Super Weapon Swap System

C582 Hidden Under the Passenger Plane

C582 Hidden Under the Passenger Plane

3The radar didn't detect anything, neither was it high up in the sky, nor low in the sky. Brown's eyes looked outside, and there was nothing but white in this area.    


"The white haired old man is calling the tower, the white haired old man is calling the tower, but we haven't found the target. Maybe the target isn't in the practice area."    


Hearing this voice, the entire tower felt strange. There was also nothing on their radar screen.    


After the opponent took off, they flew at a low altitude to avoid being discovered by the radar. But now, if the other party wasn't in the training area... Then it would be almost certain that they won. You wouldn't even be able to find the practice area. Isn't that a bit too bad?    


At this moment, on the radar screen of the base, the passenger plane of the commercial flight was gradually closing in on the white haired old man's fighter plane.    


What's going on?    


The Han Air Force's side was also suspicious. Just now, Chen Rui went up angrily. After he went up, where did he hide?    


Many people thought that the sky was quite clear. There was also a radar to search for the target. It seemed like it could not be hidden at all. However, for a skilled pilot, it was just like a sniper. Learn to use all kinds of conditions to disguise oneself.    


For example, now.    


Qin Guan had already guessed something. He had a smile on his face.    


The Air Force Commander General Zhang turned around and looked at Qin Guan. Qin Guan calmly nodded at him, so General Zhang had guessed something.    


That's right. Although our equipment is not as good as people's, our pilots' skills are always the best. Our pilots also have their own set.    


During the battle drill, the base can only make judgments. Now, since the white head man could not find the target, he should be able to determine that the white head man won. But now, they were all in doubt. If he won just like that... That would be too simple, wouldn't it?    


Could it be that there was something strange about that Civil Aircraft?    


Brown was in the sky, relying on his eyesight to quickly search. At this moment, in the sky, the passenger plane was flying toward him. It was in the direction of the sun. He put down his goggles and looked at the large passenger plane with four engines. It was flying over his head.    


This type of plane was a common Boeing 707. There was nothing special about it.    




At this moment, the other party's flying height and speed were just right, so they drew out a white trail in the sky.    


In the clear sky, one could see a long "white smoke" appearing behind the body of the jet when it was flying in the sky, commonly known as "plane smoking."    


Of course, other than performing, the jet would not casually spew smoke. This was a special cloud that was formed from the exhaust gas discharged by the jet after mixing with the surrounding air. The aviation field and meteorology were known as the tail tracks of the plane.    


According to the cause, the tail tracks of the aircraft could be divided into the tail tracks of the exhaust gas, the air power trail, and the conveyor trail. The exhaust tracks could also be divided into exhaust tracks condensed from gas and vaporized exhaust tracks. The most common was the exhaust tracks condensed from waste gas.    


The aircraft consumed a large amount of fuel during flight. The water vapor and some of the heat generated was discharged from the aircraft's body along with the exhaust gases, entering the atmosphere and quickly mixing with the surrounding air to form a coagulated trail.    


Not all the mixed gases would coagulate. This depended on the temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure of the air in the environment. When the tail trail of the aircraft appeared, the air temperature was between -41 degrees Celsius and -60 degrees Celsius.    


For civil aviation, it did not matter if there were such tail tracks, but for fighter planes, they had to avoid them as much as possible.    


What if it was a combination of a fighter aircraft and a Civil Aircraft?    


One Boeing 707, four engines. In the air, there would be four trails. These four trails would merge together as they spread backwards, forming a wide trail. But now, there were five trails!    


That's right, there were five trails. When they were combined together, one of the trails was obviously even lower than the four trails.    


What did this mean?    


Below the passenger plane, there was a small plane. Because the other party flew too close, on the radar screen, only one target could be displayed!    


As for the AWG-9 radar, its resolution was quite high. If the target was shown on this radar, it meant that the other party was flying close to the plane's belly!    


That's right, Chen Rui did that.    


Chen Rui knew that he could not win with his own plane. He could only use the surrounding environment to hide himself. Otherwise... When he couldn't even get close to the enemy, he was already locked onto by the radar.    


How to use it?    


He could either stick to the surface of the sea and merge with the waves on the surface of the sea, but that would still be discovered by the high-precision radar using the Doppler effect.    


Thus, after he flew over, when he saw the situation of the passenger plane smoking, he immediately had an idea.    


Get close!    


At this time, his flight had already left the base's radar's search range. He stuck close to the passenger plane and flew back. The base's radar could not find him.    


Compared to the Boeing 707, the MiG-21 was quite small. Its large tail was almost close to the Civil Aircraft's stomach, and it was flying in the sky ten thousand meters high.    


This required an extremely exquisite technique. The MiG-21 was hydraulic control. With just a slight shake of his hand, the MiG-21's tail could cut open the Boeing 707's stomach.    


However, Chen Rui was leisurely strolling. Although he did not fly past the MiG-21, the J-7 flew quite a bit. The quality of their flight was almost the same. Both required the technique of the controller.    


Now, he was under the Boeing 707's stomach. As he flew, he saw the Male Cat Fighter in the sky below. He knew that the other party was looking for him. Now, the opportunity had arrived!    


Chen Rui pushed the operating stick and broke away from the Boeing 707. Goodbye, nanny!    


The MiG-21 was small and flexible. The current Chen Rui had already used the help of the Boeing 707 to circle behind the Male Cat Fighter.    


When Migg-21 broke away from the Boeing 707's belly, at the same time, it reflected the radar of the base.    


Inside the tower, a radar operator shouted in surprise, "The plane separated a target, it's that Migg-21! God, he's actually hiding under the passenger plane!"    


Immediately, the people nearby looked at the radar screen, and saw that the small bright spot was flying behind the male cat in a swift and fierce manner. That posture was like a fierce tiger descending the mountain.    


"Believe in our friend. Now, we will treat the confrontation in the sky fairly." Qin Guan's voice was very loud. Although the English was not particularly fluent, it was still very loud. It was still heard clearly by the others. Hey, if you want to remind the pilot in the sky at this time... Isn't cheating too shameless?    


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