Rebirth: Colorful Divine Body

C858 Danger Is Coming

C858 Danger Is Coming

Danger is coming.    


Upon hearing Sect Master Tu's words, Muh Feng was instantly dumbfounded. Why did he need a special envoy from the Divine Spirit Platform and a successor to the Sect Master?    


Muh Feng was very confused. He had no idea where Sect Master Tu was singing and what was the purpose of doing this?    


However, no matter what Sect Master Tu's purpose was, it didn't seem to have any disadvantages to Muh Feng. However, Muh Feng still didn't understand. So he cupped his fists and asked, "Sect Master Tu, why did you do this? The position of the Sect Master's successor is too high. This disciple feels that I am not qualified for it!"    


Sect Master Tu immediately waved his hand and said, "Feng Mu must be joking. With Feng Mu's monstrous talent, how can he not be qualified?"    


" I have told you before that I have been looking for a successor. Feng Mu, you are the most suitable person. Therefore, I sincerely request Feng Mu to be the successor of the Earth God Sect's Sect Master! "    


"As long as you agree, not only will the Divine Spirit Platform's special envoy be given to you, even the Great Elder of the Sect Elder Pavilion will be able to give it to you."    


Muh Feng understood what Sect Master Tu meant. To put it bluntly, Sect Master Tu wanted to recruit him because of his talent.    


Muh Feng thought for a moment, then cupped his fists and said to Sect Master Tu, "Since Sect Master Tu has already said so much, Feng Mu won't hesitate anymore. I will be the successor of the Earth God Sect."    


"Hahaha... Good, good! Since Feng Mu has agreed, the special envoy of Divine Spirit Platform will be yours as well. " Sect Master Tu said with a smile.    


"By the way, what kind of position does the special envoy of Divine Spirit Platform hold?" Muh Feng asked.    


Although Muh Feng knew that the Divine Spirit Platform's special envoy was related to the Divine Spirit Platform, he didn't know what kind of position the Divine Spirit Platform's special envoy held.    


Sect Master Tu thought for a moment and said, "Little Friend Feng Muh, the special envoy is actually the leader in charge of the Divine Spirit Platform. Whenever a Low Realm Ascender comes, the guards of the Divine Spirit Platform will immediately report it to the special envoy of the Divine Spirit Platform. After that, the special envoys of Divine Spirit Platform will discuss and decide the ownership of the Ascender. "    


"Special envoys of Divine Spirit Platform? Sect Master Tu means there are many special envoys of Divine Spirit Platform?" Muh Feng asked.    


"Not a lot. There are five of them. There are five sects in Five God Sect and one special envoy from Divine Spirit Platform." Sect Master Tu replied.    


Muh Feng suddenly understood the management pattern of the Five God Sect in Divine Spirit Platform.    


Of the five major sects in Five God Sect, each sect had a special envoy from Divine Spirit Platform. So, the guards of Divine Spirit Platform must be a part of each sect.    


Once the Ascender ascended, the five special envoys of the Divine Spirit Platform would gather together and discuss which sect they should join.    


When he thought of this, Muh Feng was calculating in his heart. If he really wanted to control the Divine Spirit Platform, he would have to control the five special envoys of the Five God Sect.    


However, when he recalled the situation when he joined the five sects of Five God Sect, only Muh Feng and the other nine people of Fire God Sect didn't join. Now that he thought about it, Muh Feng felt a little regretful.    


If he had known that the special envoys of the Divine Spirit Platform were from each sect, he would have told the Sect Master and the others to split up and make sure that every sect had a disciple of the Rainbow Temple. Only then would he be able to control the Divine Spirit Platform better.    


However, the matter had already passed. It was useless for Muh Feng to regret now. He could only think of another way.    


A few days later, Sect Master Tu invited the Sect Masters and the higher ups of the other four sects of the Five God Sect to the Earth God Sect as guests to celebrate Muh Feng becoming the successor of the Sect Master of the Earth God Sect.    


Sect Master Tu's purpose was very obvious. He wanted to tell the other four Sect Masters loudly that Muh Feng was the successor of the Sect Master of the Earth God Sect, and that they shouldn't have any ideas in the future.    


Sect Master Tu's actions made the other four Sect Masters dumbfounded. They had no idea why Sect Master Tu would allow a disciple with no attributes to inherit the position of Sect Master.    


However, after fifty years, after Muh Feng stayed in each Sect Master for ten years, the other four Sect Masters finally understood why Sect Master Tu would appoint Muh Feng as the successor of the Sect Master.    


Because Muh Feng was too monstrous. No matter what Element the Divine Ability Technique was, it could be easily learned!    


At this time, the other four Sect Masters also knew that Muh Feng was not a cripple, but a legendary genius with all attributes of Human Clan.    


Knowing Muh Feng's talent, the other four Sect Masters were filled with regret. Since Muh Feng had become the successor of the Earth God Sect's Sect Master, he naturally couldn't become the successor of the other four Sect Masters. However, the four Sect Masters weren't idle either. They spent a large amount of resources to rope Muh Feng in. They would give whatever they wanted!    


Through this method, Muh Feng successfully took down the envoys from the Divine Spirit Platform of the five sects. This meant that the Divine Spirit Platform would be Muh Feng's backyard from now on. As long as the Ascender came up, Muh Feng would have the final say.    


In the history of the God Realm's Human Clan, the first genius with all attributes was Sovereign Aolong, who was killed by Mo Tian 10,000 years ago, while Muh Feng was the second.    


The conclusion that Muh Feng was a genius with all attributes instantly pushed Muh Feng to the top of the wave, pushing him to the peak of public opinion.    


In just a few years, the news of Muh Feng being a genius with all attributes had reached the ears of the Devil Heaven Sect in Monarch Star Divine Domain. Therefore, the Devil Heaven Sect immediately sent two guardians to Five God Sect to find out the truth.    


Muh Feng still didn't know about all this, but the danger was slowly approaching.    


In the five divine palaces of Five God Sect, the five masters and two guardians had been waiting for a long time, but Muh Feng had yet to appear.    


It wasn't that Muh Feng had noticed something and ran away. It was because Muh Feng was in secluded cultivation and hadn't come out yet.    


"Five Sect Masters, could it be that you want us to stay here and wait for this guy to come out of seclusion? What if this guy hasn't come out for tens of thousands of years?" Wind Guardian said unhappily.    


"Calm down, Wind Guardian. Why don't we wait for another two days? If Feng Mu still hasn't come out of seclusion two days later, I will personally call him out. What do you think?" Sect Master Jin said.    


"Humph! Alright, I'll give you two days' time. If I still can't see this kid in two days' time, then I'm afraid there's no need for the Five God Sect to exist anymore. " Wind Guardian threatened.    


"Yes, yes, yes! Your subordinate understands." Sect Master Jin wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and replied.    


Seeing that two days were about to pass and Muh Feng had yet to appear, Sect Master Jin ordered Sect Master Tu to call Muh Feng.    


The five sect masters didn't dare to disturb Muh Feng from the beginning. In fact, it was Muh Feng who told them not to disturb him unless it was something important.    


Now, there was no other way. Sect Master Tu had no choice but to ask Muh Feng to come out. Otherwise, if these two guardians got angry, the entire Five God Sect would be destroyed.    


"Feng Mu, are you inside?" Sect Master Tu stood in front of Muh Feng's door, knocked on the door and shouted.    


Hearing Sect Master Tu's shout, Muh Feng came out of Limitless Immortal Palace. He opened the door, cupped his fists and said with a smile, "Sect Master Tu is in such a hurry to find Feng Mu. Is there something urgent?"    


Sect Master Tu nodded and said anxiously, "Follow me to the five divine palaces first. It's too late. Let's talk while walking."    


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