Super Weapon Swap System

C639 Qin Guan Was Furious

C639 Qin Guan Was Furious

0Qin Guan was very angry.    


The commander's words stunned Qin Guan for a moment.    


That's right, the commander had recently received a lot of reports. This report had a common purpose: to sue Qin Guan.    


Qin Guan did not have any confidence in the domestic military industry. He had always been confident in the military industry. He had been trying to make the country powerful and powerful by buying. It is impossible to build on the basis of external purchases. And... At the same time, external military purchase would also destroy the military industry of the country!    


It was impossible for the report to be anonymous. Looking at the source of the report, the commander's heart was clear. However, he still wanted to hear Qin Guan's opinion.    


After all, the outside world did not know that Qin Guan had provided the country with 300 tons of gold reserves. If the country wanted to buy weapons and use gold, they had the ability. They only saw that the country had to use gold reserves in order to buy weapons. They started cursing behind their backs.    


Qin Guan, this buying class and buying officials, he destroyed the country's military industry with one hand!    


Qin Guan touched his nose. That's right, this matter was really funny.    


Did he destroy the military industry of the country? On the contrary, it was because of his hard work, in just two years' time. The domestic military industry began to soar. The first third-generation Main Battle Tank. They had all been finalized for military service and were all domestically produced. At this time, he had even been criticized as a buying class. He could really take the blame.    


"Especially when it comes to Aeromotor." The commander continued, "They have been reporting on the progress of their Turbofan 6 almost every day. I have also roughly looked at them. Their data is very high. Since our self-developed engine can meet the requirements, why do we still need to rely on the outdated second-generation engine? "    


Qin Guan knew about the Turbofan 6 project in his heart. Perhaps it was because of his pride that many people supported this engine.    


Among them, there were 6611 engines, and also 6,03 engines. Their plan was to use Turbofan 6. Even if it was the Fierce Dragon, after Turbofan 6's failure, they had been waiting for the 10th Turbo Fan.    


If General Liu had not slammed the table at that time and forced the 6611 units to change into their Third Uncle, perhaps the Fierce Dragon would have died on the engine.    


To be honest, the Turbofan 6's engine at that time was very futuristic. It was not far from the F100 and AL31 developed by Y Country and Bear Country at the same time. However, the performance of this engine was unstable, and the technology was not advanced. In the end, it became trash and was forgotten.    


There was no record of this engine being malfunctioning for more than 50 hours. It was inevitable that it would dismount.    


From the imitation of the Spey, Turbo Fan 9, the development of domestic scientific research had fallen into a huge contradiction and problem of self-research and introduction. It could be seen from the failure of the Taihang and Kunlun engines.    


In history, during the honeymoon period in the 1980s and Y Country... The country did not have the money to import, nor did it have the technology to digest other people's technology. After a heated discussion about the introduction of the Su 27SK, the domestic engine fell into a very awkward situation. There was no qualified third-generation Turbofan Engine that could be used by J-10 and J-11!    


The most foolish among them was none other than the blueprint and production line for the full set of the AL31 engine that was supposed to be imported into Bear Country. However, a certain Engine Factory family in the country requested that they not import it. It would destroy our own engine development ability. In the future, the domestic Turbofan Engine would definitely belong to the Equipment Department team...    


They patted their chests loudly. What was the result?    


Whether it was Karakorum or Taixing, the domestic series of engines looked good, but in reality, it was a mess.    


Thus, under the circumstances that they had no choice, Han Country continued to import no less than 300 Third Uncles from Bear Country! If they had directly imitated third aunt's husband back then, they could save about 3 billion hawk dollars. Moreover, they would not be restricted by Bear Country in terms of engines.    


Moreover, the Bear Country after that had seen the abilities of the Han Country clearly. They refused to provide Third Aunt's production line and blueprints. No matter how high the price was, it would not work.    


The Turbofan Engine, which the people of the Air Force-navy had placed too much hope on, had gone crazy during an internal meeting in 2009. All the big shots of the Air Force-navy had focused their firepower on the manufacturers and units who were developing the engine.    


With more than 20,000 big and small problems, the pilots did not dare to pilot the aircraft that was fitted with the engine!    


At the same time, as a research unit, they were even more unwilling to do so. Your requirements were so high, and you needed it urgently. You also had to work hard to present gifts during important holidays. How could you possibly get better?    


Everyone was arguing, but they still could not solve the problem. After calming down, the military and the research unit compromised. They established a special task force to rectify the 20,000 or so problems listed in the army. It was only in 2015 that the performance of the Taihang Group finally stabilized. From 2016 onwards, it started to reduce the number of Third Uncles that imported into Bear Country.    


Even so, he only dared to put it on the double hair J-11. The double hair Fierce Dragon was still used by Third Uncle-in-law. After all, if one of the double hair had malfunctions... There was also a guarantee that if it was a single hair ___, the engine would malfunction... That would be terrible.    


Qin Guan was well aware of this history. So, how could Qin Guan bet on the Turbofan 6 that was destined to fail?    


However, Qin Guan never thought that the other party would be so persistent that he would even bring the war of saliva to the commander.    


Qin Guan couldn't help but reveal a cold smile, "Commander, if you have time, I suggest you go and take a look at the reporting Engine Factory. Don't look at their report. Let them start the engine. See if their own engine can operate stably for three hours. If it can rotate continuously for three hours, then I'll support it. If they can't even stabilize for three hours, then don't force them."    


Qin Guan cursed. He could no longer hold it in.    


'Am I a buying class? ' 'If I bought it, you guys would have gotten off your horses long ago. If I were to play tricks on you guys, who would be better off?'    


'I am open and honest, and I still have hope. What if you guys really get it done? ' Who knew that I do not have technical skills? This is a good verbal battle, and you even call me a buying class?    


Originally, I did not intend to expose them for fraud. Who would have thought that they would actually fire at me at the supreme commander. Then, of course, I have to expose everything that I should expose.    


The commander had a lot of work to do every day, so he might not be able to observe the situation on the spot. The commander relied on the leader of the Ministry of Aerospace Industry. Those leaders and the person who had reported him were all wearing the same pants.    


"I'm sorry, commander. Please forgive my rudeness." Qin Guan continued, "If you don't have time, I suggest that the leaders of the air force go over. Look at their engine test. I will do it. I have no selfish motives. I just want the model to continue smoothly. "    


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