Super Weapon Swap System

C624 Golden Train

C624 Golden Train

4In that terrifying World War, the iron hoof of the Hans had conquered the entire Tiger Continent. At the same time, the wealth of the entire Tiger Continent had fallen into the hands of the Hans.    


For example, every country that came to this country would have their bank vault under their control. The gold in the vault would be transported back to Hans Country in batches.    


As for those among the people, they would be gathered together and sent back to the country to be melted. They would be forged into gold bars with the words "Hans Empire Bank" carved on them.    


Although most of the gold had been used up in the war, when the war ended, the amount of gold in their hands was still very considerable.    


However, no one had ever seen this batch of gold again. Their existence had become a mystery.    


Where were these gold? Some people began to think back to 1943. The Hans had already felt that the terrifying war was no longer developing in the direction they were looking forward to. Therefore, they began to make plans for the revival.    


One of the plans was to build a few giant bunkers in Siriya, which was the underground castle. These giant castles could accommodate tens of thousands of people, and they could preserve all of their elites.    


At the same time, some people believed that these underground tunnels had been built. At the last moment of the war, they were used by him and turned into "treasure caves."    


Among them, the closest theory to the truth was that these huge amounts of wealth. An armored train had been installed, and then the train had been transported to a certain tunnel. Because of the Alliance Army's aerial attack, the tunnel collapsed, and the train remained there forever.    


No one knew the exact location. In the later generations, this had already become a mystery. There were constantly people who were obsessed with it and searched for it, but they could not find it.    


Now, in Qin Guan's system, it had been accurately calculated. As Qin Guan clicked in, the scenery around him had changed.    


Qin Guan had already understood some of the principles of this system. For example, before he pressed the button, he was in the system in his brain. Now, after he pressed the button, he had been transported to the Parallel World in 2020. It was also the world that he originally lived in.    


He came to this cave.    


It was pitch black all around. Qin Guan lit up his flashlight.    


The sound of dripping water could be heard above his head. He could see that there were some hoes scattered around.    


The tunnel here had indeed collapsed. There was once a group of soldiers who wanted to move the stones above, but they attracted a bigger collapse. They were all buried underneath.    


Qin Guan continued to walk forward. After a few decades, the railway had long rusted, and the 150 meter long armored train stopped there quietly.    


In During World War II, armored trains were a terrifying thing. With a few front wheels, it was like a land cruiser. It had all kinds of weapons and powerful firepower. It could even install large-caliber train cannons. Other than the weakness of moving along the tracks, it was almost perfect.    


In comparison, how much supplies could a tank carry? Its supplies were almost unlimited, and it could take on any high-intensity battle.    


Furthermore, snatching the train station in During World War II was an important task. The armored train had a unique advantage in terms of protecting the train station.    


Qin Guan had already seen the armored train. It was a war machine from decades ago. It was still full of admirable strength. This kind of strength made Qin Guan somewhat excited.    


The two sides of the train were filled with battle carriages. Behind the front of the train were several coal boxes. Only the few sections in the middle were where the passengers lived.    


"Squeak, squeak, squeak." Qin Guan used all his strength to open the door of the middle carriage. Because it had not been opened for many years. The axis of the carriage door had already rusted, and when the door opened, Qin Guan saw a row of neatly arranged wooden boxes made by Hans's bank.    


There was a rusty Bayonet next to it. Qin Guan held the Bayonet and carefully poked it into the gap between the wooden boxes.    


"Squeak, squeak, squeak." With a similar sound, the lid of the wooden box was pried open. The rotten straw inside could be seen. Two long golden strips flickered with golden light inside.    


Qin Guan held the flashlight in his mouth and grabbed one of the golden strips with both hands. When he turned it over, he could see the indentation on the back of the stick.    


He didn't understand the Han language, so he didn't know what he was talking about. However, it was definitely the Hans's Golden Train.    


In the future, there were so many people, and after searching for so long, no one found it. As for himself, he easily found it and could even move it away immediately. This was the strength of the system.    


Cough, cough. He just thought of the current system. Why would it suddenly become obsessed with the second dimension? Qin Guan was very curious. No matter what, it was better to exchange for it first.    


"Lisa, are you done?" Qin Guan shouted.    


There was an echo from the tunnel. Are you done? Are you done? Was it done?    


"Wait, don't worry." Lisa's voice came from the end of the tunnel. "I need to adjust it again."    


Qin Guan could only sit on top of the box and lie down. He thought to himself in boredom.    


At that time, they were sealed in the tunnel. What were these people thinking?    


The empire had already been defeated, and they still had to die for the empire.    


There was a large piece of gold here, enough to make everyone go crazy for it. However, even though they were guarding so much gold, they were unable to use it to do anything. This was probably the final outcome of many treasure seekers, finding their fortune. However, their lives were also about to come to an end.    


Qin Guan thought in boredom. Then, he saw that on the other side of his head, there was a neat pile of military canned food.    


It was said that these canned food would not break for decades. How about he try it himself?    


Since he had nothing to do anyway, Qin Guan finally couldn't help but pick up a box of canned food. He wiped the rusty Bayonet on his clothes a few times and planned to open it.    


"Alright, it's done. Shall we start?" At this moment, Lisa had already walked in. She saw Qin Guan lying there and opening the canned food. She had a smile on her face. "Darling, do you want me to feed you? I can eat my own mouth first and then feed you."    


So disgusting, I don't want it. Qin Guan thought in his heart and said, "Then we will start the exchange."    


A choice box popped out in front of him. In front of the previous few buttons, there was a button added, exchange 1 + 1.    


It must be this one, click it!    


Wait, wait, wait! Why did Lisa have a meaningful smile on her face?    


This smile made Qin Guan feel a little strange and familiar. The last time he saw her expression, it seemed like she had passed on the bra. What about this time?    


Lisa had already grabbed Qin Guan's hand. She pushed forward and pressed the button. The exchange began!    


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