Super Weapon Swap System

C476 The Matter of Scholars

C476 The Matter of Scholars

3Well, I'll just go over and see if they don't welcome me, then I'll just go so late at night that I can show more sincerity.    


How should I put it? Hmm, I'll apologize for my lack of consideration during the day. Well, if he knew that President Qin already had a plan designed by the A.I. Chip... No matter what, I can't delay the Chip Industry. Our newly established L-Thinking Company... They had originally planned to start with Hanka, but now, since they had the A.I. Chip... Of course, we have to start with the A.I. Chip.    


Yes, that's right!    


After making up his mind, Liu pushed his bicycle and slowly crossed the road.    


The road was all his own. Liu was a person full of enthusiasm. In the future, he personally led the company under the computer company to become the largest computer company in the world.    


Now, he wanted to venture into the sea. He could not wait anymore.    


Liu slowly crossed the road and suddenly realized that it was not good. Why was the door in front of him locked?    


That's right. The door was locked from the outside. This meant that there was no one inside.    


It was really strange. It was so late. Where did they go? Could it be that they felt that this place had not been tidied up yet, so they went to the guest house first?    


Or could it be that they were so happy that they went to have a feast tonight to celebrate and were not back yet?    


Liu pushed the bicycle and slowly wanted to walk back. Since that was the case, he would come and visit again tomorrow.    


He had already planned how the company would develop. He wanted to get a Han card and import foreign computers. He wanted to be the main agent and he would definitely make a lot of money. But now, there seemed to be some changes.    


At this moment, his eyes suddenly lit up. The wall was a lot shorter.    


This courtyard had been around for many years. This wall... It looked like a brick, but in fact, it was full of dirt. It was just a piece of skin on the outside. After being washed by the rain for a long time, it might collapse. Now, a piece of it had collapsed, and there was no time to make up for it.    


In particular, on the other side of the short wall, there happened to be another tree. It was like an apricot that had jumped out of the wall. If it jumped in from this side, then it would follow the tree down.    


It wouldn't be good to do this, right?    


Liu shook his head. He wanted to leave, but after taking a few steps, he stopped again.    


President Qin had too many secrets on him. When he thought about it, he was like a devil that kept lingering in his mind. Now, if he went in to take a look while there was no one around, would he discover anything?    


Liu had an idea. He looked at the short wall and jumped in. There was absolutely no problem.    




Forget it. What kind of behavior did it become? How could he do such a thing?    


Liu shook his head, got on the bicycle, and planned to go back.    


However, after walking for more than ten meters, he suddenly stopped with his feet on the ground.    


The devil had already occupied his mind. If he didn't go in and take a look, he wouldn't be able to sleep well that night!    


He finally made up his mind, so he quickly stepped on the pedals. After a few clicks, he stamped on the pedals, and then he propped up the ladder behind the vehicle. In an instant, he jumped onto the back seat. From here... Borrowing the height of the bicycle, he easily walked over.    


Since Liu had already done this, then he was not afraid of anything anymore. He grabbed the tree, and with a stab, he slid down. His hands were burning.    


In the courtyard house, the other party used the main room as the office. Liu walked in quietly. At this time, the moonlight shone in clearly, pulling his shadow very long.    


"Squeak, squeak, squeak." He gently pushed open the door. It was dark inside, and he could not see anything clearly. So, Liu boldly took out a lighter.    


"Pa, Pa." The lighter was lit. He looked around. Just like when he came, there were only a few chairs. There was a table next to the chair. There seemed to be something on the table.    


Therefore, Liu excitedly stretched out his hand and grabbed it.    


It was a 5.25 inch floppy disk! That's right, it was the same thing that Worker Ni and the others had gotten! Liu's face was full of joy. This floppy disk, was it the same as the one Worker Ni and the others got?    


He brought the disk closer to the lighter. On the sticker on it, a few words were crookedly written: Long Xin 1 overall design blueprint, top secret.    


Suddenly, he felt his heart beating rapidly. It turned out that this Qin Guan had obtained the design of the Universal Processing Device from somewhere! In this floppy disk, it must be the same as Worker Ni and the rest!    


Furthermore, this was the overall design. It must be even higher than Worker Ni's and the others'. He might as well...    


"Hualala." At this moment, Liu heard the sound of the door opening and closing from outside, followed by the creaking sound of the door being pushed open.    


Too unlucky. If he didn't dawdle just now and hesitated back and forth, he would have already left!    


Liu was shocked. If he was discovered, he would definitely be treated as a thief. He couldn't even say how much he wanted to say, especially the secretary of President Qin. Don't look at her, she was a little girl. She had beaten him up really badly!    


Although this was a matter of scholars, Kong Yiji had already said that this definitely wasn't considered stealing. The problem was that ___ wouldn't give him a chance.    


What should he do? What should he do?    


Liu had already extinguished the lighter. Then, he suddenly saw the Eight Immortals Table beside him. It was covered with a cloth and could only be drilled in a few times.    


A voice came from outside. "As expected, the Quanjude Roast Duck here is the most authentic! Especially the duck soup. It's simply delicious!"    


You guys actually went out to eat a big meal! Liu's teeth itched with hatred in his heart. What a bunch of corrupt people!    


Qin Guan stood in the well and rubbed his stomach. He said to Xiang Jing who was beside him, "Oh my, I almost forgot about big things. Little Jing, Worker Ni forgot to take the last disk. You go and take it out and give it to Worker Ni."    


Hearing this, Liu suddenly felt that his hand was shaking inexplicably. He was holding the disk in his hand.    


If Xiang Jing came in and could not find the disk, she would find that the disk was lost. As long as they turned on the light to search, they would definitely not be able to hide it.    


What should he do, what should he do?    


Liu was incomparably nervous.    


At this moment, an even deeper blow hit him. "Without that floppy disk, there's no way to study any other floppy disk. That disk is the most important. We must not make any mistakes. How much effort did our comrades on our secret battlefront put in to get it? We can't let anything go wrong. "    


The secret battlefront. No wonder he was so confident. It turned out that he stole it too!    


Oh no, how am I supposed to run now?    


At this moment, Liu felt like he was going to lose his mind. If he ran over to be a thief and spread the news, he would be fired!    


At this moment, a woman's angry voice was heard. "What time is it? Do you know? I'm so full, why am I running? If I want to go, I'll go myself. Anyway, I'm not going. I'm going to sleep! "    


Xiang Jing's sharp voice cut through the night sky.    


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