Immortal Doctor with Super Vision

C547 How dare You Touch My Staff

C547 How dare You Touch My Staff



This guy agreed and followed Dong Xiaolan to painting in Jiang-Nan sector. The place they were building really had some charm to it.    


Being in a small district, it was as if he had become a scholar and wanted to recite a poem.    


"Dong Xiaolan, this district's rooms are not cheap, right?"    


"What? You want to buy one as well?"    


"No, I'm just asking."    


"Then forget it, but if you really want to buy it, I can introduce you to Young Master Jiang. This property was developed by his family."    


Zhang Xiaofann almost choked on the fruit in his mouth when he heard this. He quickly finished it in a few bites and threw it into the trash can.    


"What, you know young master Jiang?"    


"I don't know him, but I know his father."    


Dong Xiaolan giggled.    


"Hehe, I never thought that Divine Doctor Zhang would actually like to brag about it. Jiang Bingkun is one of the few wealthy people with great Qinchuan City, his worth is at least several billion. A farmer like you knows him, it's too funny."    


"Then I said if Jiang Bingkun knew I was here, not only would he give me a villa here, he would even kneel to me. You would definitely not believe it even more."    


"Alright, you're too funny. We're here."    


After Dong Xiaolan finished speaking, she opened the villa's door and brought his sisters in. After settling them down, she invited Zhang Xiaofann to go upstairs to her room.    


Zhang Xiaofann felt a wave of excitement, and felt that he was really handsome.    


Even if Wu Leelee didn't allow him to get on the brick bed, and even if Hu Shanshan didn't allow him to massage, Dong Xiaolan would still make him full of eyes.    


Reaching Dong Xiaolan's room, Zhang Xiaofann realized that Dong Xiaolan was indeed the number one courtesan in Qinchuan City.    


Just from the clothes in the room, there were a total of three big wardrobe. Furthermore, they were all famous brands. Just how much money would it cost!?    


"Do you think I have a lot of clothes?"    


Zhang Xiaofann kept nodding his head.    


"Then how many should I show you?"    


Zhang Xiaofann felt that it was really too exciting after hearing what he said. Thinking about it, perhaps he was the only one who had such benefits in his Qinchuan City.    


To be able to watch the first courtesan change her clothes in her room.    


"Alright, I'll help you look good. You look the best in that set." After Zhang Xiaofann finished, he stared at Dong Xiaolan.    


Dong Xiaolan took out a chest revealing outfit and entered the room. When she came out, her shoulders and breasts were exposed halfway.    


It was so white that people didn't want to blink. The dress was red, and when paired with long legs and small silver leather sandals, it was simply beautiful to the point of exploding.    


"I bought this set of clothes last summer. I haven't worn it for a long time, so it's not bad to wear it today!"    


"That's not bad at all. It's simply too beautiful. I'm drooling just by looking at it."    


Dong Xiaolan smiled beautifully.    


"You are quite honest. There are many men who see my body and only say that they love me and admire my talent. Actually, I know what they want."    


"Everyone wants good things, and I am no exception. However, some people are more rational than others and have more control over things, thus, they have succeeded."    


"There are others who, being less rational than sensitive, have done something wrong and failed."    


"What you're saying is very profound. I don't really understand what you're saying. Can we dance for a bit?"    


Zhang Xiaofann really did not know how to use these elegant things.    


However, Zhang Xiaofann's martial arts was not bad, his body was very flexible, he believed that as long as he remembered the details, he would be able to learn it very quickly.    


"Alright, being able to dance with the number one courtesan in Qinchuan City is my honor, how can I refuse?"    


When the music started, Zhang Xiaofann hugged Dong Xiaolan's waist. The two of them danced gracefully like two butterflies, beautiful and blissful together.    


Boss Liu had a business deal recently, and the other party requested to bring, the number one courtesan in Qinchuan City.    


As a result, Boss Liu called Dong Xiaolan three times in a row. Dong Xiaolan always said that she had left the social circle and was no longer a courtesan.    


Boss Liu was not happy, he had to take care of this deal, so he sent people to secretly follow Dong Xiaolan, and find out where Dong Xiaolan stayed.    


The few beauties downstairs were discussing the arrangement of the office when someone knocked on the door. Just as the door opened, Boss Liu and his men rushed in and surrounded the beauties.    


"Who are you people? Don't you know that trespassing in a house is against the law?"    


"I've offended your grandmother, daring to talk about law in front of our Boss Liu, do you not know that our Boss Liu is not afraid?"    


"Pa …"    


A hoodlum slapped the beautiful woman on her face. The beautiful woman's face was swollen from being hit by the hoodlum, and her nose was dripping with snow.    


"Ah Hao, don't bother with those small fries, ask them where Dong Xiaolan is?" Boss Liu sat on the sofa, smoking a cigarette as he spoke to one of his subordinates.    


Ah Hao grabbed a beautiful woman.    


"Speak, where is Dong Xiaolan?"    


"No, we don't know. We don't know where Lan is."    


The beauty was so frightened that she stuttered, but she didn't tell Lan where she was.    


Hearing that, Ah Hao couldn't take it anymore, he grabbed the beauty's neck with his hand, wanting to kill her. Zhang Xiaofann's voice came from above, followed by Dong Xiaolan.    


"You dare to touch my staff? You've eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard!"    


When Zhang Xiaofann's words came out, everyone present was stunned. They all felt that Zhang Xiaofann was too good at acting cool.    


A stinky farmer was actually acting cool in front of a boss. More importantly, the boss had brought a group of fighters with him.    


Boss Liu and the rest all looked at Zhang Xiaofann.    


"You, who are you?"    


Zhang Xiaofann said something that stunned everyone.    


"I am your Elder Zhang."    


"Elder Zhang... Pah pah … I've never heard of it. "    


"F * cking take advantage of me, you better cripple his arms first." Boss Liu reacted and cursed.    


Hearing that, Ah Hao and the rest rushed to Zhang Xiaofann, with a dozen of fists, it seemed like they wanted to blow Zhang Xiaofann's head off.    


Zhang Xiaofann shook his head.    


"You all have never even heard of the Elder Zhang before. It can be seen that you are just average people, you have really disappointed me."    


Dong Xiaolan really thought that Zhang Xiaofann did not know the meaning of death.    


Furthermore, previously, Zhang Xiaofann actually said that not only would Jiang Bingkun kneel to him, but he would also bring him a villa. This rural child had never been hit before, so he didn't know that's iron fists were hurting him.    


To put it bluntly, she was being too honest.    


"Pa …"    


A loud noise spread out, everyone thought that Zhang Xiaofann was already crippled, and would become a vegetable for the rest of his life.    


What they did not expect was that after the loud explosion, Zhang Xiaofann stood there leisurely, with all the lackeys crawling on the ground and howling like a pig.    


"Special forces, that stinky farmer is from a special forces background. No wonder she's so powerful, she actually beat more than ten of my subordinates in one go." Boss Liu muttered at this time.    


Zhang Xiaofann walked to the front of Boss Liu and took off his shoes. He placed his stinky feet in Boss Liu's embrace and laid down on the sofa, then took out a set of earwax for his ears.    


"Do my feet smell?"    


Boss Liu was so scared that he replied, "No smell, no smell."    


"If you don't smell bad, just sniff a little longer and tell me why you're here. I'll decide how to deal with you then."    


"Stupid, stinky."    


Zhang Xiaofann got up and slapped Boss Liu.    


"I told you to be honest, you said my feet stink. My feet were washed last night."    


"No stench, no stench."    


"Hurry up and tell me, why are you here?"    


"I admire Miss Lan's talent, so I want to invite Miss Lan to have dinner together. Those beauties earlier weren't obedient."    


"If you don't tell me where Miss Lan is, my subordinates will attack. It's the fault of that subordinate. I'll definitely take care of him when I get back."    


Hearing this, the person who was sleeping got up again, and gave the Boss Liu another slap, which caused the Boss Liu to become even more confused.    


"I told you to tell me the truth. You told me a story, right? I'm an adult, and I don't like to listen to a story. Do you disgust me with a story? I'm very angry."    


Zhang Xiaofann said, looking at his subordinates.    


"All of you get up. Whoever wants to live, use your sabers to kill this bastard, I'll detour to them."    


Hearing that, Ah Hao's passion for living was especially strong. He took out his dagger and was about to attack Boss Liu.    


Boss Liu was stunned, he quickly told him the truth, causing Zhang Xiaofann to stand up.    


"Why didn't you say that earlier? Just find someone to guarantee your decision!" It doesn't matter whether I know them or not, as long as they have a certain social status, it's fine. "    


"I want to use their mouths to spread the news of me finding trouble with Miss Lan, lest someone comes to harass that lady in the future. It's that simple."    


After Zhang Xiaofann finished speaking, he went to the bathroom to get a basin of foot washing water and washed his feet in front of Boss Liu.    


Boss Liu knew that Zhang Xiaofann was threatening him, and if he did not find the guarantor, he would definitely let him sniff again. He quickly took out his phone to find the guarantor.    


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