Super Weapon Swap System

C487 Saving People

C487 Saving People

1"President Qin, you can stay here tonight." Elder Tu said to Qin Guan.    


Elder Tu still had a lot of questions in his heart, such as Qin Guan's firm suggestion. Did he really have the ability to let the Y Country send the engine to them to assemble? After all, they had never had the experience of assembling a Turbofan Engine before, so they just gave them an engine they had never seen before. It was even more of a challenge.    


However, it was already late at night, so it was better to let them rest. After all, they still had to set off for the 6611th store tomorrow.    


Qin Guan shook his head. "No need. We are here to receive foreign guests. We cannot spend too much money."    


Staying here for a night would cost a few thousand HNY. To receive foreign guests, it was still possible to show their hospitality. It was too extravagant to stay here alone.    


"Let's go to the 30-mile base's reception area. Tomorrow, we will have to set off from the 30-mile base as well." Xiang Jing suggested to Qin Guan.    


Qin Guan nodded. The base reception area cost tens of dollars a night. Although North Industrial Company would develop into a multinational company, they still needed to save money now.    


A cool breeze blew by.    


Miss Chun had already walked happily to the human world. Although it was night time, one could still smell the fragrance of the wild grass. At this time, the car was walking on a coastal road. It was heading in the direction of the base, 30 miles away, in the sea breeze. Again. There was a humid smell.    


Qin Guan felt a lot of emotions in his heart. It had been almost a year since he came here. In this year, too many changes had happened. It reflected the speed of the country's reformation!    


Xiang Jing was driving in the front. The Elementary Scholar was in the front passenger seat and was about to fall asleep. After all, being a translator was too tiring. It was a good translator. It was not only an accurate expression, but also an accurate word. One. A mistake in the translation of a word could bring about a change in meaning.    


As for Qin Guan, he was still lost in thought as he looked outside. Suddenly, Qin Guan shouted, "Stop the car!"    


Stop the car? Xiang Jing was puzzled. Why did Qin Guan ask to stop the car here?    


Xiang Jing stepped on the brakes and turned off the engine. In an instant, the unique sound of the 212 engine disappeared. Xiang Jing closed her eyes and heard the sound of the sea breeze and the rolling waves. There seemed to be another strange sound.    


"Hell! Hell!" (Help!)    


"Scholar, quick!" Xiang Jing shouted at the scholar.    


The scholar had also heard something and immediately sat up and jumped out of the car. He did not look like a person who had just woken up. He was simply like a soldier!    


That's right. Although he had always been a translator, the Elementary Scholar's body still had the instinct of a warrior. This was a habit that had been developed over many years.    


The Elementary Scholar and Xiang Jing quickly opened the tailgate behind them. Then, under Qin Guan's astonished gaze, they pulled out a bag and opened it. Following that, they heard the buzzing sound of an electric pump.    


The equipment that the two of them brought was too complete, right? He had come out for a while, and there was even a rubber boat in the car?    


In about a minute or two, the two of them had finished preparing the rubber boat. Then, as if they were in the army, they lifted the rubber boat and headed towards the Land Based.    


This dexterous action made Qin Guan extremely impressed. Sure enough, he had practiced it before. It was just that it was different!    


Furthermore, their actions were quite clever.    


One should know that although it was spring now, the seawater was still cold. It wouldn't take long for them to jump into the seawater to save someone. At the same time, it wouldn't be easy to find their target if they continued swimming. It was like finding a needle in a haystack!    


"Putong!" Following that, they heard the sound of the rubber boat falling into the water. Xiang Jing shouted, "Scholar, you go and protect President Qin. I will go by myself."    


"I will go." Scholar said.    


"Why are you competing with me!" Xiang Jing said, "This is not a battlefield."    


"But I heard a lot of noise over there," ___ said.    


"So you have to protect President Qin, you idiot!"    


Xiang Jing had already jumped onto the rubber boat and started to row.    


The rubber boat that could be placed in the trunk of the 212 was definitely not very big and could not bring its own engine. At the same time, if it brought its own engine, it would be quite noisy and might not find the person asking for help.    


Right now, Xiang Jing was very anxious. This cry for help sounded very familiar.    


Sitting on it, she shook the oar with both hands. Amidst the splashing sound, Xiang Jing began to move forward.    


The Elementary Scholar could only watch Xiang Jing leave. After that, Qin Guan had already walked to his side. "Elementary Scholar, you don't need to be envious. Your previous training can be put to use again."    


The Elementary Scholar's eyes suddenly lit up. He had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. Today, he could finally use it.    


He did not know that when the captain found out, he would scold him again. Was it a pig's brain? Was he in the water? Your mission is not to fight a war, not to dig traps, but to protect Qin Guan!    


Xiang Jing shook the oar and quickly rowed towards the sea in the distance. At this time, in the distance, a young man from Cattle Country was swimming with all his might in the sea. As he swam, he shouted, "Help, help!"    


He had been in the sea for too long. The cruise ship was at least three nautical miles away from him. He was trying his best to swim up to the shore. At the same time, he felt that his physical strength was gradually depleting.    


The cold sea water made his body slowly turn cold. When his body was completely as cold as the sea water, his life disappeared.    


What should I do? Should I throw away the thing on my back?    


Behind his body, there was a long thing wrapped in tarpaulin. It was precisely because of this thing that attracted the attention of others.    


Behind him, dozens of meters away, there were a few strong men... They were chasing him, and all of them were wearing the same swimsuit. They could keep warm, and their feet were still webbed. When they swam, they were much faster than this young man.    


As long as they caught up to them, they would definitely come and steal their things! At the same time, my life is also not guaranteed.    


At this moment, a person who was chasing behind him spoke again, "Prince, we know your identity. We seek wealth and not life. As long as you give the things to us, we will definitely not harm you."    


Prince? Upon hearing this voice, Prince Andrew who was swimming in front became even more anxious. Since the other party knew his identity, he still dared to plot against him. Was there even a need to think about it? In order to not expose his identity, the other party would definitely kill him.    


He did not expect that his journey would be safe and sound. Just as he was about to reach his destination, he actually encountered a group of international cultural relics theft gangs!    


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