Super Weapon Swap System

C573 We'll Know When We Look at It

C573 We'll Know When We Look at It

2At this moment, Qin Guan finally understood Chen Rui's intention. This was a really good kid.    


Qin Guan wasn't a god, he had his own flaws.    


Ever since Qin Guan became the general manager of the northern industry, Qin Guan had more projects. Qin Guan walked around, pulling business, negotiating, and cheating others. He did not even have time to return home.    


In the 6611 Institution, Qin Guan had done enough for them. No matter when, as long as there was a problem, Qin Guan would definitely help.    


However, the 6611 institutes still had another problem. Although they had put in a lot of effort and were about to be destroyed, they did not have the attention of their superiors.    


That's right, because the Air Force was paying attention to Blue Shark, and because the funding for the Air Force was limited, because the 6611 research institutes gave people the feeling that they were putting in effort to create Fierce Dragon, therefore... One by one, the various reasons led to a problem. The Air Force actually did not know that the Fierce Dragon's progress was so rapid!    


The Super Seven was a foreign trade project, but the newly destroyed Fierce Dragon was for the Air Force to use. If the Air Force did not know about this project, what did it mean?    


The project had the risk of having an abortion.    


Ever since the 6611 Institution was established, it had been contributing to the development and development of the motherland's military aircraft. However, up until now, there had not been a single product that had appeared. They could only use the leftover heat from the J-7.    


And now, the situation was even more pessimistic.    


The Air Force was already tempted by Y Country's Male Cat Fighter. Now, they were going to Y Country to investigate with great fanfare. Then, once they determined that this airplane was what the Air Force needed the most, even if the Air Force sold everything they had, they would still buy it.    


If that was the case, would the Air Force still have the ability to develop other planes?    


Of course not. All the models would stop completely. Spend every cent on the purchase. By buying those planes, the Air Force will temporarily gain advanced combat strength. However, the price was to cripple the entire aerospace industry's self-R & D ability.    


At that time, even if the 6611 self-funded funds were to complete the Fierce Dragon project, they would still face another dilemma. The Air Force would not have the funds to equip them!    


The funds needed for the research and development would be taken care of by themselves. However, if the air force wanted equipment, they would have to pay for it, right? If the 6611 aircrafts were to be produced by themselves and sent to the Air Force, what would that be?    


Hence, the 6611 projects for the Fierce Dragon project would probably go down the drain.    


Such a thing was not unheard of in history.    


Back then, when Bear Country collapsed, Han Country could directly purchase Su -27. That smooth appearance and terrifying performance instantly attracted a lot of people. At that time, there was a sound in the air.    


At that time, the J-10 was still in a difficult situation, and it was still stuck on paper. For a paper project, was it worth it to continue investing money?    


With these funds, it was better to buy a few more Su -27 machines!    


Such voices were not few. If their wishes were to succeed, then the difficult steps of the Han Country to develop their own aircraft would be stopped.    


Luckily, there was still General Liu.    


Regarding this point of view, General Liu, who was the deputy commander of the defense headquarters, smiled and did not say anything. Instead, he let the chief designer of the J-10, Elder Soong, express his opinion first.    


Song explained, "The performance of Su -27 is indeed excellent, but compared to the J-10, the performance is different. Su -27 cannot replace the J-10, so the two should work together."    


General Liu nodded in approval and then made his point clear. No matter how good Su -27 was, he was still someone else's child. No matter how difficult it was, the J-10 had to continue!    


It was precisely General Liu's support that allowed the J-10 to survive in the end. Otherwise, it would be killed by some people who looked at the foreign incense sticks in their cradle. If there was no J-10, then there would not be a massacre of 20.    


Now, it was time for the 6611 project to face a huge crisis. At this time, even Qin Guan did not consider it in advance. Instead, Chen Rui mentioned it.    


Anyway, I'm just a small pilot. I'm not afraid of offending some people.    


Chen Rui's boldness touched Qin Guan. This brother-in-law of his... He was also a figure with experience and courage. He had foresight. It seemed that in the future, he would also vigorously promote him. Supporting him to walk further on the path of the army.    


This was not to use people as family members, nor was it to form cliques. As long as they were loyal to the country and wholeheartedly devoted to the construction of the country, Qin Guan would support them.    


After all, the current situation was very complicated. As the country's finances were not rich, if they decided to bring in male cats, how could they invest in other projects?    


Since Chen Rui had already raised this question, Qin Guan finally stopped being a bystander.    


"General Zhang, I have seen the 6611 project a few times. Their progress is very fast. It will not be a problem for them to fly at the end of the year." Qin Guan said, "If you are interested, we will come back from Y Country this time. We can go and take a look. We can also go to the condoms factory below to see their development progress. I heard that some of their projects have higher performance indicators than those in Y Country. After all, our country is catching up to them in the field of microelectronics. Our technology is also very powerful. "    


The A.I. Chip in the field of civil use is already higher than in Y Country. As for the military, don't look at the high AWG-9 indicators, but when it comes to the specific refresh rate, it's not even as good as ours!    


Going to the matching 114 places to take a look, what the Air Force needed was not just Airborne Radar. Once this kind of technical difficulty was overcome, all kinds of missiles on the ground, Fire Control Radar, and so on, could also be upgraded.    


As long as they went to take a look, wouldn't they know?    


General Zhang nodded his head repeatedly. "That's right. Let's go and take a look. It's been a long time since we went to the 6611 places. Apart from the new annihilation, we can also take a look at that Super Seven."    


Although the Super Seven was a foreign trading machine, its performance had already exceeded any domestic fighter aircraft. If the engine was not controlled by people, the air force would really be interested.    


Inside the cabin, the interest of the Air Force members began to increase. They had never paid attention to the 6611 airplanes. This time, they went to Y Country. They did not know if the progress would be smooth. If a new war were to occur in the country, that would be a great improvement.    


They hadn't even gone to Y Country yet, but they were looking forward to returning.    


The passenger plane was flying steadily in the air. The flight across the Pacific Ocean was not directly heading towards the destination, but headed north first. After stopping in Alaska, it flew towards Y Country.    


Of course, this was to shorten the flight distance. That's right, it would be closer if they took a turn. As the latitude increased, the length of the latitude circle was shortened. When they reached the North Pole, it would be a point.    


The long voyage had finally reached the end.    


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