Rebirth: Colorful Divine Body

C129 Sect Opening Ceremony

C129 Sect Opening Ceremony

Article 129. Founding Ceremony    


"Yoo Jingfeng, is what you said true? If you dare to play tricks on me, you know the consequences." The Sect Master of Ascension Sect, Yu Shang, was sitting in the main hall, questioning Yoo Jingfeng with a face full of shock.    


"Reporting to Sect Master, I have witnessed everything that I said with my own eyes. Please investigate this matter." Yoo Jingfeng cupped his fist and said with his head lowered.    


"Sect Master, if what Yoo Jingfeng said is true, then this Muh Feng is too abnormal. He actually killed eight grand elders of Myriad Sword Sect by himself, and even two Mahayana Early Period warriors." An old man with a sage-like bearing stood out and said.    


Yu Shang frowned and said, "Great Elder Yu Hua, what are you thinking? Just say it! "    


"Replying to Sect Master, what I want to say is this kind of monstrous genius. We have to do our best to rope him in before he fully grows up. If we can't rope him in... We can only destroy him. Otherwise, when he grows up, there will be endless troubles. " After Yu Hua finished speaking, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.    


At this time, Yoo Jingfeng was in a state of panic. Not only did Muh Feng owe him a debt of gratitude, he also owed Muh Feng a debt of gratitude. How could he let his own sect's people kill him? Therefore, he immediately spoke, "Master, Muh Feng has a good relationship with this disciple, and he even helped this disciple break through to the peak of the Aperture Expelling Late Period. He also saved this disciple's life time and time again, and he values friendship and loyalty. A month later is the opening ceremony of the Rainbow Temple built by Muh Feng. As long as we sincerely send some congratulatory gifts at that time, I think he will be a very good ally of Ascension Sect."    


Yu Shang nodded and said, "En, that's good. Ninth Elder Yu Ling will accompany Yoo Jingfeng for a trip. We will set off immediately and must win over Rainbow Temple."    


After saying that, Yu Shang threw an Inventory Bag to Yu Ling and said, "All the items of this Inventory Bag will be given to Muh Feng as a congratulatory gift. Don't let the other sects laugh at how shabby our Ascension Sect is."    


"As per the Sect Chief's decree, this subordinate will definitely complete the mission. This subordinate will take his leave."    


After that, Yu Ling and Yoo Jingfeng left the hall, turning into a ray of light and disappearing into the horizon.    


At this time, the nine great Third Class Sect under Myriad Sword Sect's jurisdiction also received invitations from Rainbow Temple. The contents were all the same, a short line of words.    


"The opening ceremony of Azure Phoenix Mountain Range's Rainbow Temple is scheduled to be on the first of next month. I sincerely invite your sect to attend the ceremony. Signed: Muh Feng."    


In the main hall of White Cloud Sect, all the higher ups were present.    


"Everyone, what do you think about this invitation?" The master of White Cloud Sect asked.    


Amidst the heated discussion, a middle-aged man stood out. He cupped his fists and said, "Master, according to what I know, this Muh Feng is a disciple of Heavenly Thunder Sect. He had once made a name for himself in the competition between the younger generation of Myriad Sword Sect and defeated the number one core disciple of Myriad Sword Sect, Lige. The Rainbow Temple was built a month after the destruction of the Myriad Sword Sect and the other four major sects. I believe that the destruction of these few major sects must have something to do with this Muh Feng. "    


"I guess this Rainbow Temple is actually the Heavenly Thunder Sect. It's just a different name. I'm afraid that there are other reasons for inviting us to participate in the ceremony." Another middle-aged man said.    


The White Cloud Sect Master's eyes were filled with uncertainty. He nodded slightly and said, "Alright, let's not make wild guesses. We'll let the Great Elder lead some disciples. He brought some gifts with him and went to congratulate them. After he returned, he will report the situation to me in detail. "    


The other sects also acted as if they were facing a great enemy. They gathered the higher ups to discuss the invitation letter once again. All kinds of speculations emerged one after another.    


A month passed in the blink of an eye. On the day before the opening ceremony of Rainbow Temple, the Nine Great Third Class Sect and Ascension Sect arrived one after another.    


The first thing they felt after entering Azure Phoenix Mountain Range was that the spiritual energy here was terrifyingly dense. It was many times stronger than the Myriad Sword Sect in the past. Just this fact alone had shocked everyone. At the same time, they thought that the Rainbow Temple wasn't simple. The Ascension Sect's Yu Ling also had a look of disbelief on her face. How could this be a newly opened base? The density of the spiritual energy was even greater than his own Ascension Sect.    


None of the disciples who received them were weak. The lowest cultivation base among them was at the Nascent Infant. This made them feel more and more that the Rainbow Temple was not a simple place. They guessed that there must be a powerful backer behind this place. This caused everyone to be cautious. At the same time, they swore to be on good terms with the Rainbow Temple.    


In fact, they didn't know that the Rainbow Temple only had the Earth Demon Heavenly Demon, Human Expert, and the disciples of the Heavenly Thunder Sect who had gone out to train. In total, there were only about thirty people in the ___, and half of these thirty people were treated as guests. That was the reason why such a situation had occurred.    


Early the next morning, the opening ceremony of Rainbow Temple was held in the core square of Heavenly Thunder Sect. The representatives of various sects were already sitting in the square early in the morning, but the people of Rainbow Temple had yet to appear.    


Although everyone was somewhat dissatisfied with the way the Rainbow Temple was behaving, no one dared to speak rudely. They could only wait there obediently.    


After about the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, a wave of spiritual energy fluctuated on the high platform of the square. Then, more than thirty experts of the Rainbow Temple appeared in front of everyone.    




Everyone gasped. This was the Teleportation? Moreover, it was the Teleportation that brought along more than thirty experts. This meant that there must be some Fusion Stage and above experts amongst them. Moreover, it could bring along more than thirty experts with it. It might even be a Mahayana Stage Expert.    


The only one who wasn't surprised was Yoo Jingfeng. If Muh Feng wanted the Teleportation, not to mention bringing more than thirty experts along with him, he was afraid that even a hundred experts wouldn't be impossible.    


"Esteemed guests, please wait for a long time. Muh Feng is here to apologize to everyone. I hope everyone can forgive me." Muh Feng said with a smile.    


In fact, Muh Feng did it on purpose. He wanted to show them off first.    


"Hahaha, it's not late. The time is just right." The Great Elder of White Cloud Sect flattered.    


"Palace Master Mu, congratulations. I hope Rainbow Temple will take care of me in the future." The Sixth Art Sect's Great Elder said.    


Immediately after that, all the major sects congratulated Muh Feng. The flattery gave Muh Feng goosebumps all over his body.    


In order to shock all the sects, Muh Feng specially brought the only human Mahayana Late Period warrior in the Limitless Immortal Palace to the opening ceremony.    


After exchanging some pleasantries, the representatives of the various sects started to size up everyone in the Rainbow Temple. Muh Feng and the others didn't hide their cultivation, and allowed their Divine Sense to sweep across them. What they wanted was this kind of shocking effect.    


With just one look, the representatives of the various sects were so shocked that they couldn't say a word. There were at least more than half of the thirty experts in Rainbow Temple, but they couldn't see through their cultivation, especially Muh Feng and the white-haired old man beside him. Their strength was unfathomable.    


Even the Ninth Elder of Ascension Sect, Yu Ling, was shocked speechless. She had already seen through Muh Feng's peak Divine Clone Late Period cultivation base. However, she had a feeling that she couldn't even last one round in front of Muh Feng. She might even be killed in one strike.    


When she looked at the white-haired old man behind Muh Feng, her heart trembled even more. She felt that this old man was even stronger than the Ascension Sect Master. In fact, this was also the truth. The Ascension Sect Master was at the intermediate stage of the Mahayana Realm. This old man could instantly kill him with a single strike.    


At this moment, Yu Ling secretly swore that she would make good relations with the Rainbow Temple when she got back. On the surface, she was already so powerful. Who knew if the Rainbow Temple had any hidden strength or backing?    


"Everyone, you have come from afar. Muh Feng is very honored to have you all come here. Before the opening of the Rainbow Temple, Muh Feng still has one more thing to announce." Muh Feng said with a smile.    


"Palace Master Mu, please speak frankly. We are all ears."    


"That's right, that's right. If there's anything, just tell us."    


Muh Feng raised both of his hands, signaling everyone to be quiet. After that, he said, "I am a disciple of the Heavenly Thunder Sect. Unfortunately, the Myriad Sword Sect has allied with a few big sects to destroy the Heavenly Thunder Sect. Muh Feng and his senior brothers went out to train, and were no longer in the sect. When we returned to the sect, the Heavenly Thunder Sect was completely massacred. Only the Sect Master and the higher ups were detained by the Myriad Sword Sect. After that, Muh Feng led his senior brothers and sisters to slaughter their way into the Myriad Sword Sect, and rescued the Sect Master and the others."    


"We'll annihilate the Myriad Sword Sect in a fit of rage, and also the Heavenly Lake Sect, Fire God Sect, Seven Fiends Sect, and other accomplices. We'll get our revenge and rebuild the sect and name it Rainbow Temple."    




Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air once again, although they had already guessed that it was the Heavenly Thunder Sect's revenge. But from Muh Feng's words, they were still shocked. At the same time, they were even more determined to never offend the Rainbow Temple in the future. Or else, the Myriad Sword Sect would be the best example.    


Seeing everyone's shocked expression, Muh Feng smiled with satisfaction. After that, he continued, "No one can lead a dragon without a leader. The Myriad Sword Sect has been destroyed. We must elect a sect from among us to take over the Myriad Sword Sect. I wonder what you all have in mind? "    


At this moment, everyone felt a wave of disdain in their hearts. Wasn't it because they wanted to replace the Myriad Sword Sect by saying so much? With the current strength of Rainbow Temple, who would dare to say no?    


"My Jade Maiden Sect will elect the Rainbow Temple." The Great Elder of the Jade Maiden Sect was the first to express his opinion. This had improved Muh Feng's impression of the Jade Maiden Sect.    


The other sects looked at the Jade Maiden Sect angrily, thinking how quickly they were flattering them. In fact, they were jealous that the Jade Maiden Sect had gotten ahead of them. At the same time, they regretted their hesitation and didn't speak first.    


Now that someone had spoken, the other sects wouldn't dare to delay any longer. Therefore, they all expressed their desire to elect the Rainbow Temple to replace the Myriad Sword Sect.    


Muh Feng had a big smile on his face. He cupped his fists and said, "Hahaha, thank you all for your trust in the Rainbow Temple. In that case, the Rainbow Temple will never let you go."    


"Congratulations, Palace Master Mu. The Rainbow Temple was promoted to the Second Class Sect in one fell swoop when it was established. This is truly a joyous occasion. It's a joyous occasion that comes at the same time." Yu Ling of the Ascension Sect said charmingly.    


"What a great Rainbow Temple! Without the permission of the Sword God Sect, how dare you kill the Myriad Sword Sect and replace the Myriad Sword Sect? You are truly audacious!"    


A powerful sound wave came from the sky. The slightly weaker cultivator was shaken until his face turned pale, and his Qi and blood churned. He almost fell to the ground.    


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