Rebirth: Colorful Divine Body

C2 Enemies at the Bottom of the Cliff

C2 Enemies at the Bottom of the Cliff

What happened at the bottom of the cliff?    


After who knows how long, maybe a day, maybe a week, maybe a month, maybe even longer...    


Muh Feng's fingers moved and he slowly opened his eyes. The strong light of the sun shone on Muh Feng's eyes. His eyes were burning. After sleeping for a long time, Muh Feng could not adapt immediately. After adjusting his condition, he began to slowly adapt to the environment of rebirth.    


En, the surrounding trees were lush, weeds were everywhere, and there was fog surrounding it. Looking at it, one could not see ten meters away, and then look at the steep cliff in front of him that reached into the clouds. Muh Feng had a headache. Where am I?    


En, I vaguely remember that I was thrown off the Broken Gut Cliff by two guards, could it be that this is...    


Muh Feng quickly checked his body. There were no scars or scratches on his body. He even felt that he had become much stronger and his body was full of energy.    


What was going on? Why am I still fine even though I fell off the cliff? Muh Feng pinched his face again.    




It hurts. Does that mean I'm not dead? But how could such a high cliff be possible? Muh Feng was like a monk who didn't understand what was going on.    


Forget it. If he couldn't figure it out, he might as well give up on it. Anyway, it was a great thing that he wasn't dead. The most important thing was to stay alive.    


There was no way he could go up the cliff anymore. Muh Feng could only carefully walk towards the forest at the bottom of the cliff. Towering trees covered the sky, and not even the slightest sunlight could penetrate into it. It looked like a deep and dark night. Occasionally, a few unknown birds would fly by. A few cries frightened Muh Feng, causing him to shiver.    


Muh Feng clenched his fists. His palms were sweating. How could a twelve-year-old youth not be afraid in such a cold and terrifying place?    


The deeper they went, the more they seemed to have no end. The trees also became thicker and thicker, and there were more and more birds flying around. The howls of all kinds of animals interweaved together, and Muh Feng's legs began to soften. He didn't know if he should continue moving forward or not.    


However, when he turned back to the cliff, he was stunned for a moment, but he still decided to continue forward. He had no choice, or else he could only die here.    


Muh Feng hummed a little tune to strengthen his courage. He looked around from time to time, afraid that a fierce beast would appear in the forest.    




Muh Feng quickly hid under a big tree and squatted down to search for the source of the howl. Damn it, why was there something he was afraid of?    


Ten meters away, a tiger the size of a calf was walking towards Muh Feng step by step.    


Muh Feng curled up behind the tree and kept trembling. His eyes were staring at the tiger. Muh Feng didn't dare to move, fearing that he would alert the tiger.    


The beating of his heart was getting faster and faster. He was very nervous. Cold sweat was dripping down his body and into his eyes. He didn't dare to blink his eyes even though he was in pain. He was afraid that the tiger would rush over in the blink of an eye.    


Muh Feng lied on the ground behind the tree and controlled himself to not tremble. The tiger slowly walked past Muh Feng, and didn't stop moving forward. It seemed like it did not notice him. Fortunately, the weeds covered Muh Feng so that he would not be exposed. Otherwise, Muh Feng would have become the tiger's delicious meal.    


After the tiger was gone for a long time, Muh Feng finally dared to stand up and pat his chest. He looked around like a thief, and after making sure that there were no fierce beasts nearby, he resumed his journey. As the saying goes, being careful can lead to ten thousand years of sailing. If you are not careful, you might lose your life at any time.    




Something stabbed into the soles of Muh Feng's feet. Muh Feng lowered his head to look and instantly felt a chill run down his spine. There was a human skeleton under his feet. This was the first time Muh Feng had seen a human skeleton since he was young. Fear rose from the bottom of his heart.    


Muh Feng pulled out the bone spur from the bottom of his foot and limped away from this terrifying place.    


Not long after he left, another skeleton appeared. The deeper it went, the more bones there were. In the end, the entire mountain was filled with bones. It could be said that there were piles of bones. The disgusting smell of the bones kept assaulting Muh Feng's sense of smell. He had no idea how many times he had vomited.    


After calming down, Muh Feng fell into deep thought. Why were there so many white bones here? Why were there so many people dying here? From the surface, these bones seemed to have existed for a long time, but why were these people here? A series of questions occupied Muh Feng's mind.    


Muh Feng stepped on the bones and carefully walked forward with his mouth covered. In his heart, he thought, "Every injustice has its debtor. Don't look for me. I just borrowed it."    


A cave appeared in front of Muh Feng. The cave entrance was filled with weeds. Muh Feng walked closer and saw that the cave entrance could only be passed by two people. It was so narrow that he could see a few words on the top of the cave entrance. However, it was blurry. He could only see the last word, "Prefecture." It seemed like it had been there for an unknown number of years.    


Muh Feng had a flash of inspiration. Could it be? Could it be that these bones were related to this cave? Could it be that there were gold, silver, and treasures inside? This time, Muh Feng rubbed his hands together, and his eyes shone with a golden light. His greedy expression was fully displayed.    


However, with so many people dying here, Muh Feng stood at the entrance of the cave, pacing back and forth, not daring to enter.    


"Gulp, no, I'm so hungry. Let's go and find something to eat first."    


Coincidentally, when he raised his head, he saw a big tree at the side of the cave. There were a few fist-sized fruits growing on the tree. The fruits were golden and translucent, and they were completely red. Under the rays of the setting sun, they shone with a golden light.    




What beautiful fruits! Muh Feng was drooling. He imagined that they would be delicious. He did not care about anything else and climbed up the tree. Soon, Muh Feng came back with the seven fruits he had plucked and sat at the entrance of the cave, preparing to have a big meal.    


Muh Feng picked up a fruit and wiped it with his clothes. Just as he was about to bite it, he found that the fruit was faintly emitting a golden light. It was so strange. He had never seen a fruit that shone, but could it be eaten?    


He looked at the fruit and hesitated. A breeze blew past, and the fragrance of the fruit assailed his nostrils. Hunger occupied Muh Feng's mind. He didn't care anymore. Instead of starving to death, he would rather die of hunger.    


Nie Li took big bites of the fruit and ate it with relish. From time to time, he muttered, It's delicious, so sweet, and so fragrant.    


Muh Feng separated himself from the fruit, patted his stomach, and revealed a satisfied smile. Looking at where there were more fruits on the ground, even the core of the fruit had been eaten. Looking at it, he was quite hungry.    


"Aiyo. Aiyo. "    


Muh Feng held his stomach. A wave of piercing pain forced him to scream. It was getting more and more painful. In the end, Muh Feng hugged his stomach and rolled on the ground. His entire body was drenched in sweat.    


"It's so hot, Ah, it hurts..."    


"It's so cold, so cold, Ah..."    


Sometimes it was hot, and sometimes it was cold. Muh Feng was tortured to the point that he did not look like a human or a ghost. As time passed, the pain gradually increased. Muh Feng's entire body turned as red as fire. His hands kept grabbing his body. His clothes had long been torn and tattered. Sometimes, his entire body became ashen, and his legs were curled up and trembling. His teeth were trembling.    


After the time it takes for half an incense stick to burn, Muh Feng laid on the ground and did not move. He did not know if he fainted from the pain or was poisoned to death.    


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