Immortal Doctor with Super Vision

C656 Wushu Coach Vs Peasant Farmer

C656 Wushu Coach Vs Peasant Farmer

"Coach Xie, in vain did I treat you with such respect. I didn't expect you to be such a shallow person, looking down on the peasants. Are the people in your city that great?" I think it's only so-so. The truly good things have actually been given to the farmer to use. "    


Seeing Wang Lina become so agitated, Xie Wudong knew that using something rough would not work, so he laughed, and decided to use his intelligence to defeat his love rival. After all, he was the intelligence of a citizen, it would be too easy to deal with a farmer.    


"Hey hey, Wang Lina, don't be angry, I thought you were being bullied just now and wanted to fight for you. Since you weren't being bullied, then I take back what I just said."    


Wang Lina had also received guidance from Xie Wudong in the past two days, her strength had improved by leaps and bounds, and now that Xie Wudong had said it, he was not angry anymore.    


Zhang Xiaofann passed the calligraphy piece to Xie Wudong.    


"It's our first time meeting, there's nothing much for you to give. A set of calligraphy from the Qing Dynasty from Wang Ze. It's just a small token of respect, no respect at all."    


Xie Wudong originally looked down upon the farmer, but now that Zhang Xiaofann had taken out a piece of Wang Ze's real name, he simply could not believe it.    


From his point of view, even if Zhang Xiaofann was a boss, he was still worth a few hundred thousand.    


This kind of person taking out Wang Ze's real work, what kind of joke was that? When the Qing Dynasty's Wang Ze's real work was like a cabbage! Anyone can take it out.    


But at that moment, in front of Wang Lina, she couldn't pretend to understand such a thing just because she didn't give him face.    


"It really is Wang Ze's real work. That's worth tens of thousands of dollars. Let me take a good look at it?" Xie Wudong faked it for a while and then put down his calligraphy.    


Hehe, Wang Lina's boss, you have been tricked by someone. This calligraphy book is obviously copied by someone from the future, and is not worth much money.    


As Wang Ze spoke, he threw the calligraphy skill into the trash can.    


Zhang Xiaofann shook his head, feeling that this Xie Wudong was also an idiot.    


He just spent 500,000 yuan to buy it, and he actually let that guy throw it away. What a pity.    


However, it was impossible for him to take back what he had given away. Thus, he did not talk about the calligraphy.    


Xie Wudong saw that Zhang Xiaofann had sat down and asked for a bottle of beverage.    


"Oh yeah, Boss Wang Lina, I forgot to introduce myself just now, I'm Xie Wudong, I run the dojo and my price is only around 10 million. What's your name, I heard Wang Lina say that you're a vegetable farmer, how's the price?"    


Zhang Xiaofann glanced at Xie Wudong, and when he knew that Xie Wudong was doing this on purpose, he also started to act tough.    


"My name is Zhang Xiaofann, I think I'm worth more than a billion!" "Better than Head Xie."    


Originally, Xie Wudong was going to wait for Zhang Xiaofann to say out an extremely low price and ridicule him. He never thought that Zhang Xiaofann would go against the rules and directly spout nonsense, revealing an extremely high price and messing up his plans.    


"Haha, Boss Zhang sure knows how to joke around. He's worth billions and knows how to wear clothes … Let's not talk anymore. The dishes will be coming soon.    


Xie Wudong had an idea. Once the dishes were served, he would give Zhang Xiaofann a random dish, which Zhang Xiaofann would definitely not have had before.    


When the time comes, he would say that Zhang Xiaofann had never seen the world and was not compatible with Wang Lina, and ask Zhang Xiaofann to give up on his own accord.    


Zhang Xiaofann nodded, and a few minutes later, the dishes arrived. They were all things that Zhang Xiaofann did not like.    


The abalones and lobsters had eaten too much with and Elder Hong these past few days, so now that they saw the food, they had no appetite.    


Hehe, Boss Zhang, the abalones here are not bad. You must have never eaten them before.    


Zhang Xiaofann was too embarrassed to refuse. Just as he ate a mouthful, he felt like vomiting and immediately said apologies to Xie Wudong.    


"Thank you Head, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I've eaten too much these past few days, and I feel like this is a waste of food. If you really can't eat it, take your time."    


Xie Wudong's plan was once again disrupted by Zhang Xiaofann. He gnashed his teeth in anger, unable to hold himself back anymore, he suddenly stood up, attracting the gazes of everyone in the inn, but Xie Wudong did not care.    


"Boss Zhang, we will not beat around the bush, I like Wang Lina, and I hope that from today onwards, you will stay away from Wang Lina. Although you were acting cool and said that you had a lot of money, but in reality, you are just a farmer, not even worthy of Wang Lina. Do you understand what I mean?"    


Xie Wudong boldly confessed, letting some of the hooligans in the hotel cheer for Xie Wudong as they felt that Xie Wudong was very fierce.    


"Good job, bold confession, and a kiss from the goddess."    


Zhang Xiaofann slowly stood up. Although she and Wang Lina were not husband and wife, they were very close, and could be considered half a wife to him.    


Xie Wudong had only been Wang Lina's coach for two days, and he wanted to snatch his people? This was something that was definitely not allowed, even he had to show off his powerful strength and let Xie Wudong know the difficulties he was facing and retreat.    


"Hehe, Sister Lena is our village's number one beauty. Do you think that Sister Lena is worthy of your interest?"    


"With your worth in the tens of millions, pig-like eyes are not even qualified to carry Sister Lena's shoes. It is not that I am looking down on you, it is not possible for you."    


Zhang Xiaofann cursed, Xie Wudong slapped the table, he was so angry he became angry.    


"I'm not fit to be Wang Lina, what the hell are you, what right do you have to say that I have pig-like eyes?    


Zhang Xiaofann laughed.    


"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. I just gave you that set of Wang Ze's calligraphy. I sold it from the Biyun Peak downstairs."    


"I still have the authentication certificates of the two appraiser s, Bi Yunxuan. If that set of calligraphy were to be obtained from auction, it would be at least one million. You would actually throw it away like trash.    


"Also, I can easily give someone a million worth of items. With your price of over ten million, do you dare?"    


Wang Ze didn't believe this at all.    


"Heh heh, a stinky farmer like you sure knows how to act cool. Do you think I would believe you just because you said those words?"    


"If you are a man, then don't spout nonsense with me quickly. Let's see who is more qualified to be Wang Lina's boyfriend after a few moves."    


Zhang Xiaofann looked at Wang Lina and Wang Ze started to laugh.    


"Hehe, I know you have no balls, but when I first challenged you, I already asked for help from a woman, too cowardly, how could you be worthy of Wang Lina?"    


Wang Lina turned to look at Wang Ze.    


"Coach Xie, please don't compete with my boss."    


Xie Wudong smiled and said: "Wang Lina, don't worry, this is just a competition. I won't cripple your boss."    


"stinky farmer, do you dare to accept my attack?"    


Zhang Xiaofann nodded.    


"Why would I not dare?"    


Wang Lina shook her head helplessly at Xie Wudong.    


"Hey, Coach Wang, you really misunderstood my meaning just now. I didn't want you to compete with my boss because I'm afraid of hurting your self-esteem."    


"Since you insist on competing, and let my boss beat you up until all your teeth fall out, then I can't do anything about it."    


Xie Wudong felt like he was going crazy. He, a dignified martial arts instructor, would be beaten up by a stinky farmer to the point that his teeth fell all over the ground.    


How could this be? At this moment, Xie Wudong had even started to hate Wang Lina a little, and thought that after obtaining Wang Lina, he must properly teach her a lesson, so that she would not forget to give a man face.    




When everyone heard Wang Lina's words, they burst out into laughter. They were really looking forward to the competition between the martial arts instructor and the little farmer.    


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