Rebirth: Colorful Divine Body

C214 Refining the God Transforming Pill and the Three Tribulations Pill in Bulk

C214 Refining the God Transforming Pill and the Three Tribulations Pill in Bulk

Article 214 - Mass refinement of God Transformating Pill and Triple Tribulation Pill.    


"Pooh pooh pooh!"    


Muh Feng and Chen Minghui crawled out from the mud pile. Their mouths were full of dirt and their clothes were torn. However, they did not suffer any injuries.    


"Where's my Medicine Pill?"    


Muh Feng immediately rushed towards the Furnace. He raised his head and looked at the sky above the Furnace. Immediately, he felt relieved.    


The Medicine Pill was still suspended above the Furnace. Seven colored light flickered.    


Nie Li grabbed the Medicine Pill with his hand, and examined it. At this time, Chen Minghui also walked up.    


"Disciple, how is it? Is the Medicine Pill alright?" Chen Minghui asked.    


Muh Feng handed the Medicine Pill to Chen Minghui and said, "Hehe, master, take a look for yourself."    


After watching for a while, Chen Minghui laughed out loud and said, "Disciple, we have succeeded! This is great! This old man will be able to witness such a high grade Medicine Pill in my lifetime!"    


"Hehe, Master, as long as we master and disciple have the same heart, we can concoct the Tribulation Crossing Pill. Hahaha!" Muh Feng said with a smile.    


" Yes, yes, I believe you, but all of this is because of you. I didn't contribute much! " Chen Minghui replied.    


"Master is being modest. Without your help, I'm afraid that disciple will have to take many detours in order to succeed. Master has contributed a lot." Muh Feng said.    


"By the way, what's the name of this Medicine Pill?" Chen Minghui asked.    


"En? Why don't master take one this time?" Muh Feng replied.    


"Alright, let me think about it!"    


A few dozen breaths later, Chen Minghui said, "Why don't we call it the Three Tribulations Pill?"    


"Three Tribulations Pill? The Medicine Pill that had experienced the Triple Tribulation was not bad. Hahaha, that's the name!" Muh Feng replied.    


Just like that, the Three Tribulations Pill that broke through to the Mahayana Stage appeared out of nowhere.    


"Are we going to try the next pill?" Chen Minghui asked.    


Muh Feng thought for a moment and replied, "I don't think it's necessary. The remaining herbs are not enough to refine a few more pills."    


"Then should we refine the God Transformating Pill or the Three Tribulation Pill first?" Chen Minghui asked.    


"Let's refine the God Transformating Pill first!" Muh Feng replied.    


Subsequently, the two of them began refining the God Transformating Pill one by one. Afterwards, ten or ten of them. As the number increased... The power of the Pill Tribulation also increased, and the power of collectively transcending the Pill Tribulation increased exponentially. It wasn't as simple as one plus one, but a multifold increase.    


When the number of pills increased to fifty, Muh Feng couldn't take it anymore. Chen Minghui, on the other hand, almost collapsed. In the end, Muh Feng was the only one who could withstand the pill tribulation. This shocked Chen Minghui greatly.    


Muh Feng's talent in alchemy was so high, but he didn't expect that his cultivation base and combat strength would be beyond his reach. Chen Minghui had a feeling that if he were to fight Muh Feng, he wouldn't be able to hold on for even a single round.    


However, Muh Feng didn't have a shred of pride towards him. Instead, he respected him very much. This made Chen Minghui admire Muh Feng's character even more.    


At the same time, he was secretly glad that he had found such a monstrous disciple. This was a good fortune that he wouldn't be able to cultivate for a few lifetimes.    


After refining 600 God Transformating Pill, Muh Feng stopped refining. It wasn't because he had consumed too much spirit energy, but because there weren't many Bodhi Roots left. He still needed to use them to refine the Third Tribulation Pill later.    


After refining the God Transformating Pill, they rested for a while and continued to refine the Third Calamity Pill.    


The refining of the Third Calamity Pill was more than a hundred times more difficult. A cauldron would take several days. However, Muh Feng and the others didn't lack time, but their tense spirits made them a bit unable to withstand it.    


They had to rest for a while every few cauldrons of refining to prevent the quality of the Medicine Pill refined from overexhaustion from not being good.    


Muh Feng did not dare to refine many 'Three Tribulations Pill' in one cauldron. At most, he could refine five of them in one cauldron. Even so, he was still flustered when faced with the 'Three Tribulations Pill'. He even suffered some minor injuries.    


When the last bit of the Luohan Fruit was refined, Muh Feng and Chen Minghui sat down on the ground and panted heavily.    


At the same time, the two of them were also very excited.    


"Disciple, I didn't put in much effort in concocting the Three Tribulations Pill, but I've exhausted you. I'll massage your shoulders for you."    


Finished speaking.    


Chen Minghui got up and prepared to massage Muh Feng's shoulders.    


Muh Feng hurriedly stopped him and said, "Master, you can't do that. In this world, how can Master massage a disciple's shoulder?"    


"Alright. We have refined 600 God Transformating Pill and 100 Triple Tribulation Pills. Master is so happy and excited. I have never felt so accomplished in my life, even though I am only assisting by the side."    


"Master, you said that every Medicine Pill here has a portion of Master's credit."    


When Chen Minghui heard this, he smiled. Could it be that he didn't know whether or not he had any credit?    


Chen Minghui indeed had a lot of credit, but the last one hundred or two hundred God Transformating Pills did not participate because of the depletion of spirit energy. It was all refined by Muh Feng alone.    


As for the Three Tribulations Pill, Chen Minghui only participated in the refinement of a few of them. The consumption was too great, and the absorption of spiritual energy could not keep up with the consumption.    


And because Muh Feng had absorbed that abnormal amount of spirit energy, he was basically able to maintain a tie.    


This time, refining pills took a total of a hundred years, and just a year had passed in the outside world.    


After resting for half a day, Muh Feng and Chen Minghui returned to Rainbow Temple Conference Hall.    


When Muh Feng came out, the two Vice Palace Masters sensed his aura. Then, they acted on their own accord and informed the Senior Executive of Rainbow Temple to head to the Conference Hall for a meeting.    


Although it was a meeting, it was actually a Pill Distribution Assembly.    


After a while, all the higher ups were present, although they knew that this time, the Pill Gathering was mainly for peak Aperture Expelling Late Period and peak Divine Clone Late Period. However, they were still curious about what kind of shock the palace master would bring them this time. Would there be any Medicine Pill that could help them break through to the Mahayana Stage?    


Everyone was filled with expectation. How could Muh Feng let them down?    


"Everyone, this palace master and Master Chen Minghui have gone into seclusion for a year to research and refine Medicine Pill. Not only did they successfully develop the Three Tribulations Pill, they also refined the God Transformating Pill and the Three Tribulations Pill in bulk at the same time." Muh Feng said with a smile.    


"Mighty Palace Master, invincible Palace Master!" Everyone shouted.    


"Hall Master, may I ask what the effect of the Three Tribulations Pill is?" Chen Hui's eyes lit up as he asked. In fact, he had already guessed that it might be a Medicine Pill that could help him break through to the Mahayana Stage.    


What Chen Hui asked was exactly what everyone wanted to know. Therefore, everyone pricked up their ears and looked at Muh Feng with eager eyes.    


"The Three Tribulations Pill is a Medicine Pill that can help a peak Divine Clone Late Period break through to the Mahayana Stage. It belongs to a Mid Heaven Level Medicine Pill." Muh Feng replied.    


Hiss ~!    


Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air at the same time. Although they had already guessed it, they were still shocked when they heard the Palace Master say it himself.    


Before Muh Feng could say anything about the pill test, Chen Hui stood up and cupped his fists, "Palace master, this subordinate requests to try the pill!"    


Muh Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "Look at how anxious you are, what kind of manners do you have!? Forget it, take it!"    


Finished talking.    


Muh Feng took out a Three Tribulations Pill and threw it to Chen Hui. Chen Hui didn't even look at it and swallowed it in one gulp. He then sat down and began to meditate.    


After several dozen breaths, the surrounding spiritual energy surged into Chen Hui's body like tidal waves. Soon after, all the spiritual energy in the tomb space gathered towards Conference Hall, forming a huge spiritual whirlpool in the sky above the main hall.    


After absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy, after a hundred breaths, Chen Hui roared. Immense Qi! In an instant, he broke through the Mahayana Stage and entered the Mahayana Early Period. Furthermore, his cultivation base was still increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. When he reached the peak of the Mahayana Early Period, his cultivation base stopped growing.    


"Hahaha, I have finally broken through to the Mahayana Stage!" Chen Hui felt the new energy and shouted excitedly.    


Muh Feng nodded his head, expressing that he was very satisfied with the Three Tribulations Pill that he had concocted. There wouldn't be any side effects.    


Looking at the Medicine Pill that allowed Chen Hui to break through to the peak Mahayana Early Period, everyone was filled with envy. They all went forward to congratulate Chen Hui.    


"Everyone, be quiet. I have refined quite a number of Medicine Pills. As long as you all cultivate to the peak state, I will grant you all Medicine Pill." Muh Feng said.    


"Thank you for your kindness, Palace Master. We will definitely work hard to cultivate and will not disappoint you." Everyone said in unison.    


"Mm, that's good."    


After that, Muh Feng gave his brothers and sisters who had reached the level of the Senior Executive of Rainbow Temple as well as the three tribulation pills. Then, he said, "This palace master is tired. I'll go and rest for a while!"    


After that, Muh Feng and Yixue came to the Limitless Immortal Palace with a Teleportation.    


It was rare for them to have free time. Muh Feng and Yixue hid in the Limitless Immortal Palace and fought for three days and three nights before they were satisfied.    


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