Super Weapon Swap System

C633 The Exit of the Flying Leopard

C633 The Exit of the Flying Leopard

2In the future, the Han Country could buy advanced weapons. For example, after the military expenses were alleviated, the navy would no longer have to live a hard life. They bought 100 Su-30 weapons in one go, and 6601 weapons. They also used the residual heat to improve the J-16 units.    


These planes all had powerful earth-to-earth attack abilities. Then, wouldn't there be no more orders for the Leopard?    


Of course not. The Leopard continued to receive orders from the navy and the air force. It even improved the Leopard Type B and continued to contribute to the motherland.    


As the fighter planes were all domestically produced, they did not use advanced technology on a large scale. For example, the expensive titanium alloy parts, so the price of the Leopard was very cheap.    


Because all of them were domestically produced, it was also easy to modify them. For example, the weapon system. If he wanted to upgrade it, he would upgrade it. Later, the Anti-ship Missile with a range of 400 kilometers was also improved by him.    


Would the Su -30 imported from Bear Country be okay? Of course not. The other person's weapon interface was not open, so he could only install his own weapon.    


After all, the other party's Exporting Weapon could be exported to the entire system at the same time and then used to earn a large sum of money. This was the other party's goal.    


Because it was cheap, Han Country could have a large amount of equipment.    


And other than large amounts of equipment, the other aspect was exporting!    


In the future, the exit of the Leopard was not good. There was a reason for this.    


Compared to Western Countries, no matter how good the performance and the cost were, it was not possible to enter the market of the occupied countries. This was an ideological problem.    


At the same time, against the countries of the third world, it was not necessary. A small country could not afford it. Rather than buying a combat aircraft, it was better to buy a fighter aircraft, such as J-7. It was cheap and in line with the national situation.    


For larger countries like the Sanctity Country and Owlet Dragon, the F16 was a multipurpose aircraft. There was no need to buy planes that were better than long-range attacks and did not fight for air rights.    


Therefore, the export of the Leopard suffered many setbacks. The main problem was not the plane itself, but that other countries did not have a suitable battlefield for this kind of plane.    


However, Qin Guan could sell it.    


This was because Qin Guan knew that in another two to three years, on the other side of Earth, a world-famous war would break out. In that war, even if there was an extra flying fish in Silver Country, the outcome of the war could be changed.    


As for Han Country, there was clearly an advanced Anti-ship Missile with the same performance as the Flying Fish Missile, C801. If he could sell this missile to Silver Country...    


There would be a high return, and the export of firearms was the most profitable. At the same time, they could also give the Han Country's weapons a resounding reputation. One should know that the Flying Fish Missile relied on this creative battle to become famous. It made money everywhere in the world of Arms Market.    


As for Cattle Navy's javelin missiles, they were completely smelly in this naval battle. In the end, Han Country lost all confidence.    


If the Leopard Fighter became famous as well, then it would be very easy to sell the Leopard.    


Yes, that's right.    


At that time, if the Cattle Country wanted to protest, it would have nothing to do with the Han Country. After all, the Han Country was sold before the war started, and the Han Country didn't know that you were going to fight.    


What? The secret of the weapon you want? Of course we can't reveal it unless we have enough benefits!    


Qin Guan had already thought of a way to cheat others. Any war was Arms Dealer's favorite.    


But if that was the case, he would need to let the Leopard enter the army ahead of time.    


In history, the Leopard was practically a difficult birth, and it almost dismounted from its horse. And during the test flight, all sorts of problems were exposed. During the first test flight, it was said that even the rudder had flown off. The entire body of the plane trembled, and even the instruments could not see it clearly. Test Pilot relied on his fearless spirit to land the plane.    


From the 1987 prototype to the 1998 design and design, a total of ten years had passed.    


It was definitely long enough. They could not wait that long.    


If they used one to two years to successfully make the Equipment Department team in 1981, then they would be able to catch up to the naval battle in 1982.    


How could they allow this plane to complete the test flight quickly and form the Equipment Department team?    


In history, because it was the first self-developed plane, the test flight of this plane had gone through many risks during the process of development. It had fallen the most, and several Test Pilot had shed blood in the sky.    


There was only one way to avoid the tragic test flight process of this plane.    


Could this be considered as pulling the seedlings and helping them grow? Qin Guan did not know either. In short, since he had come to this era and had a powerful system, he naturally had to contribute to the improvement of the equipment of his motherland.    


Enter the system!    


Han Country, the military cemetery, and the Lushan Base. Qin Guan was very familiar with this place.    


J-5, J-6, and so on, these planes could be found in Lushan Base. Then, was there a Leopard?    


Qin Guan had never seen it before in the past. Therefore, he had to search carefully this time.    


In the past, Qin Guan was unwilling to come to the system in his brain. It was because there was always a pestering guy. But now... That guy has already left my brain, and in the system... He didn't need to worry about anything anymore.    


Qin Guan could seriously search for him.    


"Rumble, rumble." At this moment, a sound came from behind him. Qin Guan turned his head and saw a 79 tank moving towards him.    


In his mind, it could be said that he relied on his imagination. In the past, Grassland Hero liked to ride horses. Later, in order to avoid arousing suspicion, he rode on a wooden horse.    


Now, Grassland Hero was interested in the tank again. At that moment, he was sitting on the top of the tank. He spread his legs and rode on the barrel of the tank.    


That's right. Anyway, the tank was just an imagination. It did not need anyone to help it, and it could also start by itself. As for the old man, riding the tank just like that was even more enjoyable than riding a horse in the past.    


The old man did not disturb Qin Guan. Just like that, Qin Guan found a plane here. Grassland Old Hero would play around the tank while playing. He said, "Quick, kill him! When we get out, we will create a new world!"    


Qin Guan suddenly frowned. This old man had been complaining about the injustice after Lisa went out. He wanted Qin Guan to go out as well. If this guy went out, he would be in big trouble.    


However, such a situation could not be repeated a second time. Even if there were loopholes in the system, it would require a huge amount of energy.    


After walking around, Qin Guan was very puzzled. Could it be that there was no retired Leopard here? This was too strange.    


In the future, although the Leopard was not as good as the J-10, the J-11 was still famous. After all, it could be considered one of the main equipment in the Han Country. Since 1998, they started to mass produce equipment. All the way until 2020, there were nearly 300 of these fighter planes produced.    


Could it be that they haven't retired yet?    


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