Super Weapon Swap System

C637 Making Use of Their Food Crisis

C637 Making Use of Their Food Crisis

3A week passed very quickly. Qin Guan took his Brave Warrior SUV and arrived at the government building.    


This was Qin Guan's first time here. At the same time, beside Qin Guan... Major Yang kept reminding him, "Qin Guan, this time, when you see your old superior, you must be polite. You can't be like in previous meetings, contradicting whoever you want. "    


"Got it. Mr Yang, you've told me eight times on the way here. If you keep talking, my ears will get calluses. " Qin Guan said.    


Qin Guan was getting impatient. What kind of big figure had he not seen before? I have seen the Queen of Cattle Country, and she even became good friends with her son. How could I not know the severity of the matter?    


Major Yang's face was still solemn. "I won't go in. You can go in yourself. Be careful with your words."    


Qin Guan raised his head and strode forward. He had seen all kinds of people, and he had seen all kinds of leaders.    


When the door opened, there was a smiling old man inside. He was thin and weak, but his eyes were very wise, as if he could see through people's hearts with one look.    


Qin Guan's feet did not fall down. His heart... It was already raised to his head, and his mouth was about to open. Mr Yang, no wonder you reminded me so many times. The old superior kept calling him, saying that he was the commander-in-chief. Am I not mentally prepared?    


Qin Guan respected the supreme commander. He was the founding father of the country that had walked out of the war. After going through great ups and downs, as the helmsman, he led the country on the right track. The current economic development of the country was led by this old leader. Without him, there would be no future for the country.    


Qin Guan could feel his heart beating rapidly.    


"Qin Guan, come in. I've wanted to see you for a long time. I haven't had the time." The commander-in-chief sat in his chair and said with a smile. In his hand was a pen, and he was still inspecting the documents.    


"Commander, hello." Qin Guan bowed respectfully. This was a form of respect for the commander. In the future, Qin Guan would never have the chance to talk to the commander face to face. Now, Qin Guan's heart was beating very fast.    


"Qin Guan, we already know about your contribution to the country. On behalf of the country, I would like to express my gratitude to you for your great support." The supreme commander said.    


"No, that's what I should do." Qin Guan said, "Right now, the international situation our country is facing is rather subtle. We need to seize this hard-won opportunity and develop quickly. Rise in peace, I am a military personnel. I am willing to contribute to the country's military development. This is what I should do. "    


The current international situation was too special, confronting the Bear Country. Being warmly welcomed by the west, the west had opened up a lot of openings. The equipment that could be used to export to the Han Country could be used in the future. Once the Bear Country broke down, the Han Country was regarded as the biggest threat to the west. It had always been a form of resistance and all kinds of obstacles.    


Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Han Country would rise to its strongest state. By the time the Bear Country disintegrated, the Han Country would have already developed to a terrifying extent. By that time, it would be too late for the west to regret. This was Qin Guan's train of thought.    


Now, there were still ten years left. It was more than enough time.    


The commander nodded. "That's right. It's not easy for us to obtain this opportunity. We must seize this opportunity to develop, so after the serious work of the country... Y Country has finally agreed to our plan. Our relationship with Parthia... Don't anger them."    


In order to buy weapons from the Parthia, the Y Country must first agree to it. There was no other way. This was still decided by the strength of the empire. If the Y Country got angry, the opportunity for the peaceful development of the Han Country would be broken.    


The people of the Y Country can see the benefits. If we buy those Male Cat Fighter from the Parthia, it could greatly reduce the strength of the Parthia. At the same time, , Han Country bought those fighter jets, as well as the maintenance of their weapons. They still had to look for the Y Country. The Y Country could still make money.    


However, they had done a lot of work in the field of diplomacy in order to get the consent of the Y Country. Among them, there was also the wisdom of the old leader. Qin Guan also knew the purpose of the commander meeting him this time.    


The trip to Parthia was of great significance. They had to take care of all kinds of matters properly. This could be considered as an exhortation before they left, right?    


"Qin Guan, what kind of identity do you intend to have on this trip to Parthia? And how do you plan to handle this matter?" The commander asked.    


Go and buy a fighter aircraft? The problem was that they had never had such a relationship with the Parthia. Therefore, it was absolutely impossible to buy fighter jets directly. It would only arouse the suspicion of the other party.    


Qin Guan heard the question of the commander and knew that the commander was testing him. In fact, Qin Guan had been thinking seriously during this period of time. Now, he had a complete plan in his mind.    


"Now, the new government of the Parthia has been established. Then... I can represent the official status of my country and come to Parthia to conduct diplomatic work, because we have recognized the current regime of Parthia. We need to redo the handover documents. Just give me an accompanying identity. "    


Qin Guan said so, and the commander nodded. Qin Guan's idea was exactly the same as the commander's.    


"At the same time, we need to use their food crisis to carry out the preliminary transaction with them." Qin Guan continued.    


Parthia was located in Desert Area, and most of the land in the country was covered in deserts. However, the Parthia still had a superior geographical location, and it could be considered to be located in the two rivers. It had abundant water resources, but now, along with the turmoil that was happening in the Parthia, the order of their industry and commerce market was completely messed up. The civil unrest in their country caused a large number of rich people and technical staff in the agricultural processing industry to escape. And... The abandoned agricultural production facilities had caused a huge food crisis for these people.    


In the past, the food self-sufficiency rate in Parthia was very limited, but it was still enough. Now, the government of Parthia seriously lacked sufficient food, food, and light industrial products. This was a chance for Qin Guan.    


We are here to deliver food!    


Of course, selfless assistance to brothers in the same world was absolutely impossible. This was definitely a transaction.    


"As for Parthia, although they do not have enough funds, they have crude oil. Therefore, we can use this opportunity to use food and cheap light industry products as an opening to connect with the Parthian People. We have gained their initial goodwill and recognition. We are also a third world country. The Five Principles of Friendship, do not interfere with each other and mutually benefit each other. We use oil to exchange for food. We will try our best to import as much oil as possible from the Parthia. "    


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