Immortal Doctor with Super Vision



Everyone sucked in a breath when they saw the miserable death of Second Ice Master. They never thought that such an awesome Second Ice Master would die like that in the Ice Realm.    


Furthermore, before dying, the outsider had clearly warned Second Ice Master, but Second Ice Master refused to listen. His death was truly too tragic.    


"Second brother."    


"Big brother."    


The big ice master and the third ice master started to howl in pain. They never would have thought that the situation would turn out like this. The outsiders that they looked down upon would produce such terrifying electrical energy.    


What exactly was this electrical energy? It was simply invincible. They wanted to avenge their Second Ice Master, but they did not even have the qualifications to approach that outsider.    


"bastard, you dared to kill my second brother, I will take your lives."    


The third ice master was especially angry. With a flash of her body, a figure soared into the sky. Everyone thought that the second ice master would definitely be able to descend from above this time.    


Just as Er Bing had arrived a few dozen meters up in the air, he was hit by the invisible electric net above him. He fell to the ground stiffly. Two of the three powerful ice masters died just like that, causing everyone to panic.    


They turned around and headed back. However, those who were running at the front all turned into charcoal. They couldn't escape in any of the four directions, so many of them treated this place as hell.    


The Ice Master shook his head helplessly. They had really lost this time. What was this electricity? It was too powerful. He chose to surrender. If he didn't surrender now, he would turn into a sesame seed cake and die miserably.    


Zhang Xiaofann didn't want to kill anyone, but if he didn't kill these people, the entire Ice Realm wouldn't know fear and wouldn't be able to completely control them. He only had one goal right now, to push Yang Wu to the highest position in the Ice Realm.    


What he really wanted to see was the scene of the Icy World turning into a bustling place. That was such a beautiful dream, and if he couldn't even do that, then he would have come to the Icy World for nothing.    


After all these years of hard work, he had already understood that people did more important things in their lifetime than just doing one thing. Sometimes, when they were doing other things, they would also do more important things as well.    


Searching for Nvwa Stone was just a shadow. When he was searching for Nvwa Stone, he first made a place that belonged to the primitive society become rich, and then made the ice world richer. He felt that doing this was more meaningful than robbing Nvwa Stone.    


Of course, he would also get the Nvwa Stone and add some zeros to his own assets. This was the benefit of doing something happy.    


Many people did not understand and could not bear to do such a thing. It was a matter of great wisdom, the university asked, willing to do good deeds, willing to manage one's own affairs. The benefits from doing good deeds were unimaginable.    


Yang Wu and the rest sucked in a deep breath. Previously, they had seen Tang Xinyue's confidence and thought that it was just a joke and didn't care about what Tang Xinyue said. After all, the three Ice Masters were extremely powerful in the Ice Realm.    


How could they let a small electric net defeat them? It seemed like they underestimated that electric net too much. That electric net was too strong, with just one strike, it could kill everyone trapped inside.    


Now that he secretly glanced at Tang Xinyue, he couldn't help but admire them in his heart. The people that Zhang Xiaofann brought were all amazing. Compared to the people that Zhang Xiaofann brought, they were all frogs in the well.    


"Sister-in-law, you're too awesome. We beat them up so badly that they had no chance of survival. Now that they've seen us, they're probably afraid. We've managed to protect Lock Sun City completely." Yang Wu said gratefully. The other members also agreed, believing that Yang Wu was right.    


To be honest, they had thought so too. They did not think that a small electric net could defeat three ice masters.    


Another thing, Yang Wu didn't put much emphasis on training his troops after taking down Suo Yang city. Although they didn't say it out loud, they were all thinking about this problem. The main force guarding the city was the soldiers.    


If there were no soldiers, then that would be nonsense. In the end, Su Yifei did not support Yang Wu's training of his soldiers. They felt that even if they managed to develop Lock Yang City to the best of their abilities, they would still snatch away the fruits of their victory.    


They would lose everything, but in reality, they were wrong. They were completely wrong. Locked Sun City didn't need any soldiers, so they could be protected very well.    


"You're wrong, the one who defeated the three ice master was not me, but Technology. You need to remember this: Technology is the best at any time. You've seen how much electricity makes life easier for us."    


"In the end, this is all because of the changes that technology has brought us. When we leave in the future, you can't stop and learn more about culture."    


"Put the research project first, then you will be able to live a better life and improve. Otherwise, you will only imitate others and will never become one of the top existences."    


Zhang Huanhuan did not understand Tang Xinyue's words because Zhang Huanhuan had not been in contact with them for a long period of time, but Yang Wu and the rest understood.    


This was because during their production process, just a small amount of technological changes would allow them to save a lot of time, increase production efficiency, and reduce consumption. To put it bluntly, this was a simple technology.    


"Thank you, sister-in-law. We understand." Yang Wu nodded and so did everyone else, except for Zhang Huanhuan.    


"Wait, what do you all understand? Why don't I understand anything?"    


Seeing Zhang Huan Huan's serious expression, everyone laughed out loud. They felt that Zhang Huan Huan was really cute. At times like these, she was the most innocent and the most adorable.    


"Alright, you have no experience, so you won't understand. Next up, we have more things to do, so we need to make the situation bigger. The difficulty is actually very high. We've already conquered three Ice Masters with our martial arts, but our thinking is very important."    


"We haven't conquered the three great Ice Masters, and if we want to change the appearance of the entire Ice Realm, we can't do it just by ourselves. We need the entire population to carry out production, so we need to change all of the people trapped inside."    


"Have them bring the advanced technology from Lock Yang City to their city and tribe. That is the result we want."    


After Zhang Xiaofann said this, everyone nodded. The entire Icy World was like a brother, and Lock Sun City was like a big brother.    


Besides being able to eat their fill, their brothers were all starving. As brothers, how could they not be anxious?    


"Mr Zhang is right, but what do we do now to change their minds? The Ice Master is still alive, as long as we release him, even if the Ice Master wants to resist, we cannot defeat him."    


Everyone agreed with the president's words. After all, no one could ignore the Ice Master's strength.    


Zhang Xiaofann chuckled and did not put the ice master in his eyes. He did not believe that the ice master was strong enough to be a Saint Ruler. He had fought with the other Saint Rulers for thousands of rounds, but they were still unable to determine the victor.    


If the Ice Master had such strength, then he would admit defeat today and give the Nvwa Stone in his hands to the Ice Master. After all, the Ice Master was strong, and they should obey the Ice Master.    


"Don't be afraid, I'll talk to them. If there's really no other way, I'll fight the Ice Master and make the princess beg for mercy."    


Zhang Xiaofann spoke very easily. Zhang Huanhuan and Tang Xinyue, who knew Zhang Xiaofann's ability, naturally felt it was nothing. They thought Zhang Xiaofann was qualified to say something like that, but Yang Wu and the rest were suspicious.    


After all, they didn't know Zhang Xiaofann very well. They believed Zhang Xiaofann's ability to defeat the average expert, but they didn't believe Zhang Xiaofann at all when he defeated the Ice Master. They thought Zhang Xiaofann was just bragging.    


He didn't have the strength to defeat the Ice Master, but these words were hard to say. However, at this time, they still had to muster up the courage to say it because they felt that.    


Compared to the overall development of the whole matter, an individual's face was more important. At a time like this, an individual's face was insignificant, so there was no need to pay too much attention to it.    


"Master, I don't think that's appropriate. How could such a noble person like you fight against the Ice Master? The Ice Master is just a boorish fellow."    


"To deal with such a boorish fellow, we only need to trap him within the electric net. As time passes, he will naturally lose. He does not need us to do anything to him. That is the best choice."    


Yang Wu spoke very politely. He clearly didn't believe Zhang Xiaofann could defeat the Ice Master, but he said it in such a nice way that it was admirable. However, in the current situation, Zhang Xiaofann had enough confidence so he laughed.    


"Hehe, Yang Wu, how did you become so slippery now? How could I not know what you're thinking in your heart, but I'm also very happy. In the future when you have a lot of guts, you should analyze things like this and not blindly worship me."    


Zhang Xiaofann was very pleased. Before, when he saw Yang Wu's appearance and admired him so much, he thought that he was omnipotent, which made him very worried. Now that Yang Wu thought this way and had his own opinions, this showed that Yang Wu's mind was clear, which made him very satisfied.    


At this moment, Yang Wu was still a little embarrassed. Zhang Xiaofann smiled and looked at the people trapped in the electric net. Those people were making a ruckus just now.    


After a long time, they became frightened. If they didn't release those people now, most people would collapse. At that time, they wouldn't be joking.    


"Brothers, I had no choice but to surround you guys earlier. This time, you've lost, and my request is also very simple, as long as you agree to my request."    


"If we let Yang Wu be your Ice Empress, we will let you go, and then we will lead you to become rich, and let you live a very fulfilling life, just like the people of Lock Yang City. What do you think?"    


Everyone looked towards the ice lord, hoping that he would agree to Zhang Xiaofann and give everyone a way out. Everyone really did not want to die and wanted to live a good life like the citizens of Lock Yang City, but right now, they still needed the ice lord to make a decision.    


Making Yang Wu into the Ice Emperor of the Ice Realm didn't count as anything, only the Ice Master had the final say. The Ice Master hated Zhang Xiaofann and the others to the bones, and if it was them who killed the Ice Master and the Ice Empress, would the Ice Master agree.    


The ice master turned to Zhang Xiaofann.    


"Outsider, your methods are really worthy of my admiration. We lost miserably, but I am not convinced of your loss, you are also a cultivator, why don't you use your strength to defeat me, and instead use such a despicable method, don't you think it would be embarrassing to use such a despicable method?"    


The only way the Ice Master could avenge his second and third brothers was to fight Zhang Xiaofann. Otherwise, if he fought against Zhang Xiaofann's power, he would die.    


Zhang Xiaofann chuckled.    


"You're correct. I really should do it openly, but your two brothers think that they are very powerful themselves. I can do anything to fight against the Invisible Net. However, since you've put forward such a request, I will grant you a chance. I'll give you a chance, then let this fight go."    


He was not afraid of the Ice Master's strength at all. In fact, he did not even put the Ice Master in his eyes, as he believed that he could completely defeat the Ice Master.    


When Zhang Xiaofann landed inside the electric net, those people were shocked. They thought that Zhang Xiaofann was a retard and took the initiative to come inside the electric net to send himself to his death.    






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