Super Weapon Swap System

C646 There Are Always More Ways than Difficulties

C646 There Are Always More Ways than Difficulties

0"Thank you very much for the helicopter to pick us up, little gift, no respect." Qin Guan said to the flying engineer.    


The scholar translated the gift as he handed it over.    


This was a bearded Parthian People. The other party's eyes were still on the various instruments as he carefully observed them. At the same time, he used the corner of his eye to glance at it and was immediately delighted.    


The tea leaves that were packed into a metal box looked at the old man's head and knew that the quality of this tea was not bad. His face was filled with a smile. "Thank you very much."    


There was no reason not to accept such a gift. The Parthian People was warm and hospitable, and would often give gifts to guests. At the same time, if someone gave them a gift, they would gladly accept it and then return the gift.    


Especially since the Parthia didn't produce tea leaves, but the Parthian People liked drinking tea. Then, the tea leaves from the Han Country were their favorite.    


The bearded Parthian People took off his watch and said, "It's a small gift. If you don't accept it, please accept it."    


Exchange gifts was not considered bribery. At the same time, the other party's watch was definitely much more valuable than a can of tea leaves, making the Elementary Scholars feel a little embarrassed.    


"Take it, my brother." The other party said, "If you don't take it, I will think that you are unwilling to make friends with me."    


Thus, the Elementary Scholar could only accept it.    


Just like the men in the future who liked to hand out cigarettes when they met, this was a form of communication. After exchanging gifts, the atmosphere became very friendly.    


There were almost no single helicopters, such as large Chinook helicopters. It was a three-man driving system. The one in front was the one in the driver's seat, the one in the driver's seat, the one in the driver's seat, the one in the driver's seat, the one in the driver's seat, the one in the driver's seat, the one in the driver's seat. The pilot and the co-pilot were mainly responsible for piloting the aircraft. After all, if it was just one person, it would be too tiring.    


The person sitting at the back was an air engineer or a Mechanic. He was in charge of monitoring the normal operation of the various mechanical parts of the plane. At the same time, if there was any danger in the air, he could directly eliminate it.    


This was also a configuration of a normal helicopter. Even in the future, in Han Country, Wuzhi Jiu, the first two pilots, and a random engineer followed behind.    


When the helicopter flew normally, his workload was much smaller. Now, Qin Guan looked at the instruments and said, "I really admire you technical staff for taking care of the plane so well. By the way, does this plane still have sufficient parts to protect it? "    


Hearing Qin Guan's words, the bearded man looked very serious. "Yes, now we will rely on consumable spare parts. When the spare parts are used up, we will use up all of them. We are afraid that we will have to stop flying, so we rarely fly. We are only moving out to pick up our friends. "    


"Thank you, our friends" Qin Guan said.    


Every time a plane took off and landed, it would consume some disposable items. At the same time, many of the mechanical parts had a lifespan of flight. When it reached a certain number of hours, it needed to be replaced.    


These planes were all manufactured by Y Country. Now that they had become enemies with Y Country, it was naturally impossible for them to obtain any spare parts from Y Country.    


"That's right. Y Country is too detestable. However, using the old saying of Han Country, methods are always more difficult than anything else." Qin Guan encouraged the other party.    


As long as he used his brain, there was still a way. In the future, the Male Cat Fighter in the Y Country all retired, while the Male Cat Fighter in the Parthia... After the Undying Bird was used up, they even carried the Hok missile into the aircraft.    


As long as he thought of a way, there would definitely be one.    


"Yeah, a way is always more difficult than a way." The other side added: "Some parts, we can try to make them ourselves. As for the other parts, we can think of ways to buy them from the international market"    


As long as there is profit, there will be bold businessmen... Even taking the risk of treason, they don't care. In the During World War II, the Y Country and the Hans Country had started a war. There were also illegal merchants in the Y Country. They sold war resources to the Hans Country.    


"I'm very willing to provide help. Perhaps we can help." Qin Guan said.    


Since the coup in Parthia, they had become enemies with Western Countries. Now, Han Country had taken the initiative to throw out an olive branch. Han Country had a very good relationship with the west. They could totally be the middleman and earn a difference in price. Anyway, they had plenty of petroleum resources. They were not short of money.    


Even if these planes could not be bought, earning money was not a problem.    


Qin Guan thought again.    


"Brother, how many people are in the family?" Since he was bored, Qin Guan continued to chat with the other party. With the help of the scholar's translation, there was no obstacle in chatting. When he got off the plane, he had already called the other party brother.    


The helicopter landed directly on the open space in front of the government building in Parthia. Here, the president of Parthia personally welcomed him.    


Parthia attached great importance to the visit of the Han people members. At the same time, because they were attacked on the way, Parthia felt even more apologetic.    


"I'm very sorry. I heard that there was a violent attack on the way here." Qin Guan sat in the living room of the government building. The floor was covered with a red carpet. He held a cup of tea and listened to the other party's words.    


"This is a conspiracy of Y Country. They are afraid that Parthia has friends. Therefore, the people of the Y Country want to ruin our friendly communication. That's why they sent out special agents to throw grenades at our fleet. We will definitely investigate this matter clearly! " Parthia's President Abel angrily said.    


That's right, most of the time, the brain is more reliable than the eyes. Who did it? It's fine as long as we can see who gets the benefits. If the Han Country's motorcade gets blown up... If the people are injured or even killed, this relationship will be covered with a shadow. They might even tell others about it. Such a situation was definitely something that the Y Country was willing to see.    


Therefore, it must be a plot of the Y Country!    


After hearing Abel's words, Qin Guan also sighed in his heart. That's right, these dwarves of the R Country were very smart. He thought they would come to the dark, but who knew they would come to the light. He had just arrived here, but they had already given him a warning.    


At the same time, no one would suspect them if they did this, as they had completely dumped the sh * t on the people of Y Country.    


If they hadn't reached a secret agreement with Y Country in advance, perhaps even their own side would have thought that the people of Y Country wanted their own lives.    


They had come here to trick the Parthian People into selling the aircraft, and to pull the teeth out of the tiger's mouth. At this time, how could the people of Y Country object? Why would they come here to cause trouble?    


But now, they could only go along with the other party's words.    


Thus, the leading diplomat, Zhang, said: "Yeah, we didn't expect such a thing to happen. However, no matter what kind of obstacles or danger it is, it won't hinder our friendly communication with Parthia. Our foreign policy is the five principles of peaceful coexistence. No one can interfere with us."    


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