Super Weapon Swap System

C587 When There's Something to be Forgiven There's Nothing to be Forgiven

C587 When There's Something to be Forgiven There's Nothing to be Forgiven

1Qin Guan was very careful about the engine. For example, he would not support the Turbofan 6 project that he had developed. Instead, he wanted to improve the Spey. Why was that?    


Because the development of the engine was the pinnacle of industrial technology in the entire country. It was the top. It was unrealistic to rely on the industrial level of the late 1970s to solve the problem of the Third-generation Engine.    


There was no need to talk about the Han Country. Even the Y Country of this era... The F-15 engine, the F-100 engine... The performance index was not bad, but it was not reliable. The current F-15... It was a large area, and the reliability of the engine was not good. It was even new to the factory... They were all waiting for the engine to be installed.    


Even the technology in Y Country had so many problems. They were still counting on a scientific research institute in Han Country to develop an engine that was similar to the F100 index? That thing, he didn't dare to install it.    


The Male Cat Fighter was the first third-generation machine, and it had been serving for several years. It did not wait for the F100 engine, and it was still using the previous TF30 engine.    


This engine was originally designed for bombers. After modifying it, it was installed on the fighter plane. So, it wasn't particularly appropriate. The most important question was... When the pilot crudely operated the engine... The engine would cause the compressor to lose speed due to the rapid change in airflow. The entire engine began to vibrate.    


If it was heavy, the plane would crash. If it was light, it would also cause the engine to lose its power. For example, the two engines at the tail of the Male Cat Fighter suddenly extinguished the flames.    


The two engines went out.    


"Reporting to the white-haired old man, the engine has been turned off." Brown said helplessly on the radio.    


"Aim at the base, start in the air." At this time, the inside of the tower became nervous.    


They all knew the flaws of the Male Cat Fighter's engine. Now, in front of the Han people, the engine had once again malfunctioned. At the same time, if the plane were to fall, it would be even more shameful.    


At this time, Pelehak had already received the microphone and was calmly directing it.    


Stopping the engine in the air was not scary. Their airspace was now around eight thousand meters, and they had sufficient conditions to restart the engine and allow the plane to fly horizontally.    


"Understood." Brown shouted on the radio, "Prepare to start the engine in the air."    


When the engine starts on the ground, it needs the help of the ground power vehicle. Only by driving the engine to spin can the engine start on its own. And in the air, because the plane is flying forward, so, the air currents will blow towards the engine, under the blowing of the air currents... The engine would be able to turn on its own and then start the engine.    


At the critical moment, Brown was still calm.    


No one had expected such a result from the confrontation exercise.    


Chen Rui pulled the plane flat and looked at the Male Cat Fighter in front of him. The steadily flying Male Cat Fighter was also this spectacular. Although he had not lost in the fight just now... However... He had paid more. If possible, he certainly hoped that he would be sitting on the opposite plane.    


The tail of the Male Cat Fighter was emitting flames.    


"Left hair start, right hair start now." Brown looked at the engine speedometer in front of him, and couldn't help but feel happy. This engine, due to love malfunctions, was temporarily processed. They also memorized it very well.    


The right hair was also successfully turned on. The two engines were emitting hot flames. The TF30 engine was indeed awesome. It was just so cool. I had nothing better to do, so I went on strike, but the follow-up work was also very easy.    


However, Brown's excitement did not last for a minute.    


The roar from the tail disappeared once again.    


"White-haired old man reporting, fuel used up."    


Fuel used up!    


When they took off, they only added two tons of fuel and thought that they would just turn around and come back. In the end, it became a protracted battle. After a few rounds, they even turned off the engine.    


If the engine was turned off, as long as there was a height, there would be a chance to restart it. If the height was not high enough, they could only parachute.    


But if the fuel was exhausted, there was no other way.    


Who would have thought that at this moment, their fuel would be gone.    


Everyone in the tower was extremely depressed. What was the point of doing this? Wasn't the flight performance supposed to be perfectly fine? Now, they had really made a fool of themselves.    


A small plane with short legs like the MiG 21 still had fuel, but a big plane like the male cat had actually used up all its fuel. How could he still have face?    


Furthermore, if the fuel was used up, it would definitely not be able to fly back. What would happen next? What should they do? Should they parachute? If they threw this plane away, the price would be quite high.    


After all, this wasn't a navy project, if it was a navy project, if the plane fell, it would just have to go through the process. This time, it was a flying performance for Han Country. The navy had lent the plane to the Grumman Company. If this plane were to fall, the Grumman Company would have to pay for it. This plane... It could easily be worth tens of millions.    


"Phantom calling tower, Phantom calling tower." At this moment, Chen Rui's voice sounded from the radio.    


Other than calling when they took off, Chen Rui had always kept the radio silent. Now, Chen Rui suddenly called, startling the people in the tower.    


"Is the fight over? Is it over?"    


Hearing Chen Rui's voice, the people of Y Country on the scene: This was too much. Was he asking them to announce the end of the drill? If they announced it, they would definitely announce the winner. This was simply slapping their faces. Without a doubt, the Han people had won. And now... Their planes were out of fuel, and the other side could easily lock onto them at any time.    


Pelehak held the microphone and did not press it. He did not know what to say. At this moment, a voice came from the radio again. "If it's over, please put down the hook. I can push the Male Cat Fighter back to the airport."    


When there was a need to forgive someone, there was always a need to forgive someone. Chen Rui already understood this principle. In the sky, after tormenting the other party for so long, anyone with discerning eyes would know the outcome.    


Now, Chen Rui had already let out a sigh of relief. That guy kept calling your MiG21 MiG21. Now, let's see if MiG21 could do it or not.    


If it ended, everyone would still be good friends. Since you guys are so passive, I will help you guys.    


Push you back.    


"Specter, please repeat."    


Pelehak did not hear clearly. What was the other party trying to do?    


"White head, please put down the hook. I can use the fighter aircraft to block the hook and push the Male Cat Fighter back." Chen Rui said on the radio, "I still have half a ton of fuel. It's enough."    


The Male Cat Fighter no longer had fuel. It could not refuel in the air even if it wanted to. After all, refueling in the air required the complex movements of the oil receiving machine to accurately connect.    


There was only one way left, which was to push it back.    


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