Rebirth: Colorful Divine Body

C854 Earth Beast

C854 Earth Beast

Opening the book, Muh Feng read through the three Divine Ability Technique from beginning to end. Just like what the Sect Master had said, it was indeed a low level Earth Element Cultivation Method. It was very simple.    


In less than a day, Muh Feng had memorized the three Divine Ability Technique and even understood them thoroughly.    


Therefore, in the following cultivation, Muh Feng was able to master these three simple Earth element divine abilities with ease. In just a month, he had successfully cultivated these three simple Earth element divine abilities.    


In fact, these three techniques could not be counted as divine abilities. At most, they could be counted as cultivation techniques because they were too simple and not very powerful.    


These three techniques were earth escape, earth wall, and earth nail respectively.    


Earth Escape and Earth Escape Technique were of little value to Muh Feng and were of no use at all.    


Earth Wall was a defensive skill. It used Earth as a wall to block the enemy's attack.    


Earth Nail, an offensive skill, used earth as a nail to catch the enemy off guard and attack them.    


These were basically useless to Muh Feng. They were too weak. If it wasn't to prove himself, Muh Feng wouldn't want to learn these low-level earth skills, because they were useless.    


After learning these three simple skills, Muh Feng walked out of Limitless Immortal Palace. Then, he walked out of his room alone, preparing to look around.    


The environment of the Earth God Peak was not bad. The divine spiritual energy was also very strong. It wouldn't be too bad.    


Muh Feng casually walked for a while. Then, he suddenly thought of a question. "Where does Sect Master Tu live?"    


Muh Feng was indeed going to walk around, but his final goal was to find Sect Master Tu and tell him that he had successfully cultivated these three techniques. He wanted to see what instructions Sect Master Tu would have next.    


But after walking for a while, Muh Feng found that he had no idea where Sect Master Tu lived.    


"Why don't we go to the Earth God Palace and take a look?"    


Thinking of the Earth God Palace, Muh Feng quickened his pace. Soon, Muh Feng arrived at the entrance of the Earth God Palace. He knocked on the door and shouted, "Sect Master Tu, are you there? Disciple Feng Mu requests to see you!"    


A few breaths later, seeing that there was no response, Muh Feng continued to shout, "Disciple Feng Mu requests an audience with Sect Master Tu!"    


After shouting twice, no one responded. Therefore, Muh Feng thought that Sect Master Tu was not in the Earth God Palace at all, so he turned around and planned to leave.    




But when Muh Feng turned his head, the door of the Earth God Palace behind him creaked, and then the door slowly opened.    


Muh Feng heard the sound and turned around. He took a few steps forward and extended his head into the hall. He softly shouted, "Sect Master Tu, was it you who opened the door?"    


Finished speaking.    


Muh Feng pricked up his ears, but no one answered him for a long time. It was as if the door of the palace was blown open by the wind.    


"Why is there no one here? Do you want to go in and take a look?"    


Muh Feng rubbed his chin and pondered for a while. After that, he still took a step forward and carefully walked into the main hall.    




The moment Muh Feng stepped into the main hall, the door behind him was slammed shut. The sound of the door being slammed shut was very loud, startling Muh Feng.    


"Anyone there?"    


"Is it Sect Master Tu? Disciple Feng Mu requests an audience!"    


Like an enemy entering a village, Muh Feng squatted down and sneakily moved forward, occasionally shouting a few words.    


However, no one paid attention to Muh Feng, as if there really was no one there.    


But intuition told Muh Feng that there must be someone inside. As for whether it was Sect Master Tu or not, it was unknown.    


When he walked to the front of the main hall, Muh Feng observed for a while and found that there was no one there. So, he immediately activated the Divine Sense and the Heavenly Vision to search the entire main hall.    


From top to bottom, from left to right, he had thoroughly investigated the entire hall. However, Muh Feng didn't find anything. In other words, there was no one in the entire hall.    


However, there was still a back hall behind the main hall. Perhaps Sect Master Tu was inside?    


Muh Feng pondered for a while, then he called Sect Master Tu as he walked towards the back of the hall.    




When Muh Feng pushed open the door leading to the back of the hall, a yellow shadow flashed in front of Muh Feng's eyes.    


"What is it? Come out!" Muh Feng opened his Divine Sense and scanned his surroundings before saying.    


It was as if it was an illusion. There was no movement, and no one replied to Muh Feng.    


Muh Feng searched for a while, but found nothing. So, Muh Feng rubbed his head and said, "Could it be an illusion just now?"    


Muh Feng thought for a moment, then shook his head and continued forward.    




However, before Muh Feng could take a few steps, another Hu sound was heard. A yellow shadow flashed past Muh Feng's eyes at an extremely fast speed.    


The yellow shadow was too fast, and Muh Feng didn't notice it. Therefore, Muh Feng couldn't see what this yellow shadow was.    


However, Muh Feng knew that this thing wasn't big. It was only about the size of a cat.    


Muh Feng opened the Divine Sense once again, covering the entire passage behind the hall. He wanted to find out where that thing was. What was it?    


However, Muh Feng was disappointed once again. It seemed like this thing had never appeared before, and there was no trace of it!    


However, Muh Feng knew that this thing was definitely nearby. However, it was hidden very well, and it could even escape the detection of the Divine Sense.    


Muh Feng smiled sinisterly, and then slowly strode forward.    


When Muh Feng took a step forward, a wave of divine spirit energy came from behind him. Muh Feng pretended not to notice it, and continued forward.    


Seeing Muh Feng continue to move forward, the little thing hiding behind Muh Feng moved. With a "Hu" sound, it flew past Muh Feng again.    


This time, Muh Feng had noticed it, so when the little thing passed by him, Muh Feng immediately waved his hand. With a swing of the Rainbow Divine Spirit Qi Shield, he caught the yellow little thing right in front of him.    


Once the little thing was caught, it scuttled around in the barrier, causing dazzling rays of light to appear.    


No matter how much it struggled, it was unable to break through the restraints of Muh Feng's Rainbow Divine Spirit Qi Shield.    


As for Muh Feng, he curiously moved closer to take a look. He saw that the little thing's entire body was yellow in color, similar to the yellow dog fur that was darker. However, its head was about the size of a cat.    


However, it did not look like a cat. Its mouth was like a fox's mouth, sharp, and ears like rabbits. It stood tall, and its feet were a little like a cat's feet, but its claws were longer and sharper.    


Seeing Muh Feng staring at it, the little fellow immediately curled up into a ball, only revealing its two eyes as it stared at Muh Feng.    


"Little fellow, what Demon Beast are you? Do you have a name?" Muh Feng asked with a smile.    


After hearing Muh Feng's question, the little guy stuck his head out, and then like a human, he sized up Muh Feng from head to toe. After a long time, the little guy used the voice of a three year old child to ask, "Are you Ao Tian Supreme Being?"    


"Ao Tian Supreme Being?"    


Upon hearing these words, Muh Feng's head started to hurt. Therefore, he immediately hugged his head and squatted down.    




"It hurts so much!"    


"Why does Ao Tian Supreme Being have a headache when he hears these words? Could it be that I am Ao Tian Supreme Being?"    


Muh Feng held his head and roared. After he roared, his mind suddenly became clear and the pain disappeared.    


After he recovered, Muh Feng stood up and asked the little guy with a smile, "Little guy, what Demon Beast are you? Do you have a name?"    


The little guy nodded his head and replied, "My name is Baby, it's an Earth Beast!"    


"Hmm, then Baby, why did you ask me if I'm Sky King or not?" Muh Feng asked.    


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