Super Weapon Swap System

C317 Hongyuan Machinery Factory

C317 Hongyuan Machinery Factory

5Grassland City, North Heavy Truck Factory.    


Zhang Xiangyang slowly opened his eyes and looked at the white walls around him. The smell of disinfectant floated in the air. Suddenly, he sat up.    


Where is this place? Could it be a hospital? I can't be hospitalized, I don't have money! How could I afford the hospitalization fees?    


A rumbling sound came from afar. Looking at the familiar surroundings, Zhang Xiangyang slowly remembered that this should not be a hospital. It should be the clinic in the factory, right?    


The factory was alright. At least it would not charge. It would treat the workers for free.    


At this moment, the curtain outside was lifted. It was the familiar Dr. Zhao.    


In the past, Zhang Xiangyang was the workshop director. Everyone was polite when they met. But now, although Zhang Xiangyang was in dire straits, Dr. Zhao did not look down on him at all.    


"Zhang, you were so angry that you fainted. I prescribed you some medicine to calm your mind and replenish your brain. Go back. Take it. A few days shouldn't be a big problem, but you have to be careful in the future. Don't worry, if there's a problem with the blood vessels... There won't be any time for resuscitation. " Dr. Zhao said.    


Only now did Zhang Xiangyang remember that he had fainted because of the lie.    


Don't be anxious in the future? How could he not be anxious! It was so easy for him to get the job done, and he was tricked by Wang Lijun, that little bastard!    


Zhang Xiangyang's mind was in a mess. At that time, Wang Lijun definitely did not know how much deposit he had taken. If he had known that he had taken thirty thousand deposit, he would have definitely cheated all of them away.    


In other words, he still had twenty thousand left. If he could not produce those converters, he would have to compensate the factory with thirty thousand.    


What should he do?    


Zhang Xiangyang had no idea. He was even thinking if he should take the remaining twenty thousand yuan and leave immediately.    


Since Wang Lijun lied to him, he might as well lie to Factory Manager Wang as well.    


This era was not like in the future. The internet system was developed. Once criminals entered the network of the Public Security Department, they could not do anything. They could only herd sheep in remote mountainous areas and survive day by day.    


Now, it was very backward everywhere. There was no need to go to the hospital to have children. Without a birth certificate, the death would not be filed in the police station. If Zhang Xiangyang left Grassland City and went to other places, he would only need to spend three thousand yuan. He would be able to re-establish his identity and rely on the remaining money. He could do something else.    


Zhang Xiangyang felt that he had no other choice. Although he had lived here for so many years, there was no place for him in this place now. He could only choose to leave.    


Zhang Xiangyang didn't know how he left the hospital bed and clinic. His mind was in chaos. He walked slowly on the road in the factory area. He even forgot where to throw his bicycle. He was just like that. Slowly, slowly, he walked out.    


Just as he walked out of the door, he suddenly heard a voice. "Director Zhang, Director Zhang!"    


Zhang Xiangyang was no longer the director. Later, when everyone saw him, they would at most call him Zhang. Therefore, when they heard this voice, Zhang Xiangyang did not realize that it was him. He continued to walk forward.    


"Director Zhang, Director Zhang, stop." At this moment, an unfamiliar face suddenly appeared in front of him. "I am the director of Hongyuan Machinery Factory. My name is Wang Bao. Hello, Director Zhang."    


Hongyuan Machinery Factory? Wang Bao?    


Zhang Xiangyang did not have a good impression of Wang Bao. Furthermore, he did not know Wang Bao. Could it be that Wang Bao was here to deceive him again?    


"I don't know you." Zhang Xiangyang said.    


"Yes, Director Zhang. I don't have much fame right now. A month ago... Our Machinery Factory has just been set up. We have more than a dozen large processing equipment. We also have an electric furnace forging equipment that can manufacture all kinds of mechanical products. I came to our factory to see if I can share some of the production of parts. "    


In this era, there were already people who started to think about starting factories to earn money. According to the current situation, as long as they dared to do it, they would be able to earn money. However, there were also some people who did not have the connections and were currently gathering.    


For example, after Wang Bao established the factory, he could only produce some civilian coal stoves. Of course, he was not satisfied. Now, he hoped to get orders from the big factories.    


However, he had nothing to do with the factory. He could not even enter the gate. Just when he was anxious, he saw Director Zhang coming out!    


Although he had only seen Director Zhang occasionally half a year ago, he would never forget it. It must be him!    


As long as he could establish a relationship with ___, it would be easy. At most, he could give him some rebates. Wang Bao was very familiar with this method.    


"You want to share the production of the parts?" Zhang Xiangyang glanced at him from the corner of his eye. Is this for real?    


It seemed like he could not afford the stall anymore. Running away with the money was just a bad idea. Now, if he could transfer the money, wouldn't that be even better?    


Regardless of whether it was real or fake, he couldn't take out another cent. As long as he could hold on to this pass, he wouldn't be cheated.    


Yes, that's right!    


Zhang Xiangyang made up his mind.    


"I do have a project here, but can your factory's equipment guarantee our quality?" Zhang Xiangyang said.    


"Of course not. Director Zhang, as long as you provide the blueprint of the parts and let us process them, there will definitely be no problem." Wang Bao said.    


"In that case, let's give it a try first." Zhang Xiangyang said, "I'll give you the blueprints for the parts. Processing 100 sets for me first. If you can satisfy my needs, I will give you the order. I'll even let you contract this project in the future. "    


"No problem, of course no problem" Wang Bao immediately agreed. He had been worrying about the project, but now it was so easy to get it!    


"Um, Director Zhang, can you give us some deposit first?" Wang Bao said, "Our factory has just started working. The turnover is not working."    


Speaking of deposit, Zhang Xiangyang's eyes were burning with anger. He still wanted to lie to me, right?    


"No deposit. Someone is fighting over this job. If you don't accept it, there will naturally be others. Give me the parts. If the factory passes the test, I will give you the full amount." Zhang Xiangyang said it very straightforwardly.    


You still want to lie to me? No way, if you dare, then do it. If you don't dare, then forget it!    


"Then, then I'll think of a way." Wang Bao said.    


"Wait for me here. I'll go get the blueprints. When you produce them, send them to the branch factory in the suburbs first." Zhang Xiangyang said. At this time, his brain had started to clear up.    


He would let him process the parts, assemble the parts with the workers, and then give them to the factory. If Wang Bao was not lying, he would be able to earn money more easily.    


Could it be that there was always a way out?    


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