Super Weapon Swap System

C626 Two Conditions

C626 Two Conditions

0Yeah, that's the basic truth.    


Lisa had used that energy. These days, in Qin Guan's mind, Lisa had not only seen things like the Daode Scripture, she had also spent most of her time learning advanced scientific knowledge.    


Lisa had read all the theories of the great Einstein thoroughly. At the same time, the system had many advanced knowledge from other worlds. Lisa had also read a lot, and just like that, Lisa was the only great scientist in this era.    


Who would have thought that a housewife would turn herself into a scientist, and Lisa did all of this for love.    


The power of love was great. She wanted to pursue her Leonardo da Vinci. In her eyes, Qin Guan was such a person.    


Now, Lisa had come out. Lisa had been enduring love for hundreds of years. At this moment, she was in a fit of rage. She wanted to be with her lover. She wanted to bathe in love with him. She wanted to be on this golden bed. She wanted to enjoy the merriment of the two of them...    


However, Qin Guan did not have the time to bother with her. He continued to discuss with the system.    


Although Lisa left with her mental power, Qin Guan's system did not downgrade because the energy was so powerful that it could make up for the gap in Lisa's ability to leave. It even improved the system's performance.    


However, Qin Guan did not want such a thing to happen.    


Now that everything had been analyzed, what should he do next?    


Lisa did not belong to this era. She did not belong to this world. She was originally just a remnant of her soul in the portrait. Now that she suddenly appeared here, there would definitely be a lot of problems.    


We have to bring her back.    


"System, put down those things of yours. You have lost your will to play. Hurry up and think of something!" Qin Guan almost roared in his mind.    


Although he had asked the system to give him the authority to modify the exchange system, the system should have been supervising the whole process. This time, the system had failed again. He had to make the system pay attention to it and solve it quickly!    


Time passed bit by bit. Time did not flow outside. It was only time to walk inside. Qin Guan was getting impatient.    


Other things aside, at least, the eyes of the grassland hero flickered with a strange light. This old fellow definitely wanted to go out too.    


Although these things in the brain were annoying to Qin Guan. If they could go out, Qin Guan should clap his hands and cheer them up. However, if they went out, the outside world would be in chaos.    


Therefore, he had to let Lisa come back to where she should come from.    


However, Qin Guan knew nothing about this system. He could only hope that the system could fix this loophole.    


"Hey, can you do it or not?" Qin Guan asked again.    


"I'm sorry." The voice of the system made Qin Guan's heart sink. What was going on? I'm sorry, what's the use of apologizing? This woman is lying on my body now, you are apologizing to me?    


"If I activate the reverse process and let Lisa return to the system, the energy will be instantly released." The system explained.    


The most important thing was how to deal with the energy. In this narrow vault, the instantaneous release of energy would bring about terrifying consequences.    


"So, I only need to bring Lisa to an empty place?" Qin Guan asked.    


If he went to a desert or something, there would be nothing around. He could release his energy as much as he wanted. That should be fine, right?    


"En, there is still a second point. She needs to come in willingly."    


It was the same when she absorbed Lisa's mental power the last time. Lisa was willing to be absorbed. She came to find her lover. Qin Guan had Leonardo da Vinci's shadow in his eyes. In the end, Lisa came in.    


Now that Lisa had come out, how could she go back? Who would be willing to be locked in a cage?    


Qin Guan was speechless.    


"It seems I have only one way." Qin Guan sighed.    


"What way?" The System was looking forward to it.    


"I'm forcing you..." In this empty spiritual world, Qin Guan used everything he knew to scold the System. If he did not vent his anger like this, Qin Guan would definitely suffocate.    


I am the main character. I should be the one in charge of this world, but what about now? Why is your stupid system full of loopholes?    


Qin Guan could not stay in the spiritual world for the rest of his life. He still had to go out.    


No wonder Lisa was no longer sticky when she came in last time. She only knitted a sweater. It turned out that it was a curve to save the country. She wanted to make herself lose vigilance first and then complete this amazing feat.    


Qin Guan was speechless as he came out.    


No wonder the exchange this time would use up all the Spirit Focus. Lisa must have had this goal. The vault, the walls, the vault was made of some kind of alloy, and it was a perfect shield. His spirit point scanning system couldn't even see the outside... He couldn't harvest the Spirit Focus either.    


In that case, Qin Guan could be considered as someone waiting to be slaughtered.    


"Lisa, turn off the lights here." Qin Guan said, "I may not like it being too bright. If you turn off the lights, I will be able to accept it in the dark."    


"Okay, which switch?"    


"The red button on the wall." Qin Guan said, "You just came out and came to this new world. You need to be more familiar with it. Yes, there, press it."    


Lisa pressed the button with her slender fingers.    


"Ring, ring, ring." The bell rang.    


Qin Guan smiled. Don't think that I can't deal with you. As long as you come out now, you are just an ordinary person! Furthermore, you're an ordinary person from ancient times. There's still a way to trick you.    


With the ringing of the phone, the door outside was opened.    


The president had been waiting anxiously outside. CEO Qin wanted to turn the stone into gold and turn the copper and tin into gold. Was it possible?    


Just as they were exchanging, the flow of the space-time energy made the president have a strange feeling. It was hard to say, but it was strange.    


Now, when he opened the door, he saw that the copper and tin had disappeared. A small hill made of gold bars had appeared where the copper and tin were!    


President Qin was currently lying on the small mountain with a strange expression on his face.    


Then, all of a sudden, the president was stunned. Why was there a woman beside him? Who was this woman? How did she get in? The door here is the only way to enter?    


This was simply inconceivable.    


"Ah..." Lisa exclaimed.    


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