Super Weapon Swap System

C158 Elder Song's Proposal

C158 Elder Song's Proposal

5The cabins of this era are mostly mechanical instruments, and only radar needs a round cathode tube with a green screen on it.    


The mechanical instruments looked very intuitive, but it was very messy. How many instruments were there? All of them had to be placed in front of their eyes. In the future, with the application of 1553B data bus technology, all kinds of data could be incorporated into a channel and displayed on the display screen.    


This way, it would be clear and direct. Whatever you need, you can show me the interface. For example, when you were descending, there would be a variety of height and speed indicators in front of you. You can even show the posture of the plane in an image, and during an aerial battle, it would change to various aerial enemy signals, and so on and so forth.    


Now, the Owlet Dragon's appearance was arranged according to the commonly seen layout in the future, one square and three square. Three intelligent multi-colored monitors (MFD) and one Head-up Display (HUD), in the future. This was the most common arrangement of cabins, like the F35. In front of them was a large display, which was full of science fiction.    


However, in this era, the display screen was absolutely inconceivable.    


If one had seen the Flight Emulator that Qin Guan created, they would be familiar with it. This layout was the same as the Flight Emulator. Could it be that the plane's cockpit could really be arranged in such a manner?    


Especially when the sunlight shone into the cockpit. These display screens could be seen clearly? One had to know that the radar screens of this era had to be equipped with a shield of light. The double-seat fighter aircraft, Radar Officer's cockpit in the backseat, maintained the darkness as much as possible. It was all for the sake of being able to see the screen clearly.    


If the shape of the fighter jet was incredible, then... This futuristic cockpit had completely exceeded their understanding. The cockpit appeared incomparably simple, and on the control pole... A few more buttons appeared.    


In the future, this was called hand never leaving the control pole. As the name suggested, the hand did not need to leave the control pole to be able to perform all the operations, making it much easier for the pilot to remain focused during the intense aerial battle.    


Every part of this airplane was emitting a mysterious light. Compared to the MiG-23 from before, this was like an alien.    


Elder Soong's eyes were also wide open. In the upper echelons, there was already a rumor circulating in secret. This Qin Guan... He was a magic master who could create advanced things. The outdated weapons suddenly became advanced. Now, the truth was right in front of him.    


There was no need for him to think about how this plane came about. What he needed was to research this plane. It seemed like something very new. Every kid's systematic research would bring huge progress to his side.    


Yes, that's right!    


Elder Soong walked over and carefully observed the plane. From the outside, it looked small and small. At most, it could only be called a medium-sized fighter jet. However, looking at its advanced level, it could not be underestimated its combat strength. The exterior of the plane was smooth, and there was not a single exposed rivet. The air inlet of the drum seemed even more mysterious. If one were to fully understand this inlet technique, in the future, when it came to reducing the weight of the plane... It would be very helpful.    


Suddenly, he saw a piece of cover in front of the entrance. It was actually a screw. He could not help but ask, "What's inside?"    


The cover was riveted. Every time it was repaired, rivets had to be removed. Reconstructing the rivets was very cumbersome, so there would be some openings on the cover. Using a screw, it was convenient to disassemble it, but now, this position was very strange. What kind of equipment was inside the opening?    


Qin Guan glanced at it and said lightly, "It's for the luggage."    


Let Li go?    


Everyone was about to vomit blood. Such an advanced aircraft actually had a place to put the luggage.    


Yeah, it really was a suitcase.    


When the fighter aircraft turned around, there were all kinds of security equipment on the ground. will be transported along with the transport, and the pilot will fly his own fighter jet over. At the same time, the luggage that the pilot carried with him was brought over by the fighter jet. There really was a luggage compartment. Although it wasn't big, there were some clothes to change into. The books that the pilot liked to read were not a problem.    


Someone had already brought a screw over. Qin Guan skillfully unscrewed the screw, revealing a seat the size of a large travel bag. Elder Soong looked inside and saw that it was empty. It was indeed a luggage bag.    




In the deepest part, there was a nameplate. He could clearly see the words 1132 Factory written on it. When he saw the words, he was instantly shocked.    


The 6611 research institute specialized in designing aircraft. At the same time, this research institute also corresponded to a production factory, which was the 1132 factory. And now, he actually saw the 1132 factory here!    


What did this mean? Could it be produced by the 1132 factory? How was that possible?    


The 1132 factories were all designed by their own side. Could it be a mere coincidence? When he thought of this, he was already somewhat confused. At the same time, a bold speculation formed in his mind.    


He didn't dare to say it out loud.    


"This plane looks similar to our J-7." Elder Soong finally spat out these words, "With our current technology, we can reverse engineer the plane in front of us. I'm afraid it will be very difficult. However, if we use the technology of this plane... It might be easier to improve our current J-7 plane. "    


The older the wiser. When Qin Guan heard Elder Soong's words, he suddenly understood a problem. What Elder Soong said was the truth!    


The plane he brought was the prototype of the plane in the cemetery in future generations. Even if it was a prototype plane, it would still use about two thousand years of technology. Although he made it out, if he wanted to reverse engineer it... It was very difficult. Not to mention other things, the integrated circuits of all sizes in the aviation system... There was no way to reverse engineer it. The technology of this era could not be developed at all.    


In other words, this plane was only used to develop ideas. At the same time, it could absorb some of the technology within. However, it would be very difficult to replicate it.    


If he could obtain some inspiration from this plane's technology and upgrade his own current J-7 fighter aircraft, then this path would be easy to walk.    


If Qin Guan's system was upgraded again, he might be able to pull over the production equipment of the future generations. Then, he might really be able to get on the horse. But now, there was still a long way to go.    


In the future, the upgrade of the fighter aircraft mainly revolved around the aviation system. Without winning the electromagnetic rights, it was impossible to win the air control rights. Electronic technology was decisive.    


His own system upgrade was imminent. At the same time, Elder Soong's opinion gave Qin Guan a lot of inspiration.    


Upgrading the existing J-7? When he heard Elder Soong's suggestion, another plane appeared in Qin Guan's mind.    


J-7 F * * k.    


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