Super Weapon Swap System

C606 Not Just the Hawks

C606 Not Just the Hawks

5The Super Seven was just an external trading machine. Although the Fierce Dragon was about to fly away, it was merely a Light Aircraft. To the Han Air Force, their desire for the Heavy Fighter had never changed.    


As for the J-8, no one in the air force would think of it as a Heavy Aircraft. No matter how the 6601 J-8 was tricked, the foundation of the J-8 was the J-7. It was the MiG21, just a Second-generation Aircraft. Apart from the high speed in the sky, there was nothing else.    


If Blue Shark could replicate it, then the Han Air Force would definitely use Blue Shark as their main force. Unfortunately, the 6601 Institute did not have this ability. Up until now, they had only done a rough research on the blue shark. They felt that with the current technology, it was impossible to develop it successfully.    


They could only change their J-8 so that the J-8 could meet the demand of the air force. Then, they could rely on their status as an elder brother, relying on the advantage they had in the Aviation Industry Agency to promote to the air force.    


The thing that the air force admired the most was the male cat.    


After all, the Blue Shark had never appeared in the world. As for the male cat, as the first generation of the third generation, although it could still be changed to a later version, it has strong intercepting ability and advanced maneuverability, relying on the variable back to wing, under all kinds of height and speed, the performance was the best.    


Unfortunately, it was too expensive. It hadn't even reached the 1980s, and the meager amount of foreign exchange reserves in Han Country was definitely not enough.    


Therefore, the Air Force could only sigh silently, even though they wanted to. It was destined to be a bamboo basket to fetch water. And at this moment, Qin Guan raised a point of view in the meeting: Male Cat Fighter. I can get it, I can buy it at a low price!    


When they heard this, the eyes of some of the people present instantly lit up with hope, while others were filled with curiosity.    


"President Qin, how do you plan to buy it from the people of Y Country?" President Koo immediately asked in a strange tone. When he first went there, the other party had made it clear. The people of Y Country were planning to control the army of Han Country. They would never agree to this plot.    


Should they ask for a chance to fight while betraying them?    


"I don't intend to buy it from the people of Y Country." Qin Guan said, "Everyone should know that in this world, it's not just the people of Y Country who have Male Cat Fighter."    


When Qin Guan said this, he immediately welcomed a disdainful look. The Male Cat Fighter was developed by the people of Y Country. If he did not buy it from them, who else could he buy it from? President Qin, are you joking?    


However, the Air Force Commander reacted, "President Qin, you said you want to buy it from the Parthian People?"    


Although the Male Cat Fighter's performance was advanced, it was always defeated in terms of marketing. In the past ten years, it was only successfully promoted in Parthia, giving Parthia a powerful Air Force.    


However, there was a coup in Parthia, and the former king's regime had fallen. Now, the one who came to power in Parthia was a strong religious force. They controlled the regime in Parthia, and at the same time, started a large-scale purge of the former government.    


Under such circumstances, the army of Parthia was in a miserable state. Almost 80% of the military officers had been purged, and their once powerful air force, the pilots, were now in jail.    


In history, if it wasn't for the outbreak of war with Coconut Jujube Country, the fate of those pilots would have been very tragic.    


Therefore, the current Qin Guan had a bold idea. He might as well trick them once and let Parthia sell all their Male Cat Fighter!    


When the Air Force Commander said this, everyone present instantly sucked in a breath of cold air. This idea was really too wild. However, was there a possibility of success?    


The Male Cat Fighter was bought by Parthia at a high price. Although it had changed the regime now, could it be that those leaders did not know the power of these fighter planes? They would even sell these fighter aircrafts as scrap metal?    


Wasn't this too obvious?    


Furthermore, if he were to buy these fighter jets, what would happen to the maintenance and maintenance in the future?    


"Parthia, we ordered three batches of Male Cat Fighter from Y Country. There were a total of 150 of them, but the third batch was not delivered. The second batch detained one. In other words, they were currently in the hands of Parthia. There were a total of 79 fighter jets and a large number of accompanying weapons. Including a few hundred Undying Bird Missile. " Qin Guan said, "If we buy these fighter aircrafts at a low price, we can immediately solve the urgent need of the air force."    


79 Male Cat Fighter could definitely easily build an interception line in the north. The people present were just shocked, but now, they began to look forward to it. That's right, if they could buy this batch of fighter jets... Then the Air Force would immediately have the most advanced intercepting ability.    


Furthermore, the price was definitely much cheaper than buying it from Y Country.    


"Let's go to the Y Country. They gave us a price of 38 million per unit." Qin Guan said, "Let's go to Parthia and try to lower the price of each combat jet to 8 million RMB per combat jet. At the same time, we can ask them to give us those weapons and ammunition for free. "    


If they calculated it this way, it would only cost around 600 million yuan. As for the peace model project in history, it would cost them 550 million yuan to exchange for the J-8.    


The country gritted its teeth. It could still do it.    


"President Qin, don't joke around. How could this be possible? The lowest price in Y Country, the F-16, also costs 10 million hawk dollars." President Koo said from the side.    


What a whimsical idea. Was this President Qin trying to fool people today? It was already dark outside, so it was better for everyone to go out and eat. What was the point of discussing something whimsical here?    


"That's right. If we want to use such a low price to obtain it, we have to make some preparations." Qin Guan said, "For example, in terms of diplomacy, we need to make a statement. We need to support the current Parthia's new government. At the same time, I need an extra sum of money. We need to bribe some of their high-ranking officials. "    


The Parthia was on the stage of a coup. After their new government came to power, on the one hand, they continued to argue with the Bear Country. On the other hand, they detained the diplomats of the embassy in Y Country as hostages. It could be said that... In terms of diplomacy, they were quite isolated.    


At this time, if the Han Country made a statement to support them, then the Parthia would definitely be very friendly to the Han Country. This was a huge prerequisite.    


But if that was the case, would the people of the Y Country be happy?    


"President Qin, you make it simple. If we support them on the diplomatic side... Then the entire Western World will have to despise us. You have successfully promoted our weapons. You are the main force of the National Stock Exchange. However, in terms of diplomacy, it's not up to you to tell me what to do, is it?"    


The meaning behind President Koo's words was even more obvious. If he wanted Qin Guan to offend even more higher-ups, he would not be able to mingle with them in the future.    


"It's just a statement. The west will definitely accept it." Qin Guan said, "Especially the Y Country."    


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