Super Weapon Swap System

C605 The Truth Is Disproved

C605 The Truth Is Disproved

4Of course, Qin Guan wouldn't object to it. He didn't know any of the people present. Sitting here was because they were looking up to him. He had to have a look.    


Qin Guan just quietly flipped through the materials on the side, waiting for a long introduction and debate. Finally, the second project of J-8 was finished.    


During this period, President Koo also made a speech, explaining the broad future of the J-8 2, and so on and so forth. He made all the experts applaud.    


After that, it was the Turbofan 6.    


"Our Turbofan 6 was developed by us after all. Only by developing ourselves can we develop. If we rely on buying, we can't buy advanced national defense."    


These words sounded very pleasing to the ears. However, when they recalled what they had seen at the 4410 factory a few days ago, the air force generals present were not that happy.    


We can support and wait, but we absolutely don't want to be fooled.    


"In order to catch up with the progress, the 4410 factory made some mistakes, and there were serious fraud. This matter has been severely criticized in Aviation Industry Agency. After our criticism and education, they have also realized the mistakes. We have decided to continue to work hard and strive to make Turbofan 6 into the fighting spirit of our aviation industry. "    


Mo Section Chief's words made the faces of the Air Force members ease up.    


Next, it was to continue to mention the performance indicators of the Turbofan 6 and its improvements. In short, after the improvement, the Turbofan 6 was the most advanced engine in the Han Country. It was to meet the power requirements of the military aircraft in the future and could be equipped with the advanced aircraft of their own side.    


Thus, the morning's meeting passed in this kind of discussion.    


In the afternoon, they continued with a few projects until dusk. When even Qin Guan started to feel drowsy, it was finally Fierce Dragon's turn.    


"Alright, there are still 15 minutes until the end of the meeting. We will give the 6611 Institution 15 minutes. We will ask them to introduce the progress of their imitation Fierce Dragon."    


Alright, the long and smelly meeting, the previous ones... Qin Guan did not want to hear it at all. He had talked for so long. Now, it was finally time for the most important Fierce Dragon project. In the end, only 15 minutes were left. And then the meeting ended?    


Qin Guan's face was already very ugly, but Elder Soong was very natural. It seemed like he had seen this kind of treatment many times.    


"Our Fierce Dragon Fighter is a third-generation project aimed at the future era. It uses a duck style layout and a relaxed, calm, and stable design. It is now in the Mech. We have made breakthroughs in the aviation field. At the end of the year, we will be able to conduct a test flight for the entire aircraft..."    


Elder Soong seized the 15 minutes to explain in detail. In his hand was a Fierce Dragon model which he explained to everyone.    


When the Aircraft Belly entered the air, it would bring about an increase in the performance of the big angle. It would allow the aircraft to increase its mobility by a level. When it was not powerful enough, it would have to rely on the air movement to make up for it.    


The generals on the stage listened very attentively.    


Elder Soong also went on and on. After more than 20 minutes of introductions, the people in the air force and the various leaders listened very attentively.    


"No matter how the J-8 is improved, it is still a Second-generation Aircraft project. The Fierce Dragon research and development allowed us to officially step into the third-generation plane." When Elder Soong finished speaking, Qin Guan finally interrupted.    


Is the meeting about to end? Of course not. The official debate had just begun.    


Qin Guan started the topic.    


"For our air force, what we need the most is a high-speed assault, long-distance interception, and close-range combat ability. It's already outdated, right?"    


"Of course not. Look at the monkey battlefield, the F4 ghosts from the Second-generation Aircraft. How big of a loss is it? The fighter gangs in Y Country were all reflecting on their mistakes, the third generation plane of Y Country. Which one of them did not value fighting ability and represented the theory of energy mobility? The high altitude in the past was the mistake."    


Qin Guan's flag was clear and distinct, and he had the feeling of a group of Confucians arguing.    


It was true that one needed to speak louder when one was in a right place. The meeting now was to discuss the future equipment of the air force. If we don't give 6611 a chance now, what are we waiting for? Were they going to let the 6601 Air Force Corporation continue to control all the funds?    


Qin Guan was fiercely arguing with the experts below. Even though Qin Guan was sitting on the platform, the experts below weren't afraid of him at all. When they discussed, they were at loggerheads.    


General Zhang and General Liu were also interested. Qin Guan was here as if he had slept for a day. Both of them were very curious. Why did they call Qin Guan here? They were here to refute the truth.    


Now, Qin Guan had started his own opinion. Let's not talk about anything else, let's talk about who to focus on. Putting aside the third-generation opportunity, he still wanted to spend a huge amount of money on repairing a Second-generation Aircraft?    


Even if he could get 10% more of the 6,611 J-7's funding, it was still good. If he did not reach an agreement with Coconut Jujube Country and give them a batch of J-7, then the 6,611 J-7 simply did not have enough research funding.    


"Zhang, say something." In the midst of the debate, the Air Force personnel had not participated and had not made their stance clear.    


(Two General Zhang. On the platform is General Zhang, who is in charge of the national defense industry. Below him is the Air Force Commander, General Zhang. He is now the Air Force Commander.)    


Hearing the voice, General Zhang knew it was time for him to express his stance.    


What kind of Air Force should he support?    


That's right. The process of replicating the Fierce Dragon went very smoothly. It was aimed at the F-15, F-16, and other third-generation machines. As for the J-8, no matter how it was modified, it was still the foundation of the Second-generation Aircraft.    


However, the J-8 gave the Air Force the long-range intercepting ability that they needed the most. The biggest threat to the air force was the Counterfire bomber. Now, after all, the Bear Country did not have a third-generation fighter, the main force of the air force in the Bear Country. They were also like MiG 23 and MiG 25.    


The Fierce Dragon was advanced, but the Fierce Dragon was not urgently needed. The J-8 was urgently needed, but General Zhang also knew about the 6601. Relying on them? He did not know how long they would need to deal with these people. They even dared to forge the data of the Turbofan 6's 150-hour long test drive, relying on them. The Air Force would have a lot of trouble in the future.    


"What we need the most is the male cat fighter aircraft." General Zhang could not help but say this.    


The male fighter jet, combined with the long distance Undying Bird Missile, was what the Air Force urgently needed. However, the Y Country was asking for an exorbitant price, and they did not have enough financial strength. If they took another path, it would be like giving the entire army to the Y Country. It was something they couldn't bear.    


After returning, General Zhang reported the proposal regarding the Y Country. As expected, the higher ups had decided on it almost the same day. This kind of exchange of benefits... That was absolutely impossible. One must not be short of ambition when one was poor. If they could not do it overseas, then they had to rely on their own country.    


When General Zhang said this, many people could not help but sigh.    


That's right, how good would it be if there was a male cat! Unfortunately, they didn't get anything from the trip to Y Country.    


"Regarding the Male Cat Fighter, I do have an idea. I can buy a batch of it at an extremely low price." At this moment, Qin Guan suddenly spoke.    


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