Almighty Conceited Sovereign

C512 Not only did he not eat the meat, he even made himself look coquettish!

C512 Not only did he not eat the meat, he even made himself look coquettish!

He didn't get any meat, so he got into a ruckus!    


Tian Luo City had been a famous ancient city that shook the heavens for thousands of years. It was not because of a long history, nor was it because of some famous historical site, but because of the terrifying god that resided in this ancient city, the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Cities, Du Wancheng.    


Du Wancheng was born and bred in the Tian Luo City, and the Du Family that she belonged to was originally a small family. They could be said to be poor farmers for generations, and if they did not eat their fill, they would not even get dressed warmly.    


However, on that day, when a Cloud Sea Sect Elder who passed by the Tian Luo City discovered Du Wancheng's astonishing cultivating talent and brought him to the Cloud Sea Sect, an earth-shattering change happened to the Du Family.    


First, he got rid of his identity as a tenant, then he opened a teahouse, sold cloth, and started a business. Next, he opened a market to sell the martial arts cultivation necessities.    


In a short few decades, the Du Family had developed at a crazy rate and quickly became one of the few families in the Tian Luo City, becoming one of the five Great Leaders of the Tian Luo City.    


While people were still feeling jealous and envious of the Du Family for making a miracle out of dozens of years, in the decades that followed after, the Du Family had actually chased and killed all the other families in Tian Luo City and forcefully turned the Tian Luo City into the Du Family's territory.    


In the entire Tian Luo City, there was only one voice, and that was that of a family. Anyone who dared to disobey would be destroyed.    


And the reason why all of this happened was because of Du Wancheng. In a short hundred years, the Du Wancheng that everyone could laugh at had turned into a respected Martial Emperor with a shake of her body.    


This was the Martial Emperor!    


The strongest warrior under the Martial Saint, was so terrifying that ordinary people could not even begin to fathom him. People only needed to know that the Tian Luo City had changed her surname to Du. As long as the Thousand City Emperor was still alive, no one could overthrow the tyranny of the Du Family.    


Thousands of years had passed in the blink of an eye, yet Emperor Wan Cheng was still as robust and robust as ever without the slightest traces of his old age. In the eyes of the new Martial Emperor, he was simply a terrifying god. No one knew how powerful he was right now, and no one knew how powerful his cards were.    


He only knew that out of the seven major sects of the Celestial Desolate Domain, no matter who it was, if it wasn't for the great enmity between life and death, no one would be willing to provoke Du Wancheng.    


It had been many years since this great deity had shown his face.    


Rumor has it that the Thousand City Emperor is already preparing to break through the legendary realm of Martial Saint. He had long since ignored the matters of his family. To him, the matters of his family were nothing more than trivial matters. Even if an ordinary direct descendant were to be killed, it would not alarm him.    


Even within the Du Family, there were only a handful of people who could meet the Thousand City Emperor, and that was not something they could see whenever they wanted to.    


However, tonight …    


This was an extremely ordinary dark night, but from within the Du Family, from the depths of the back mountain, came a furious roar.    


This roar was like the thunder of the ninth heaven, not only did it explode within Du Family Villa, it even instantly enveloped the entire Tian Luo City.    


Under the terrifying pressure, no matter if it was the strong warriors of the Du Family or the people from the Tian Luo City, they were all pressed down by this pressure and crawled on the ground.    


At this moment, there was only one thought left in everyone's mind, the wrath of the Great Emperor!    


Yes, other than the legendary Emperor of the Du Family, who else could suppress the entire city with a single roar?    


But, what kind of matter could actually enrage a God that hadn't shown up for so many years?    


Could it be that someone snuck into the Du Family and started a massacre, exterminating the descendants of the Myriad City Emperor?    


How was this possible? The Du Family did not only rely on the fame of the Thousand City Emperor to become strong. Under the guidance of the Myriad City Emperor for thousands of years, the Du Family had long since become a huge and powerful family with many talents. Who would have the ability to enter the Du Family Villa and massacre?    


That was a joke, alright?    


But what was it?    


No one knew, because after the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Cities's angry roar, it immediately subsided. Not to mention the people from Tian Luo City, even the Du Clan disciples were confused.    


That night, only a few of the big shots of the Du Family knew that after the Thousand City Great Emperor roared, a Du Family elite who had been in seclusion for a long time came out. Following that, that Du Family elite brought four Martial King s out of the Tian Luo City overnight, heading straight for the distant Falling Star City.    


Falling Star City, Xiao Family Mansion, Inner hall.    


The Martial King was the seat of honor for Xiao Nutian, and all the important members of the Xiao Family were gathered together. Other than that, there were four more people with extreme weight.    


Xiao Nutian's face turned gloomy, especially looking at Four Great Patriarchs, there was an undisguised killing intent in his eyes, at that moment, he truly wanted to kill all four of them.    


Obviously, in order to take over the Liu Family's assets, these four cunning fellows took the initiative to approach the Xiao Family. What does this mean? This is clearly a wolf's ambition, are they planning to eat even his own Xiao Family?    


Damn it!    


If not for these 4 restless dogs, would Xiao Nutian not have known the truth and accidentally injured Du Junlin?    


Thinking about this, Du Junlin's heart was once again set on fire.    


Originally, Xiao Nutian was prepared to go into the forest tonight to use the "Soul Search of the World" soul technique to find out where Fang Shaobai was, and avenge his son Xiao Luohe. Things were so simple, who knew that before he could even find Fang Shaobai, he would first sense a bizarre fluctuation, and after curiously checking for a bit, he actually accidentally injured Du Junlin.    


If not for the crisis, these four old guys would have rushed over in time and exposed Du Junlin's identity, causing Du Junlin to die.    


But would Xiao Nutian be grateful to these four restless old fellows? Impossible, if these four bastards were serious, they would have long arranged for people to notify the Xiao Family when Du Junlin came, and then there wouldn't be such a huge misunderstanding.    


"Sky Emperor, please don't be angry, this is really a misunderstanding. Young Master Jun Lin from the Bright King was in a hurry to catch Fang Shaobai and that Nocturnal spirit, we could only follow him, and in our desperation, we forgot to inform you."    


The Blue sky lion obviously knew that Xiao Nutian had a strong killing intent and was afraid. It could only speak slowly and hide its strength, pushing some of the blame onto Du Junlin. No matter how awesome Xiao Nutian was, it didn't dare to find trouble with Du Junlin at this moment.    


How could Xiao Nutian not know what the Blue sky lion was scheming? He sneered in his heart, a few fools, did they really think that they could climb onto the Tian Luo City's Du Family so easily?    


If one didn't have a certain level of insight, one wouldn't even know the mysteries of the world. Xiao Nutian knew about the hidden tyranny of the Falling Star City, but he could not point it out. At this time, what was more important to him was to dispel the misunderstanding. Unless he had no other choice, he did not want to provoke the Tian Luo City's Du Family.    


"Then according to you, what should we do now?" Xiao Nutian said coldly.    


The Blue sky lion already had a plan, "Sky Emperor, the biggest problem in this matter is not that you accidentally injured the Bright King, nor did you kill a Du Family Wu Zong, but a monkey-face. According to the Bright King, the monkey-face was sealed by the Ten Thousand City Great Emperor. If something were to happen to the monkey-face, the Ten Thousand City Great Emperor would immediately notice it even if he was ten thousand kilometers away. "    


With that, he looked at Xiao Nutian with a profound look in his eyes, "So, I'm afraid you will have to personally go to the Sky Emperor to help Bright King find the monkey-face, in order to remove the misunderstanding."    


Hearing that, Xiao Nutian was furious, he immediately slammed the table and stood, a wave of killing intent immediately enveloping the Blue sky lion, the immense pressure almost scattered the Blue sky lion's soul, the difference between Martial King and Martial King was like the difference between clouds and mud.    


"Blue sky lion, what do you mean? Are you saying this emperor killed the Du Family's Wu Zong and took away the Du Family's monkey-face?"    


The Blue sky lion was frightened out of its wits and sat down on the ground. Its face was as pale as paper, submissive and said, "Don't not be angry, Sky Emperor. Don't misunderstand, that's not what I meant."    


Although she said that, the Blue sky lion clearly didn't believe that Xiao Nutian didn't take the monkey-face away. It had to be known that the speed of Du Junlin's Light Element was incomparably terrifying. From the moment she had sensed that something had happened to the monkey-face, he had immediately rushed over and rushed over, arriving at the scene in just a short five breaths of time.    


In such a short period of time, it was simply not possible for ordinary people to successfully kill an incredibly strong Du Family's Wu Zong and take away their monkey-face. At that time, only Xiao Nutian was present, and he had even had his head blown off by a fire type martial skill, which matched perfectly with Xiao Nutian's. There were so many coincidences, if they said that Xiao Nutian did not kill them for the treasures, who would believe it?    


Xiao Nutian's heart was filled with hatred. monkey-face s, they were a rare and unique beast that was priceless. If he really was captured and provoked the Du Family, then he would recognize it. With the monkey-face in his possession, he had a bit of confidence in solving the Du Family's problem, and even obtained a large amount of benefits.    


However, the problem was that he had never seen the monkey-face before, yet people thought that he was the one who took it away.    


"Ah, no! Clan Head, those people from the east wing left."    


Just then, a Xiao Family guard rushed into the inner hall in a panic.    




Xiao Nutian's expression changed, he had brought Du Junlin back to the Xiao Family to treat her injuries in a timely manner just to resolve the misunderstanding. Du Junlin left just like that, didn't she already know that she was the one who kidnapped the monkey-face?    


'It's over, it's over! I haven't eaten any meat yet and I've actually made a fool out of myself! '    


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