wei first.    


Fang Shaobai took a deep breath and returned to her original path. As she moved her feet, a strange feeling came over him again. But this time, Fang Shaobai did not care, and directly walked back.    


Although he ignored them, Fang Shaobai still calculated silently. In total, he had felt that strange feeling seven times, and he secretly memorized the place where that strange feeling came from. He decided to first cure Tang Wei's injury and then return to take a look.    


He saw Tang Wei sitting on the ground from afar. His injured leg had already been stripped off by his, and his ankle was extremely red and swollen, but she could still clearly see her small foot's skin. It was smooth and tender, and the toes of his feet were round like beads.    


Fang Shaobai couldn't really be considered an expert, but a girl's beautiful little feet could always make him look at her, causing ripples in her heart.    


Girls were all sensitive, especially people like Tang Wei who had experienced so many near-death escapes, and were especially sensitive to the surrounding environment and people's gazes. When Fang Shaobai was looking at her feet, she immediately felt it. He felt embarrassed and subconsciously wanted to retract her feet, but her ankles were so swollen and red that it hurt to just slightly retract them.    


Furthermore, she wasn't willing to let Fang Shaobai think that she was angry just because of her actions, which created a barrier between them. However, she lowered her head. Two red clouds rose up her cheeks and extended behind her ears.    


Fang Shaobai took a deep breath, suppressing the ripples in his heart. She squatted down and gently held Tang Wei's feet. The slight coldness in her hands made his heart ache, "Isn't it cold in the mountains? Seeing how cold your feet are, how about I put on your socks first. Wait for me to finish sharpening the medicine before applying it?"    


Fang Shaobai's voice was very soft and gentle, and that kind of warmth penetrated deep into Tang Wei's heart. His heart involuntarily trembled, and was completely out of his control, as tears rolled down his face. She had never been a person who loved to cry, but ever since he met Fang Shaobai, in just a short night, she couldn't help but cry.    


She raised her head and looked at Fang Shaobai.    


"Silly girl, what are you crying for, don't cry anymore. I found a very good medicinal ingredient and I'll apply it on you later. I'll guarantee you will be fully recovered in an hour!"    


Fang Shaobai laughed softly as she wiped away the tears on Tang Wei's eyes. Then, she picked up his socks and carefully helped Tang Wei put them on.    


Tang Wei allowed him to wear whatever she wanted, while tears flowed uncontrollably down her face. At the same time, she revealed a brilliant smile, as bright as the morning sun.    


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