Super Weapon Swap System

C561 The Boeing Program

C561 The Boeing Program

1Just as the North Heavy Truck Factory of Grassland City welcomed a cross-country marriage, a group of people arrived at the capital in a hurry and began their visit to the Aviation Industry Agency.    


"Welcome, everyone." Mo Section Chief personally welcomed these guests. At the same time, his heart was filled with doubt. He didn't have much contact with the Boeing Company, but now, the Boeing Company actually sent someone here?    


The people who came were precisely Boeing's Technology Department's director, Ralph, and the International Project Department's director, Li Xiangyu. After they met, they immediately entered into official negotiations.    


When mentioning the Boeing Company, most people's impression was that it was a large Civil Aircraft. After all, with the opening of the national gate, the Boeing Company's passenger plane... First, they entered the Han Country's airspace field. They used a lot of civil aircrafts. They had a deep impression of the job of compensating for trade.    


In fact, Boeing Company also had a military Aircraft Company in ViQida. This Boeing military Aircraft Company had 25,000 employees, and the famous B-29 and the B-52 from the Second World War were all produced by them. Although they did not manufacture the machines now, they were doing the A-6, F-4, KC-135, and B-52 modification work. They were producing the majority of the Mechs that were in charge of B-1B's comprehensive aviation and Boeing 737.    


As for Boeing Company, in the beginning, they did not want to participate in the Saber 2 Plan. In the eyes of Boeing Company, this project did not make much profit.    


However, Boeing still came because they were entrusted by the General Electric.    


The Grumman Company had turned the matter around because they tried to play tricks in front of the Han people. In the end, the Han people was quite dissatisfied with them. After that, the Walter Company came again.    


If the Walter Company also recommended the F404, then the General Electric would not be in a hurry. But now, the Walt Company actually recommended that Turbojet Engine. If the Walter Company beat them to it, then how could it be sold for the F404?    


Hence, the General Electric urged the Boeing Company to come over. After all, the Boeing Company was also a machine factory. They could provide engines to the Han Country through them!    


Although the goal was to sell the engines, they were also concerned about the match of the machine. They could also see the technological capabilities of the Han people. Just like that, they also came.    


Ralph had a smile on his face. He was not surprised by the way he handled things. In any case, this time, he was here to go through the motions and provide them with the engine and the aviation power through the sound waves. They could still make a profit from the sound waves. If the sound waves failed... That wouldn't be too much of a loss. The Boeing came from the commercial passenger market in Han Country... It had long earned a lot.    


"We have come here to discuss the compatibility of your Super Seven Fighter. Before we set off, we have already prepared two plans." Ralph said.    


As he spoke, the assistant took out the plan. When he saw the document, the people on the other side were stunned.    


Elder Tu was also here. As the person in charge of the Super Seven, he was the one who carried out the follow-up negotiations. Now, he held the document in his hand. There were more than a hundred pages!    


The efficiency of the other party's work was simply too high.    


According to the description of the Han Country, the Super Seven Fighter was improved from the foundation of the J-7 Combat Jet. As for the Boeing Company, they had never come into contact with the J-7 Combat Jet before. They had followed the MiG-21 plan.    


After the Boeing Company decided to join, under the circumstances where they could grasp very little information about the -7 within a short period of time, they wrote down this plan. This was the strength of a large company.    


Elder Tu opened it and saw the directory in front of him. It was very strange.    


This was the first time Elder Tu had come into contact with the advanced concept. In the research and development system of planes in Y Country, they would use SOW (job description), WBS (work breakdown structure). The concept of this kind of term.    


SOW was a technical requirement document that the buyer gave to the seller, telling the seller what the purpose was and what the work was. The WBS was the answer document that the seller gave to the buyer. It explained how to break down the components of the entire work into various hardware units in order to gradually carry out the task.    


This method could be targeted and powerful. Even if it was working with the Grumman Company, there was no such document. It could be seen that the Boeing Company was the most professional.    


This written suggestion was to change the aircraft to air inlet on both sides. The air inlet could not be adjusted. The tips of the wings were hanging, and because there were seven cheats, the structural design had to reach a total lifespan of 4000 hours.    


Aviation had two plans. One of them was to use a large number of F-16 electrical equipment. The engine was recommended from the M88, PW1216, RB199 and F404.    


At the same time, after analysis, the Boeing leaned towards using F404. It was more reliable and had a greater thrust, which made it easier to maintain. In order to achieve high reliability, boeing suggested a large number of shelves products and proven technologies.    


There was no voice in the meeting room for the time being. There was only the sound of flipping documents. After roughly browsing through the documents, Elder Tu was able to come to this conclusion.    


Although the Boeing Company was a new member, the preparation work done by the Boeing Company was quite good.    


"We express our gratitude to the Boeing Company for their sincerity." Elder Tu said, "I think we can sign a letter of intent on this document."    


The letter of intent was only the first step.    


Ralph was very satisfied when he heard Elder Tu's words. "Everyone should know that our participation in Project Two is different from the Grumman Company. We, Boeing, do not want to make a lot of profit. It is mainly because the government wants Boeing to do it."    


What Ralph said wasn't wrong. One should know that the current Mountain Country was facing a major political problem, and conflict could break out at any time. The possibility of Bear Country getting involved was also getting bigger and bigger.    


If the Y Country wants to interfere with the Mountain Country, they can only do so through the Sanctity Country. Furthermore, the Sanctity Country already has a good relationship with the Y Country.    


The Grumman Company was about to be messed up. In order to satisfy the requirements of competition, the Y Country Government had forced the Boeing Company to join them.    


If this project could be completed, the ones who would benefit the most would be the Sanctity Country and the Han Country. Also, the engine and the equipment company in the Y Country. After the development of the airplane was completed, there wasn't much work to be done in the production phase. There were no benefits to be gained. Since the Eagle Government was promoting it, boeing had to be fought for.    


Since the tone of this meeting had already been decided, the following negotiations would be quite simple.    


"Everyone should also know that due to the restrictions of our country's government export permit, the only three possible relationships we have is: Sanctity Country is the buyer, so we have a request; Boeing is the contractor. You are responsible for the buyer, completing the design, trial, test flight and other arrangements and jobs of the entire plane; you are the contractor. It is responsible for Boeing, completing the modification, trial, and test of the Mechs; it is responsible for the Boeing, completing the modification, trial, and test of the Mechs; it is also responsible for the Boeing, the Mechs, the Mechs, the Mechs, the Mechs, the Mechs, the Mechs, and the Mechs. You will also organize the production and delivery of the Mechs. You will be the subcontractor, responsible for the Boeing, completing the modification, trial, and testing of the Mechs."    


Although his attitude was very kind, his basic opinion still remained unchanged. Now, the advantage of Boeing Company compared to other companies was that although Boeing Company was the main contractor, however, they were not in charge of production. The production was handed over to Han Country. In other words, the money was mainly earned by Han Country.    


"We also know that you have inspected the facilities in the Sanctity Country. If you modify their aircraft factory, you can also manufacture a part of the aircraft. But for the industrial level of Sanctity Country, they can only produce a portion. The rest of the planes would still be handed over to you to produce. Didn't you develop the Super Seven to earn money? "    


This sentence was correct. The Super Seven was a foreign trading machine, and it was used to earn money.    


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