Super Weapon Swap System

C638 The First Goal Is to Make Money

C638 The First Goal Is to Make Money

3"But we don't need that much oil now." The commander couldn't help but ask.    


In the future, Han Country replaced R Country and became the world's largest oil exporter. The safety of oil import directly affected the country's strategy.    


So, what was the use of this strategy if the country continued to push for new energy sources? It was definitely not just about environmental protection, but also about pollution. The contamination of batteries is far higher than oil, but the country still has to push forward. In fact, the deep goal was to reduce their reliance on oil.    


Even if the battery was severely weakened, even if the electric vehicle would spontaneously combust, the range of the battery was also extremely fraudulent. Under various circumstances, the country still insisted on pushing forward the new energy source, which was to get rid of their reliance on oil.    


That was in the future, and now, the country did not have a huge demand for oil. The country's oil fields were continuously mined, and the country could not use them, so they could still export them.    


Before the liberation, Han Country was labeled as a poor oil country, but the domestic geological experts did not believe it. Since the Great Qing oil fields began to produce oil, the country changed the label of a poor oil country in one fell swoop.    


Up until now, the country already had a lot of oil fields. These crude oil were more than enough for self-use. So, in 1977, the higher-ups proposed to use more coal and oil to exchange for foreign currencies. This was also the famous "oil for foreign currencies" strategy.    


In 1985, Han Country exported 360 million tons of crude oil, bringing 6.7 billion USD worth of foreign exchange to Han Country, which was equivalent to 25% of the total amount of foreign trade back then.    


In other words, the Han Country was still an oil exporter.    


This situation continued until 1993, when the Han Country changed from a petroleum exporter to an exporter. The domestic petroleum demand increased vigorously, and the annual growth rate reached 7%, from 1994 to 2000. The oil consumption had increased by 55%, and the output had only increased by 11%. Therefore, the imported amount had increased from 290,000 tons in 1994 to 70,000,000 tons in 2000.    


In 2017, the amount of crude oil imported from Han Country was 418,57,000 tons. It increased to 42 tons. 7%. With the addition of crude oil, the imported amount reached 44,921 million tons. It became the world's largest exporting country of crude oil. The cost of imported oil was 110.3 billion yuan, second only to the amount of imported oil from integrated circuits. It became the second largest exporter.    


Now, the country still had to export oil. Parthia was also an oil exporter. Under such circumstances, what was the use of imported oil from Parthia to Han Country?    


This was the thing that puzzled the commander the most. What did Qin Guan want to do by doing this?    


Wouldn't it be better to export their food and exchange it with their foreign currencies?    


"Commander, you have great foresight. You must be able to see that a terrifying war will break out in the bay." Qin Guan suddenly said.    


A war broke out in the bay?    


The commander's pupils suddenly shrank. That's right, this was also deduced by the high-level think tank in the country, but Qin Guan was so sure?    


"It's Parthia and Coconut Jujube Country, right?" The commander said.    


"Yes, commander. These two countries are both producing oil. Once they start a war, they will definitely attack each other's oil facilities. Especially Parthia, they are guarding the bay water channel. Once they take control of the bay... Then the oil from other oil-producing countries would not be able to be transported out. This way, the international price of crude oil will rise. "    


Qin Guan had a keen sense of smell. At the same time, he also had the intuition of a businessman. How could he make the most money at a time like this?    


Of course, now is the time to buy cheap crude oil and wait for the price of oil to rise before selling it.    


The influence of war on the price of oil was very important. For example, a few years ago, in October 1973, the fourth Desert War broke out. In order to deal a blow to the Great Wei Country and the Western Countries that supported the Great Wei Country, each of the oil-producing countries announced an oil embargo and a reduction in production. This caused the first oil crisis. During this period of time, the price of oil rose sharply, from 2 eagle dollars to 11 barrels. 5 RMB / barrel, OPEC began to have absolute pricing rights.    


The war between Parthia and Coconut Jujube Country caused the oil exports of the two countries to drop sharply. The severe shortage of oil in the world caused the second oil crisis. In 1980, the oil price rose to 36. 8 USD / barrel.    


After the two oil crises, with the appearance of clean energy, the OPEC market share fell, and oil prices began to fall. In 1986, the oil price plummeted to 14. 4 USD / barrel, the drop was close to 50%.    


Qin Guan suddenly remembered something. Even if he did not engage in military business, just petroleum trade, he could still make a huge profit by relying on his foresight.    


Now, most of the people in Han Country did not have a brain for the market economy. Although they were in the market economy, they could not grasp the market pulse. Qin Guan had already thought of using the oil difference to make money.    


Now, before the war broke out, they first imported large amounts of crude oil from Parthia. After the war broke out, the price of the world's crude oil would rise sharply and he would sell it at this time. It was definitely much more profitable than directly obtaining foreign currencies from Parthia. It would be at least twice the price!    


This was one of Qin Guan's plans. No matter what event it was, the first goal was to earn money!    


The commander nodded. They had considered using grain to open the first gap, but they had never thought of using grain to exchange for oil and then make another profit.    


But now, Qin Guan had thought of this plan. This plan was much better than directly exchanging for foreign currencies. Qin Guan was really a talent. Even if he did not use his super ability, just this judgment was enough to bear the heavy responsibility!    


In fact, Qin Guan's plan was inspired by the future generations. Back then, when he purchased the Su -27 fighter aircraft from Bear Country, the country also lacked foreign currencies. However, it could be offset with light industrial products. It was said that in that year, all the villages started a large-scale dog-fighting operation. Then... Many dog skin hats and other similar products were added to the L People.    


"Alright. Qin Guan, your plan can be adopted by the country." The commander said, "Let's continue to talk about the following arrangements."    


Qin Guan continued to talk about his plan. This plan was more complicated than what the commander had thought. At the same time, it also meant that it would not easily arouse the dislike of Parthia. Everything seemed to be logical.    


The commander-in-chief listened and kept nodding his head.    


After two hours, Qin Guan finally finished reporting to the commander. The commander's face was full of smiles.    


"Qin Guan, I will leave this matter to you to handle. You can do whatever you want. Even if there is a problem in the end, we will still gain something from it." The supreme commander gave Qin Guan full authority.    


"Thank you for your support, commander. I believe that I will succeed in this matter. Our air force will be able to make a huge leap and become the strongest air force in this era." Qin Guan said.    


The commander nodded. "Qin Guan, your plan is the best, but do you know? Now, many people are criticizing you, saying that you are the representative of the buying class."    


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