Rebirth: Colorful Divine Body

C205 The Child Is Not Mine

C205 The Child Is Not Mine

The child is not mine.    


"Yixue, what did you say? He is my son?" Muh Feng suddenly stood up and asked.    


"Palace Master, that's right!" Yixue replied with a flushed face.    


"The other one is?" Muh Feng looked at Chen Hui and said. In fact, he had already guessed it.    


"Palace Chief, the other one is my son, Chen Zhujin!" Chen Hui cupped his fists and replied.    


Muh Feng nodded his head, then laughed out loud. When the people of Rainbow Temple saw the Palace Chief laughing out loud, they also laughed out loud.    


"Blockhead, why aren't you paying your respects to father?" Yixue glared at the thin little boy and said.    


Hearing his mother's words, the little boy plopped to the ground and kowtowed as he said, "Your son greets father!"    


With a wave of his hand, the little boy instantly entered Muh Feng's embrace.    


"Tell father your name? How old are you? Why would your mother call you that? This name is so vulgar. " Muh Feng stroked the boy's hair and said gently.    


"Father, I don't have a name yet. This wood is my nickname. Mother said that when father comes back, father will give him a name. I'm already half a year old! " The little boy replied.    


Muh Feng's face instantly turned ashen. Looking at the little boy, he thought that he was already two or three years old. This was only half a year old, which meant that the child would only be born three years after he left. This made Muh Feng certain that this was definitely not his child.    


Muh Feng came from Mortal Realm. He had heard about pregnancy in ten months, but he had left for three and a half years. How could this child only be half a year old? Also, why did half a year old look like a three or four year old child?    


Muh Feng fiercely glared at Yixue. The meaning was self-evident, causing Yixue to be confused. She did not know what Muh Feng was angry about at all.    


The Senior Executive of Rainbow Temple also saw the strange look on Muh Feng's face. It also guessed why Muh Feng was angry. They did not know why this kind of thing happened, and it was hard for them to say. Only the husband and wife could continue talking privately.    


Thinking about the origin of this child, Muh Feng was full of anger. He immediately put down the wood and said, "You go and play first. Father has something to deal with now."    


"But father hasn't given me a name yet?" The wooden log looked at Muh Feng and said with anticipation.    


"You can go down first. I will give you a name after I finish my business." Muh Feng forced a smile and kindly replied. He hid himself, afraid that others would know about his strange behavior.    


When the two children went out, Muh Feng said, "Everyone, I am ready to go into seclusion immediately. If there is nothing else, I will leave."    


Seeing Muh Feng's absent-minded look, some of the higher ups had something to say, but they held it back when the words were about to come out of their mouths.    


"Since everyone has nothing to say, I'll go into seclusion. Oh right, take good care of Chen Minghui and Senior Ling Che."    


After saying that, Muh Feng left Conference Hall with the Teleportation.    


At this moment, Yixue heard Muh Feng's words, "Come to the ninth floor of Limitless Immortal Palace for me."    


Muh Feng didn't even say his name, which showed how angry he was. With a series of questions, Yixue got up and bid farewell to the higher ups of Rainbow Temple. She also left with the Teleportation.    


In Ninth Floor of Limitless Immortal Palace.    


"Yixue, why did you betray me?" Muh Feng roared crazily.    


"Mr. Muh Feng, what did you say? When did Yixue betray you?" Yixue replied in confusion.    


" Hehe, you are just pretending for me? Quickly tell me, whose child is this?" Muh Feng roared.    


After being yelled at by Muh Feng twice in a row, Yixue felt that she was especially wronged, so she also roared.    


"Muh Feng, not only did you not care about us when you came back, you even suspected that the child was not yours? Do you think you deserve to be a father?"    


"Hahaha, father? I, Muh Feng, don't care about this kind of father. Quickly tell me, who is this child? I, the palace master, will definitely tear him into pieces. He will die a horrible death." Muh Feng shouted.    


Yixue no longer paid attention to Muh Feng. She squatted on the ground and cried. She cried so sadly that Muh Feng's heart began to soften. He even began to feel that what Yixue said was true. However, how could this half year old child explain?    


Muh Feng also did not say anything. He just stood by the side and looked at Yixue who was squatting on the ground and crying like rain. He was in a dilemma.    


"Yixue, can you not cry? This palace master has left for three and a half years, but the child is only half a year old. Isn't this making it clear that the child is not mine? And you claim that the child is mine in public? How will you save this hall master's face?" Muh Feng said.    


Yixue immediately stopped crying when she heard Muh Feng's words. She quickly wiped away her tears and said, "You mean the child should be two and a half years old instead of half a year old?"    


"Isn't that so?" Muh Feng replied.    


"Muh Feng, you are talking about mortals. It is true that mortals bear the child for ten months, but we are Cultivator. Cultivator bears the child for three years. Don't you know?" Yixue asked.    


"This, this is true? I really didn't know there was such a thing!" Muh Feng broke out in cold sweat. He began to feel that he was too reckless and blamed Yixue wrongly.    


"Stupid Muh Feng, the Cultivator was indeed pregnant for three years, and the Demon Beast in Cultivation Realm would be pregnant for even longer. Normally, it would take five to fifty years, but if it was an immortal in the Upper Realm... Then the pregnancy will take at least a hundred years." Queen said with disdain.    


"What a good Queen. You actually didn't tell me and made me blame Yixue wrongly." Muh Feng angrily transmitted his voice to Queen.    


"Don't forget what you promised this queen in the past. You are not allowed to be fierce to me. You didn't ask me why I told you?" Queen pouted and said.    


" You, you... you are ruthless! "    


So Muh Feng quickly ran over and hugged Yixue. Yixue immediately pushed Muh Feng away and said, "Don't touch me. You have changed. You have changed and you don't believe me. You even suspect that I have an affair with other people."    


"No, it is Muh Feng's fault. Muh Feng was too impulsive. He was so impulsive that he didn't even know what happened and wronged you. I am not a human. I am not a human." Muh Feng said while slapping his own face.    


Yixue didn't seem to be affected because she knew that the slap didn't hurt Muh Feng at all. However, she still felt relieved that he could put down his face and admit his mistake. However, she didn't intend to let Muh Feng go just like that.    


In the end, she simply turned her head and did not even look at Muh Feng.    


Seeing Yixue like this, Muh Feng used all of his skills to soften her up, but Yixue did not fall for that trick.    


"Hehe, I got it."    


Finally, Muh Feng threw himself at Yixue. He covered Yixue's mouth with his mouth and used his tongue to pry open Yixue's teeth.    


At first, Yixue resisted, then Muh Feng went up and down with his hands. After a while, Yixue became soft and her face began to turn red. From time to time, she would make a few sounds of "En."    


With a wave of his hand, the Limitless Immortal Palace was sealed, so he slowly took off Yixue's clothes and kissed her entire body from top to bottom.    


Of course, he also used his fingers to warm up, causing Yixue to continuously tremble.    


Seeing that the time was right, Muh Feng took off his clothes and placed them on the ground, putting Yixue down.    


Not long after, there were waves of excited cries coming from the Ninth Floor of Limitless Immortal Palace.    


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