Regal Guard of Dragon

C70 At This Moment Within the Luxurious Room of the Gu Yue Villa.

C70 At This Moment Within the Luxurious Room of the Gu Yue Villa.

Xu Feirong picked up a glass of red wine from the table and finished it in one gulp. After drinking it, she wiped her lips and raised the empty bottle in her hand. She glanced at the white-haired young man sitting opposite her and said expressionlessly, "Director Bai, is this enough?"    


The white-haired youth sitting across from Xu Feirong narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "Indeed, Miss Xu has a good tolerance for alcohol."    


"Wang Jiang, fill up the wine cup for Miss Xu!" The white-haired youth glanced at a fatty beside him and said.    


The fat guy named Wang Jiang immediately stood up with a smile and poured another glass of red wine for Xu Feirong. He then pushed it to Xu Feirong, "Miss Xu, please have a drink!"    


Xu Feirong gritted her teeth and said, "Director Bai, I can't drink anymore." From the moment she entered the room, she had already drunk two bottles of red wine. However, Bai Guangyi was still unwilling to let her off.    


"Hmm?" Bai Guangyi frowned and said with a displeased tone, "Miss Xu, you don't want to give me, Bai Guangyi, face?"    


Xu Feirong's expression changed, "Director Bai, I didn't mean that. I really can't drink anymore …"    


"Then there's no need to drink anymore. Wang Jiang, send Miss Xu back!" Bai Guangyi said coldly.    


"Miss Xu, please go back." Wang Jiang's expression also turned cold.    


Xu Feirong clenched her fist tightly, a forced smile appearing on her pretty face. "Director Bai, I can drink some more. But, what Director Bai promised me …"    


"As long as Miss Xu is willing to drink, we can talk." A smile appeared on Bai Guangyi's face again.    


"I hope Director Bai will keep his word!" Xu Feirong took a deep breath, then picked up the red wine in front of her and gulped it down.    


Soong Jun lowered his head. He saw Xu Feirong drinking red wine, one glass after another, as if she were drinking plain water. He also felt extremely upset. He had been called over by Xu Feirong to help block the wine, but he hadn't had a single cup of wine since he had arrived and he didn't even dare to speak a single word.    


Because the man sitting opposite Xu Feirong had the surname of Bai and was from the Jin'ling Bai Family.    


Jinling Bai Family was someone he couldn't afford to offend.    


Therefore, he didn't dare to stop Xu Feirong from drinking!    


Even though he knew what would happen to Xu Feirong after she was drunk, he still didn't dare to help her.    


Xu Feirong drank for another ten minutes before her face turned red. Her eyes were misty as well. The current her looked extremely charming.    


The snow-white ravine that was faintly discernible on Xu Feirong's chest made his lower abdomen even more scorching, and his eyes were spitting fire.    


Seeing that Xu Feirong was almost done drinking, Bai Guangyi waved his hand to stop Wang Jiang from pouring the liquor.    


"Miss Xu, now we can discuss the matter of your parents." Bai Guangyi laughed.    


Xu Feirong bit the tip of her tongue as a heart-wrenching pain hit her, waking her up somewhat.    


"Director Bai, what can I do for you to help my parents?" Xu Feirong forced a smile. Her parents were in the liquor business, and the biggest winery in Cangzhou City was opened by her parents.    


Last month, a winery in Jinling ordered a batch of white spirits from the winery. Father Xu Zijie brewed them and sent them to Jinling according to the usual procedure. As a result, on the second day, people who drank white spirits died in the hospital.    


Father Xu Zijie and mother Zhao Mei were taken away that night and faced several criminal prosecutions.    


Xu Feirong knew clearly that the liquor brewed by Xu Zijie and Zhao Mei had no problems at all. It was definitely someone framing them, but Jinling's prosecutors did not believe it. They believed that Xu Zijie and Zhao Mei were the culprits.    


With no other choice, Xu Feirong went to Bai Guangyi. Bai Family was very influential in Jinling, so with a single word from Bai Guangyi, the case could be reopened. Xu Zijie and Zhao Mei would also be rescued.    


"Miss Xu, I won't hide it from you. I do know the head of Prosecutor Jin Ling. As long as I intervene, your parents' case can be reinvestigated. However, Miss Xu, after I help you, how are you going to thank me?" Bai Guangyi licked his lips. He didn't hide the lust in his eyes.    


"Director Bai, what do you want?" Xu Feirong asked with a smile.    


Bai Guangyi suddenly stood up and walked in front of Xu Feirong. He smiled playfully and said, "I want Miss Xu to play a game with me."    


"What game?"    


Bai Guangyi lightly pinched Xu Feirong's chin, and laughed sinisterly: "The game of undressing! I'll take off one set of clothes, and you'll take off one of yours! "    


"Director Bai, please behave yourself!" Xu Feirong's face was cold as she pushed Bai Guangyi's hand away.    


"Self-respect?" Bai Guangyi sneered and slapped Xu Feirong's face, "You bitch, don't be shameless! For me to fall in love with you is a blessing that you will never be able to enjoy for the rest of your life. "    


Xu Feirong covered her face as tears welled up in her eyes.    


Looking at Xu Feirong's pitiful appearance, the excitement on Bai Guangyi's face became even more intense. He laughed sinisterly and pushed Xu Feirong directly onto the sofa, ready to have sex with her.    


"What are you doing, don't come over!" Xu Feirong retreated in fright. However, the more she resisted, the more excited Bai Guangyi became.    


"Of course I'm going to fuck you!" Bai Guangyi licked his lips and said.    


"Soong Jun, save me." Xu Feirong couldn't help but to turn her pleading gaze to Soong Jun, who was standing beside her. However, she saw Soong Jun lowering his head, not even daring to look at her.    


Xu Feirong laughed miserably, feeling extremely disappointed in her heart. So this was the so-called man in her eyes? He didn't even have the courage to speak up for her.    


Bai Guangyi glanced at Soong Jun with interest and asked with a smile, "You're her boyfriend?"    


Soong Jun hurriedly shook his head like a rattle drum: "Young Master Bai, I'm not her boyfriend, I'm her classmate."    


Bai Guangyi nodded and said, "If I want to fuck her, you have no objections, right?"    


"No problem, no problem. It is Feirong's honor to be able to be liked by you, Young Master Bai." Soong Jun smiled coquettishly. Although he liked Xu Feirong too, he didn't dare to even think about snatching a woman from Bai Guangyi.    


"You're quite tactful." Bai Guangyi burst into laughter, but deep down, he looked down on Soong Jun.    


"Soong Jun, you're shameless!" Xu Feirong was so angry that her entire body was trembling. She didn't expect Soong Jun to be weak to this extent. Soong Jun couldn't even compare to Chen Feng.    


Soong Jun looked embarrassed. In the end, he was still too cowardly, but he couldn't admit it. Instead, he quibbled, "Feirong, I'm thinking for your sake. Normally, you wouldn't be able to find a man as good as Young Master Bai, but today is such a good opportunity …"    


"Get lost!"    


Before Soong Jun could finish his words, Xu Feirong, whose pretty face was covered in tears, threw the wine cup on the table at his face.    


Soong Jun screamed as he covered his face and retreated a few steps.    


"Xu Feirong, what are you doing?" Soong Jun roared. Is this woman crazy? If she didn't go beat Bai Guangyi, why would she hit him?    


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