Super Weapon Swap System

C610 Historical Responsibility

C610 Historical Responsibility

3"Self-reliance does not conflict with the introduction of technology" General Liu stood up and slammed his hand on the table, looking at the people below.    


President Koo's meaning was that he could not bring in the technology. If he did, then the research in the country would be blind. This kind of conclusion was not correct.    


General Liu's eyes were filled with embarrassment. "We have to speed up the development of our own plane. We have to continue. But the Male Cat Fighter is a good thing. We can't do it in a short period of time. Rather than spending a lot of effort to develop something that is outdated, why don't we spend some money? Buy some technology, shorten the time, and save money. Right now, we just happen to have a suitable plan, so we need to seize this historical opportunity to buy it to fill the gap in our Air Force's existence! "    


General Liu clearly expressed his attitude." If we don't bring in the technology, don't equip it, and if there is a military war, we won't be able to do anything about it. That will be a historical responsibility, and we won't be able to explain it! "    


This was a historical responsibility! The hat General Liu had given him was definitely not low, but it was also in line with the current situation.    


Bear Country relied on the rise of oil prices in the current world to export oil to Europe, making a huge profit. Their pockets were bulging, and their ambitions were also huge. The people of Bear Country could come and interfere at any time.    


If 6601 oil could be like 666 oil, they could replicate Blue Shark at the end of the year. Then, they would be able to fly for the first time, and there would be no more interlude. The problem was that they expressed their stance with their current standards. It was impossible to replicate it.    


Since that was the case, there was a way to buy it. Why didn't they buy it? If he bought it now, in a few months, he would be able to form a combat power. This was ready-made!    


The Air Force had been looking forward to it for a long time. The Air Force could not wait any longer. The skies of Han Country required advanced Heavy Air Superiority Fighter. Once the male cat arrived, with the Undying Bird Missile, the sky would be incomparably secure.    


This was the responsibility of history!    


When Qin Guan heard this, his heart also shook.    


Qin Guan remembered this sentence. It was the exact words that General Liu had said when he introduced Su -27.    


At that time, whether or not he wanted to introduce Su -27, it was also very noisy in the country. The 6601 institute firmly opposed it. In their eyes, as long as there was J-8 2, it would be fine. What did they need the Su -27 for? Even if Su -27 was introduced, it would be produced in the 112th factory. That wouldn't do either. They just wanted J-8 2. They had to sell it to the Air Force-navy to sell large quantities of J-8 2 equipment. This was their child.    


In the end, General Liu decided that the Su -27 project would be rejected by the public just like that. In the end, it would be successfully introduced.    


General Liu was a layman because he had spent most of his life with the navy. However, General Liu had contributed a lot to the equipment of the air force.    


Not only the S20-27 project, but also the J-10 and the J-10 plan, Turbo Fan 10. That was because it had been a long time since the research and development was completed. After the introduction of Su -27, General Liu also slammed the table. Then put the Su-27 on Third Uncle. Then, he placed the J-10 on the table.    


At that time, the 6611 school was unwilling. You are clearly an amateur leader and an expert. If it was the third uncle, the entire body of the plane would have to be altered and the airway would have to be re-matched.    


The 6611 units were rejected, but in the end, General Liu slammed the table and made the decision.    


The result was that the J-10 successfully served in large numbers and survived by relying on Third Aunt's husband. As for the Turbo Fan 10, even before Qin Guan transmigrated, it had not been installed on the J-10. It had been experimenting and experimenting.    


General Liu had foresight. The current General Liu was even more clear about future aerial battles. It was not possible to rely on the J-8 2, but to bring in the advanced third-generation aircraft. Since there was a chance, why not?    


Here, General Liu slammed the table. At the same time, when he arrived at his superior's place, General Liu also had to do a lot of work.    


However, no matter how much resistance he encountered, he had to complete it, because this was a historical responsibility.    


This was the result of General Liu's foresight, considering the overall situation of the country and the current situation seriously.    


By bringing in male cats, he could immediately fill the void in the Han Air Force, and protect the sky of the motherland. At the same time, he could also lay the foundation for the future aircraft carriers. This was because male cats were originally part of the Shipboard aircraft.    


General Liu had already thought of this in advance.    


With General Liu's decision, President Koo finally did not dare to oppose anymore. It would definitely not be wise for him to contradict at this time.    


However, the 6601 department would not admit defeat because of this. How could the older brother who developed domestic military aircraft lose?    


Today's meeting had been delayed for more than two hours. Everyone's stomachs were growling with hunger. However, many people had smiles on their faces.    


"President Qin, I'll count on you this time." At the dinner table of Aviation Industry Agency, a group of air force generals surrounded Qin Guan.    


Even if General Liu had decided, even if the country agreed to pay, there was still a prerequisite. Qin Guan wanted to trick them.    


If Qin Guan could not buy the batch of Male Cat Fighter at a low price according to his plan, everything would be in vain.    


General Liu being able to agree was a very big factor in the price.    


600 million Eagle Yuan, less than 20 of them had gone to Grumman Company to buy. At the same time, this was a naked machine. If he added weapons and ammunition... In addition to the training fees, as well as the backup engines and the like... In other words, 600 million hawk dollars could buy 10 at most.    


10 of them, what was the point? Even a flying brigade was not enough. It was useless.    


And now, at the same price, Qin Guan promised to buy 79. That would be enough to station at several airports in the north. With its large flight, the entire northern airspace would be firmly guarded.    


The combat radius of the Male Cat Fighter was 700 kilometers by relying on the internal fuel. A flight regiment was about 20 planes, and if they were formed into four flying regiments, they would be able to control a long line of defense of two to three thousand kilometers.    


The air force was already impatient.    


"General Zhang, does our air force have our own little treasury?" Qin Guan asked in a low voice.    


Hearing Qin Guan's words, the Air Force Commander General Zhang immediately lowered his voice and said, "Regarding bribing Parthia, we will provide the funds. As long as we can complete this contract, our Air Force is willing to provide the funds."    


Each military species definitely had their own little treasury. When Qin Guan asked this, it was indeed as expected.    


However, Qin Guan did not want any bribery funds. This sum of money was more worthwhile to use in the northern industry.    


"If you have more funds, I can think of other good things in Parthia. We can buy them together. " Qin Guan said, "Transportation aircraft, Air Refueling Aircraft, helicopters. Right now, Parthia is extremely hostile towards the west. This batch of equipment is also evil in their eyes. It just so happens that we can copy it down. "    


The eyes of the Air Force Generals present lit up.    


"I want to take out my salary as well!"    


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