Super Weapon Swap System

C620 There's No Problem with Gold

C620 There's No Problem with Gold

3Foreign reserves, in simple terms, hold foreign bills.    


Because they couldn't directly print foreign currencies, there was only one way to obtain foreign currencies. Selling their own country's goods to the other party.    


The other party could use their own currency to settle the accounts. But if that was the case, there was also a risk. What if the other party's currency depreciated?    


Thus, they needed a common currency.    


The best was gold, of course. Gold was a good equivalent, but gold was not convenient to trade, so Y Country played a role at this time.    


YCountry told everyone that the difference between my Eagle Yuan and gold would not change. Then, I can use my Eagle Yuan to exchange for gold with me at any time.    


After World War, Y Country replaced the currency of Cattle Country by directly relying on gold. It became the universal currency of the world.    


Although they could not play it for a while, the people of Y Country still had other ways. They were connected to oil and maintained the property of Eagle Yuan's international circulation.    


Therefore, the reserve of foreign currencies was mainly Eagle Yuan. Of course, other than Eagle Yuan, there were also deposits in foreign banks, as well as creditors and shares, and other valuable assets.    


Usually, the highest bank in the country was responsible for the reserve and management of foreign currencies. The reserve was mainly in cash, followed by deposits in foreign banks and so on.    


In other words, as long as the Foreign Exchange Reserves Bureau in Han Country had foreign currencies, it could be used. However, if the amount was too large, there was still a risk.    


The people of Y Country were smart. They would definitely realize that the amount of foreign currencies used in Han Country was even more than what Han Country had. At that time, there would be a big problem. How did Han Country use it? Could it be that Han Country itself was printing money?    


Although those Eagle Coins were all real, the amount was not right. This would draw the suspicion of the people of Y Country. They would even forcefully put some fake Eagle Coins in Han Country.    


Generally speaking, making fake money was the practice of some organizations. It was absolutely not allowed to rise to the height of a country. A country creating fake money from other countries on a large scale was equivalent to declaring war.    


In history, only the Northern Kimchi Country was lawless and lawless. They spent some fake money on the whole world. Even the big hoodlums could not do anything to deal with the small hoodlums.    


When Qin Guan said so, the president opposite frowned. Yes, this was a very big problem.    


Qin Guan did not exchange large amounts of dead money. In the past, he only exchanged 10 million Eagle Yuan as the start-up capital. This was the reason.    


If he used too much, it would easily arouse suspicion.    


If the timeline moved a little further, in the future, it could easily be several trillion in foreign exchange. At that time, it would be more convenient. But at that time, there would be no need to trade desperately. The country had already developed into the world's largest economy. Was there still a need to worry about lack of money?    


This was a problem.    


Seeing the president frown, Major Yang said from the side, "Qin Guan, what do you think we should do to avoid this problem?"    


The thought of the president was how to explain the source of the unexpected Eagle Yuan, and to Qin Guan, that would be a higher level.    


The currency graveyard system could not only exchange Eagle Yuan, but also other currencies.    


Of course, other currencies could not satisfy the demand. The best was, of course, the initial equivalent item, which was gold!    


That's right, it was time to exchange for gold in the Gold Graveyard.    


Qin Guan smiled. "What if we use gold to exchange?"    


Hearing Qin Guan's words, the faces of the two men changed. "Gold? That's not good."    


Gold, as a currency, had a history of several thousand years. It is a real wealth, and banknotes may depreciate, but gold definitely won't. In the development of history, gold could only rise in value. Not to mention the excellent metal properties of gold, it was a must-have for all kinds of industries. Taking its financial attributes as an example, it was definitely the first.    


Any country would have gold reserves, it had a special effect in stabilizing the national economy, suppressing inflation, and raising international capital. This effect was quite significant in both developed countries and developing countries.    


The stock market could be controlled, the property market could plummet, the currency could depreciate, but the value of gold would never change.    


It could be said that gold was a type of strategic reserve. Unless it was absolutely necessary, the country would definitely not throw out its gold reserves. It could even be said that... Once a country started to crazily throw out their gold reserves, then the regime of this country... Not far from collapsing.    


Now, it was naturally impossible for Qin Guan to use gold to buy it.    


Qin Guan smiled. "What I said is, of course, not our country's original gold reserves."    


Han Country was in the early stages of the founding of the country, and it had taken over a huge mess. Later, it had absorbed gold from the people to replenish the national treasury. At the same time, the country was also mining gold. Until now, the country's gold reserves were only 300 tons.    


The amount of gold was very small. Thus, unless it was a crucial moment, the country would definitely not use gold to directly purchase it in the international market.    


However, Qin Guan knew a lot. Not to mention other things, just in the temple of White Elephant Country, there were thousands of tons of gold.    


Qin Guan had never thought of this before. After all, it was useless for Qin Guan to take the gold. It could even bring harm to the country. Qin Guan knew the principle of people dying for money and birds dying for food.    


It was a crime for an innocent man to have a treasure.    


Now that the country needed it, he could naturally help a little. Eagle Yuan did not dare to use it in large quantities. It did not matter if it was gold. Who would care if I wanted to buy things with gold?    


"Qin Guan, that is to say, you can..." Hearing this, Major Yang did not dare to continue.    


Qin Guan's ability, was too powerful! With this ability, the country could quickly develop. If there was enough gold, it wouldn't be a problem to use gold to buy things.    


Qin Guan nodded. "I don't know how much gold I can bring, but I will try my best."    


This was not because Qin Guan was modest, but because Qin Guan knew his ability. He could use waste paper to exchange for currency. Because they were all paper, but what could he use to exchange for gold? Gold for gold, that was definitely not possible.    


In the past, Qin Guan had never been worried about this matter. But now, he knew that he had to enter the system once again to study how to exchange gold.    


It had been a long time since he had entered the system. Qin Guan subconsciously avoided Lisa. Qin Guan could not stand such a woman.    


But now, he had to go in and take a look again.    


Enter the system!    


Qin Guan only needed a thought to enter the system.    


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