Super Weapon Swap System

C490 No Mercy

C490 No Mercy

2The war of the cold weapons era was the cruelest. To personally stab a spear into the enemy's stomach, to personally cut off the enemy's head, the end of every war was almost like an Asura hell.    


There were incomplete corpses everywhere, minced meat everywhere, and the entire scene was filled with the stench of blood.    


But in modern times, using guns to kill people was much more dignified. After all, it was just a small bullet. If it went in, it would at most bring out a large hole. It would not cause the ground to be filled with minced meat.    


Therefore, very few people could withstand the shocking scene when a sword was directly chopped off their head. Was the opponent a human? He was simply a devil.    


They were just an international cultural relics smuggling group with guns in their hands. Most of the time, they were also used to pretend. Xiang Jing, on the other hand, drew her sword and killed people. It was neat and clean. At this moment, the headless corpse... The blood that spurted out was much lower, just like the water pump under the fountain had run out of power. At the same time, the corpse was also slowly falling backwards.    


They were dumbfounded.    


Xiang Jing would not give them a chance. Xiang Jing had just chopped off a head and it was as easy as chopping melons and vegetables. She was immediately overjoyed. This sword was too awesome!    


Generally speaking, chopping the head was a knife with a blade on one side. The other side was very thick. This way, it could withstand the impact of cutting down. It would not be broken by the counteracting effect. For an ordinary sword, the sharper and harder it was, the more brittle it would be.    


The sword's commonly used movement was to pick and stab, and the blade was to be chopped. When Xiang Jing used it this way, she immediately felt incomparably refreshed. At the same time, after chopping off the first head, the momentum of the sword did not decrease. It continued to swing towards the second person.    


At this time, when he saw a cold light coming over, the second person was incomparably nervous. He twisted the muzzle of the gun and turned around, wanting to continue shooting at Xiang Jing. At this time, the flame at the muzzle suddenly disappeared.    


"Pa, Pa." He repeatedly pulled the gun machine. The sound of a pin hitting could be heard from inside, but there was no bullet shooting out.    


A bunch of idiots, what kind of trash was this?    


Xiang Jing looked at her target and could not help but secretly ridicule in her heart. If it was not for the R People, she would not have attacked so ruthlessly. These people were not worthy for her to attack at all.    


However, Xiang Jing had her own creed. When she encountered the R People, kill! No mercy! ! In the war that happened a few decades ago, the R People had brought a huge disaster to the Han Country. It had almost destroyed the entire Han Country. All these years, in the secret war at the border, the R People was also the worst.    


Therefore, Xiang Jing would absolutely not be lenient. Even if these people were only cultural relics dealers, since they opened fire in front of her, they would have to prepare to receive punishment!    


They were really stupid to not even know that there were no bullets left!    


There were 25 and 32 magazines for Uzi submachine guns. No matter which one it was, wouldn't it only take a split second to pull the trigger and not let go?    


For real troops, the most they could do with these submachine guns was to shoot at 3 points. They definitely wouldn't pull the trigger and not let go, they could even count their own voices. Confirming how many bullets he had left, at the last shot, they had already changed to a new magazine.    


In a battle, Xiang Jing preferred to use the fifty-six dash of the drum. This way, it would be more sustainable.    


Now that the opponent was out of bullets, Xiang Jing had already waved the Long Sword in her hand over!    


Just now, she had chopped off the opponent's head. Now, Xiang Jing's Long Sword was swung down along with the drum, cutting into the opponent's waist.    


"Baka..." The sound that came from behind was very long because after that, he felt an incomparable pain. This pain came from every cell in his body and it was stimulating his brain.    


The sound of cracking continuously rang out. Xiang Jing's legs pushed against the ground with all her strength before she finally finished waving her sword.    


The Long Sword flew horizontally across the waist of the R Country's cultural relic seller. It directly chopped down and broke the only connecting spine in the middle. Then, it cut to the left. When the Long Sword was done chopping, he could only feel a cold aura.    


This person slowly lowered his head and looked at his waist.    


"Don't you like to perform laparotomy on yourselves? I'll dissect a big one for you!" Xiang Jing's voice carried a hint of ferociousness.    


The cultural relics seller was still looking at his waist. There was a uniformly horizontal crack there. Fresh blood was slowly flowing out from there. There was also something mixed with a yellow stink. It was also slowly coming out. He could no longer feel the existence of the lower half of his body.    


Following that, Xiang Jing inserted the Long Sword into the ground. She supported the Long Sword and flew up to her feet.    




The upper half of the man's body was kicked away by Xiang Jing in an instant. At this moment, his brain was still active. He could only watch helplessly as he was separated from the lower half. Looking at the cut that looked like a cutting machine, in his mouth... He let out a cry that sounded like a bird's cry.    


He won't die for a while, he will be in extreme pain... Slowly waiting for death, Xiang Jing could not care about it now. In the past... She had once lured some ants over and bit down on the other party's wound bit by bit. This kind of torture was exclusive to R People!    


Xiang Jing had already killed two people in a row. At this time, although each of their actions was very cumbersome, in reality, it did not even take five seconds.    


Xiang Jing was straightforward and did not make any false moves. Just after she killed two people, the remaining three people panicked. At this time, the Uzi submachine gun in their hands. They also emptied their bullets, even though they carried spare magazines with them. However, no one went to change, and one person shouted: "Retreat!"    


The three of them fled in three different directions.    


This step made Xiang Jing admire him. Xiang Jing could only chase after one of them.    


Then who should she chase?    


Of course it was the person who spoke. It must be their leader.    


As for the other two, he would leave them to the Elementary Scholars. The Elementary Scholars would definitely be able to deal with them.    


Behind them, Andrew was dumbfounded.    


In the past, Andrew had felt that Xiang Jing was fierce and fierce. She had an indifferent personality. She did not even care about his identity as a prince. Instead, Andrew liked her very much. He thought that he had found the other half of his life. Andrew liked to be with Xiang Jing very much. He liked to be scolded by her, but he also wanted to get attached to her.    


Today, Xiang Jing saved him. He thought that this was the arrangement of God, but now, he was dumbfounded.    


Xiang Jing had changed into a different person. Her skillful movements were clearly trained and this was definitely not the first time.    


She must have come from the most elite Special Force in Han Country. Someone like her naturally decided that it had nothing to do with love. In her world, there was only death and slaughter.    


No wonder she rejected him!    


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