Super Weapon Swap System

C3287 Hurricane Rescue 2

C3287 Hurricane Rescue 2

4The first and second units of the Sea Wolf Assault Team, 20 men, are ready to go, and in the details of preparing the weapons, let a lot of fans watch and cheer.    


The Sea Wolf Assault Team used the Type 90 rifle, which was the 6. 8 mm assault rifle, M249 general machine gun, M21 sniper rifle, 40 mm LG5 grenade Launcher (This thing looks like a super large rifle. It could be equipped with a standard 400mm grenade, a bullet drum that could be fired multiple times, a unique looking computer automatic scope, a laser range finder, an AT4 portable one-time rocket launcher, two portable air defense missiles, C4 explosives, and other weapons. After sorting out the equipment, everyone boarded two Tilt Rotor Aircraft. They headed to the Mission Area.    


Just as the Tilt Rotor Aircraft arrived at the port of the country, due to the lack of time, the evacuation of the foreigners can be counterattacked, but on the contrary, it must be avoided. This was to avoid a diplomatic conflict. The Sea Wolves Assault Team quickly got off the plane and drove two 6x6 high-speed operating chariots from the Tilt Rotor Aircraft. This was the domestic "Mountain Cat" Mobile Platform. A fire support vehicle: Equipped with 25mm double-tube high-leveled Cannons, 7.62mm six-tube Gatling Machine Gun, 40 mm grenade Launcher, Rapid Assault Vehicle: Equipped with 12. A 7mm heavy machine gun, a 7.62mm common machine gun.    


The military fans were watching to their heart's content.    


Fortunately, before they entered the city, they encountered the outpost of the government forces. Liu Rui took out the official documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Han Country, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of that country, and the Ministry of Defense's diplomatic and armed forces. A colonel and officer of the government forces called his superior. After confirming the authenticity of the documents, not to mention letting the Sea Wolves Assault Team in, when he found out that there were still a lot of friends from Han Country staying in the city, the colonel called Li asked his adjutant Captain Arslan to be his guide. He led four "Tai Tra" heavy trucks and two BTR-80 armored vehicles to accompany Hailang into the city and helped to pick up the foreigners from Han Country.    


Liu Rui expressed his gratitude to Colonel Li, while Li laughed loudly. He expressed that Han Country was really a good friend, not those from Western Countries with ulterior motives. Han Country's long-term insistence on equal and mutually beneficial diplomatic means won the greatest goodwill of the country. This kind of diplomatic result had won precious aid for the Sea Wolves Assault Team.    


The convoy was led by a BTR-80 armored vehicle. A BTR-80 armored vehicle covered the rear, while the Sea Wolves Assault Team drove two "Mountain Cat" high-speed operating vehicles to protect the four heavy trucks.    


The vehicles drove on the highways that were constantly moving up and down, and wherever they saw them... This country, which was famous for its prosperity and beauty in the past, had become hell on earth. The team members were all in a very heavy mood. They held their weapons tightly in their hands. They looked at the area that was filled with smoke and gun sounds. Assault Hand Zhang Tiande peeled a few candies and put them into his mouth to chew to ease the tension.    


Just as Liu Rui contacted the embassy Staff, the convoy was about to enter the embassy area. In front of the security checkpoint at the periphery of the embassy area, an RPG-7 rocket projectile accurately hit the BTR-8 armored vehicle that was the vanguard vehicle. A large number of the surrounding government soldiers fell down, and the scene was in chaos. The anti-government armed forces launched a new round of attack on the envoy area. There were armed militants attacking the security checkpoint. At the critical moment, under the lead of Captain Liu Rui, the Wave Assault Team... Without fear, he quickly took over Captain Arslan's command and took over the remaining intact BTR-80 armored vehicle (equipped with a 30mm Cannons and a 7.62 mm machine gun) and a 25mm double-tube high-leveled Cannons, 7.62 mm six-barrel Gatling Machine Gun, and a 4mm grenade Launcher's firepower support vehicle. Using the firepower and range advantage of the weapons, they destroyed the surrounding buildings and the anti-government forces at high altitudes. At the same time, the high-powered vehicle moved forward and used its high mobility to support the vehicle. The 7-mm heavy machine gun and a 7.62-mm common machine gun attracted the attention of the anti-government forces.    


At this moment, the members of the Wave Assault Team had occupied the high ground of the building with machine guns. They helped the fire support team repel the attack of the anti-government forces. The militants were unwilling to fail and forced a few civilians to sit on self-detonated vehicles. They intended to destroy the security outpost of the embassy. Faced with such a worrying situation, although they understood the innocence and misery of the civilians who were forced to carry out suicide missions. However, Captain Liu Rui still ordered to focus fire on the self-destruct vehicle. Sniper Zhao Shun even personally operated the LG5 grenade Launcher to blow up a self-destructing truck that came face to face.    


The scene of the explosion made people's blood boil.    


The detonation of the car was stopped, causing the momentum of the attack of the non-government militants to drop. The four heavy trucks also took the opportunity to quickly drive into the embassy area, loading all the foreigners from Han Country and almost a hundred people from the embassy, Staff. Two high-speed vehicles and one BTR-80 armored vehicle protected the four heavy trucks as they rushed out.    


Along the way, the anti-government forces chased after the motorcade, and along the way, they fired continuously. Chen Lai, who was operating a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun on the high-speed vehicle, was suddenly hit by a stray bullet and blood gushed out. Lying in Zhao Shun's arms, Zhao Shun ripped open the first aid kit in a hurry. As the convoy was in an emergency mode, they could not stop to treat Chen Lai's injuries. In the end, this cheerful sunny boy still swallowed his last breath in the arms of his comrades. Zhao Shun hugged his brother. Tears silently flowed down his face... (Here comes the song Final Battle)    


Finally, the convoy safely entered the port area and faced the large number of anti-government militants chasing after them. "The 'Kunlun' landing ship and 'destroyer 170' did not hesitate to use the heavy firepower on the warship, including the 127mm Naval Gun, the 7 tube 30 mm automatic Gatling anti-air cannon, and the 122mm rocket launcher to blow up the anti-government forces chasing after them. The crisis was resolved. The foreigners and the embassy Staff of Han Country were safely sent to the landing warship.    


Zhao Shun was still holding Chen Lai's cold body, holding his hand and murmuring, "I'm going home, I'm going home..."    


Hai Lang did not have the time to grieve over the loss of his comrades, but the matter was not over yet. Just as they were covering the retreat of the Han, the division received reliable news that there were Han people hostages and foreign hostages being held in the inland desert by terrorists. As the civil war in the country gradually became intense and out of control, warlords slaughtered civilians and kidnapped foreign hostages to extort ransom. In the region, this was something that happened almost every day. Five tourists from Han Country, employees of the Hua capital organization, and many western people did not manage to withdraw in time and were kidnapped and taken hostage by the local armed forces. Among them, there was a reporter who supported the local public welfare services, Leena Kandrick. She was the daughter of a British Senator and was detained there. Fortunately, the armed forces were not aware of her true identity and were only treating her as an ordinary foreign hostage. As Y Country was not welcomed by other countries in these regions, many extremist organizations hated Y Country very much. That was why the militants hated ___. Through diplomatic operations and friendly talks, which was also an exchange of interests, Y Country requested help from Han Country. Therefore, the Han Country government decided to send an elite navy, the Special Force, to sneak into the desert to rescue our hostages and foreign hostages.    


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