Super Weapon Swap System

C603 Are You Two so Free

C603 Are You Two so Free

5Qin Guan had never denied the Turbofan 6. Under the circumstances of being poor, the researchers of Han Country could aim at the advanced level of the world and catch up with the trends of the world. Of course, this was the most encouraging.    


The Aeromotor was originally the champion of the industry. It was not that easy to deal with it.    


Especially since Han Country had achieved industrialization. In just a few decades, they had started to advance to the top. There were bound to be failures and setbacks. A large number of researchers were still doing practical work.    


However, there were some people who would use all sorts of methods to achieve certain goals. Qin Guan would definitely reveal their true motives for such an action.    


The scientific research work could not be faked. If it was falsified now, it would ultimately harm the entire project!    


Especially the Fierce Dragon Fighter. If it did not have a mature and reliable engine, it would be a bug!    


Everyone present was embarrassed. President Koo could no longer answer. The generals of the Air Force were furious, and the leaders of Aviation Industry Agency could only come out to mediate.    


"We still need to wait for this engine project. It will mature one day. Now, we have been out for a long time. It's time to report to our superiors. Let's hold another meeting and discuss it again."    


Qin Guan had originally planned to bring them to see the Spey, but now, it seemed like they had to return home. That was good too. This time, they had been out for almost half a month. He had missed home, so it was time to go back and take a look.    


What was home?    


It was definitely not a cold house. Even if it was a villa, if there was no love, the villa would only be a house, not a home.    


Home was warm. Only when there was love would there be warmth.    


Although Qin Guan had to run back and forth due to various circumstances, he knew that no matter how far he went, there would always be someone waiting for him.    


Now, it was already two people. Apart from the wife, there was also the child.    


At this time, he would feel that home was more important. No matter how long he had been outside, as long as he had a home, there would be a peaceful harbor in his heart.    


North Industrial Company temporarily stayed in the courtyard house. When the company's performance came up in the future, it would naturally expand.    


When Qin Guan returned, it was in the afternoon. The sun gently sprinkled the sun in the courtyard house. The tree on the wall was also luxuriant. At this moment, under the tree, Chen Yutong was pushing a bamboo cart. She took the cool air while coaxing her child.    


"Ruoxi, a few months have passed. You have grown too fast. When your father comes back, he will definitely be surprised."    


Just as she was speaking, she heard the sound of a car coming from outside the door.    


Although Qin Guan was not there, the matters of North Industrial Company were still normal. There were often people coming. Chen Yutong was used to parking outside.    


However, following that, Ruoxi actually revealed a smile. She stretched out her small hand and pointed outside. Then, after holding it in her mouth for a long time, a blurry voice suddenly came from inside, "Dad!"    


That's right, it was Dad. The first voice that Ruoxi made was actually Dad?    


Chen Yutong looked up in surprise and saw the tall and burly Qin Guan walking in with big strides. Then, two big hands carried Ruoxi up.    


Qin Guan went out this time and experienced a lot. The young temperament on his body had gradually faded and became more mature. At this time, he had a smile on his face.    


Ruoxi waved her hands and wanted to pat Qin Guan's head. Her two little feet kicked even harder. Her mouth was happy and could not close. She continued to make unclear sounds of her father.    


Chen Yutong also felt a wave of excitement.    


Why did he come back so soon?    


How long would he be staying when he came back this time? Initially, they had said that they could reunite in the capital, but who would have thought that there would be so many people gathered together? Qin Guan was constantly running around.    


"He's back?" After waiting for a long time, Chen Yutong finally made a sound.    


"Yes, I am back." Qin Guan said.    


"How long do you live for?"    


"I don't know. I don't think he will be leaving soon." Qin Guan said, "By the way, are your parents here?"    


Qin Guan was still worried about the two old men.    


"They are here. They have contacted the nearby high schools. They are all busy teaching their students. Even if they get off work, there are still many students asking questions. Every day when they get home, it will be dark." Chen Yutong said.    


Now, it was only two years before the college entrance exam was restored. In these ten years, there were so many people who wanted to take the college entrance exam to change their destiny. The two elders were busy every day.    


Therefore, the task of taking care of the child fell on Chen Yutong. The Treasure Mother at this time was not as pampered as the future generations. She took care of the child. Baptism. She was good at diapers, cooking, and so on. At the same time, since Chen Yutong lived here, she could only help a few new employees. Receive all the guests, register, and so on.    


"Oh, the separation between these two is better than the marriage." At this moment, Xiang Jing and the Elementary Scholar followed in. The Elementary Scholar parked the car and was a few steps behind. Xiang Jing was already teasing, "Ruoxi, sleep with the godmother tonight. Let them have the time. You will have a brother very soon."    


Xiang Jing was open-minded. When she said this, Chen Yutong's face turned red. Qin Guan saw Xiang Jing carrying the child over and continued to ask, "During this period of time, did anything happen?"    


It was already time to get off work. A few new employees had already left. Major Yang seemed to have something to do these few days and did not come either.    


When Qin Guan asked this, Chen Yutong naturally knew that it was about work. She immediately said, "They are all placed on the office table. There is a weapon export project with Coconut Jujube Country. There's a development project for Han Chip Technology Company and so on. They are all waiting for you to deal with it."    


Chen Yutong was only in charge of handing them over. These contents were all top secret and Chen Yutong did not flip through them at all.    


After going out for a while and dragging out a lot of things, Qin Guan could only walk into his office.    


The lights in his office lit up. In an instant, it was midnight. Qin Guan rubbed his eyes and returned to his room.    


"Hey, be gentle. Don't wake Ruoxi up."    


"This bed can't be shaken. Slow down."    


"Creak." Qin Guan pushed the door open. At this time, the people outside the door had run away. Qin Guan spat fiercely. Xiang Jing, Elementary Scholar, are you two so free? I will find something for you to do tomorrow!    


Qin Guan closed the door gloomily. His mood just now was completely gone. En, it was better to sleep obediently. As long as he could hug his wife and sleep, it would be the happiest. Tomorrow, he would get Ruoxi a small bed and sleep separately.    


After dealing with matters at the company's headquarters for three days, Qin Guan received the news again. He went to the Aviation Industry Agency to attend the important meeting.    


It seemed that the higher ups were very efficient. On the way, Qin Guan sat in the northern brave warrior off-road vehicle that the Elementary Scholar had given him. He began to ponder. This time, it was a crucial moment to determine the equipment of the air force. What kind of decision would the superior make? And what kind of help could he provide?    


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