Super Weapon Swap System

C612 Come Uninvited

C612 Come Uninvited

2Qin Guan's visit couldn't be done overnight. At least in the higher ups, they still needed to go through repeated arguments. Should they openly support Parthia? Should they spend a huge amount of money to buy this batch of fighter aircraft?    


The opinions of the lower echelons had already been unanimously agreed. The upper echelons still needed a long time.    


Qin Guan did not need to worry about these things. If the higher class agreed, then he would go out. If the superior did not agree, then he would just stay there. At least, the progress of the 6611 Fierce Dragon projects was very smooth. At the end of the year, when he flew for the first time, he pulled the Supreme Commander over and flew in a circle in front of him. That would definitely make the Supreme Commander incomparably happy. Would he still be afraid of not getting enough funds?    


During this period of time, he could just stay at home and accompany his wife, and accompany his child. At the same time, he could also deal with the problems that had been left behind because he had gone out.    


"Qin Guan, you are living a leisurely life." Major Yang sat in the yard and basked in the sun. On the third day, he finally came back with a tired look on his face.    


Qin Guan only cared about the various plans, but Major Yang was the one who did all of them. In the past few days, Major Yang had to coordinate the journey to Parthia almost every day. When he came back to watch Qin Guan sunbathe, of course he was extremely envious.    


"Mr Yang, how is it going with this matter? Will it be delayed until winter?" Qin Guan asked.    


This kind of thing could not be decided in a day or two. But if the time was too long, it might drag the matter down. Especially if the Parthia and Coconut Jujube Country started a war, they would want to buy this batch of equipment at a low price. That would be impossible.    


"Soon, about a month or so, if everything goes smoothly." Major Yang looked at the minibus at the entrance of the yard. It had always been Qin Guan's car. Now, seeing Qin Guan so relaxed, Major Yang said, "Recently, our 79 tanks have solved the engine problem. The final prototype test is in progress. Do you want to take a look? "    


79 tanks? Qin Guan immediately remembered. This tank was not the 79th tank in history. It was equivalent to the 99th tank in the future. It was developed on the foundation of the Leopard-2 chassis.    


This tank was a project that Qin Guan had started when he had just transmigrated. Under Elder Zhu's lead, he had overcome all obstacles and worked hard.    


Although he had brought in the technology for the 1500 horsepower engine from Hans Country, however, due to the failure of the processing industry, the power of this tank was almost unable to produce a steady output of 1000 horsepower, so it dragged on for a long time. Later on, Qin Guan sent the technical staff of North Heavy Truck Factory to provide assistance.    


Now, this tank was finally going to be finalized?    


Putting aside whether the domestic army had the ability to equip it, at least overseas, they had already received orders from Coconut Jujube Country. Therefore, there was absolutely no problem for this project to survive.    


"Of course, I'll go and take a look." Qin Guan said, "Scholar, Xiang Jing, let's go out and have fun!"    


Now, Qin Guan was already used to bringing these two people out. Scholar was an excellent driver and translator, while Xiang Jing was a qualified bodyguard and secretary. When the three of them were together, it was a golden combination.    


What did Qin Guan have? Of course it was his brain.    


The Elementary Scholar jumped onto the northern brave warrior off-road vehicle. This vehicle, which was the same model as the Hummer, was violently driven. Within the black smoke, the vehicle had already left.    


Major Yang looked at these people and smiled bitterly. The three armies in the sea, land, and air had to rely on Qin Guan to solve the problem of their equipment.    


How much importance did the superiors place on Qin Guan? Initially, Qin Guan had suggested buying the aircraft from Parthia, but the amount was still too much. The Supreme Commander had his own concerns. But after hearing that it was Qin Guan who suggested it, then slowly change his attitude.    


As for the small problem with the 79 tanks, Qin Guan would definitely be able to solve it quickly with the hesitation of the army.    


Of course, Qin Guan did not know that Major Yang lied to him to solve the problem. Now, hearing that the 79 tanks were going to be fixed, Qin Guan naturally could not wait.    


The production of tanks was in Grassland City, but the testing of tanks was in the western part of the capital, in the special training ground of the army.    


Due to the terrain, once Bear Country decided to start a war, it would definitely advance from the flat grassland to the capital in a few days. Near the capital, there was also the most powerful tank division of the army stationed there.    


This tank division had a vast training ground.    


The training ground was at the foot of the mountain, about a few dozen square kilometers. They were all on Rock Head Mountain, so they could not plant crops. This was the place where the Tank Soldier trained. At the same time, if they were interested, they could drive tanks into the mountain. They could carry out special training.    


Now, the training ground had been cleared. The ground was filled with the marks of tank tracks. At the entrance of the training ground, a large group of people were surrounding a few new tanks.    


"This time, we are testing the model of the domestic tank 79. General Equipment Department, please take the examination seriously and take a look at our tank. Is it possible that this tank has already surpassed the standard of the original Leopard-2 tank?" Elder Zhu, who had an empty sleeve, said to the people in front of him.    


In this era, there were many people who cheated. However, if the equipment of the troops was fake, it would be terrifying on the battlefield. It would be a joke about the lives of the soldiers.    


Now, there was a large group of people present. They were the leaders of the Second Chance Department and the generals of the armored soldiers. Elder Zhu was there, facing a large group of people. Their eyes were full of expectation.    


"Stop, what are you doing?" At this moment, a car flew over from afar. When they saw the car rushing over, the guards at the intersection shouted.    


One of them! A guest didn't attract much attention, but everyone turned around. What kind of car was that?    


They had never seen it before. It was short, but very wide. It was like lying on the ground, on the road to the shooting range. There were bullet holes everywhere. It was not easy to walk at all. The car was speeding. When it came down from the slope, all four tires were in the air.    


This car was simply as flexible as a tank.    


Everyone's eyes were already shining.    


"Is it President Qin?" At this moment, the landlord, the teacher of the Tank Division, Colonel Luo, had spoken from afar. When he saw the car, he thought of something.    


"Welcome, welcome." The car rushed over with a cloud of dust. Colonel Luo looked at the person in the car and was overjoyed. It was indeed President Qin!    


Last year, Colonel Luo had seen President Qin during the military exercise in Grassland City. Later, after the exercise, they returned to the station and never saw him again.    


"It's me. I heard that the tank is going to be tested. I came without invitation."    


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