Immortal Doctor with Super Vision

C2167 The Beauty of the Iceberg

C2167 The Beauty of the Iceberg

"No, he used martial arts and snatched a lot of clothes from the hands of those people, afraid that I would tell you, so he kept it in mind." No, he used martial arts, he snatched a lot of clothes from the hands of those people, afraid that I would tell you, so he kept it in mind.    


Tang Xinyue felt a lot more at ease after hearing what Zhang Huanhuan said. She only said that because she was worried that Zhang Xiaofann was being too impulsive and didn't want Zhang Xiaofann to use martial arts. Tang Xinyue naturally wouldn't blame Zhang Xiaofann for nothing.    


"It's just this little matter, do you two still need to be so secretive? It's not related at all, I don't even care. What I'm worried about now is the people of Suiyang City. I wonder what will happen if they end up in the hands of the people of Suiyang City."    


Although those people had been rude to Tang Xinyue and didn't listen to her, Tang Xinyue was their commander after all, regardless of whether they admitted it or not.    


This could not be changed. They could let Tang Xinyue down, but as the commander, she could not let them down.    


"Don't worry about them, they'll be fine. You saw that the news of the Nvwa Stone in the Ice Realm was just a trap. They only released the news because they wanted to get our Nvwa Stone.    


"It's a pity that we understood it too late. Otherwise, we would have been able to come up with a plan to deal with it earlier. However, it's not too late now."    


"After all, they want to obtain the Nvwa Stone. Before they obtain the Nvwa Stone, they will not do anything to those people."    


Zhang Xiaofann's analysis was not bad. Those people were indeed safe now, at least until they got their hands on the Nvwa Stone. They did not have any Nvwa Stone with them.    


So it's always safe.    


"Then we can't just sit there and wait for death. We can't do nothing." Tang Xinyue suggested.    


Zhang Xiaofann nodded.    


"I have already thought about this. We will follow our previous plans and enter Lock Yang City. After going through the previous events, I have some understanding of them. We can disguise ourselves as them and we will be much safer."    


"You've already remembered their appearances. How is that possible? You only brushed past them before remembering their appearances. This is too inconceivable."    


No matter how capable a woman was, if she wanted to make a man like her, she had to admire him first. If she couldn't admire a man, then she had to admire him first.    


She would never succeed. The expression on Zhang Huanhuan's face made Zhang Xiaofann feel very comfortable and she loved to be together with Zhang Huanhuan. To Zhang Xiaofann, this was a sign of danger.    


"Sister Huanhuan, you don't need to worship him like that. Let me tell you, he is not a good person, I was just like you before, so I fell for it. Look at me now, I'm not happy at all, I can't even do what I want."    


When a woman encountered a love problem, her EQ was too low. To a girl who also liked Zhang Xiaofann, she had to say this kind of thing.    


Wasn't it because there was absolutely no money in this place? This would arouse the curiosity of other girls towards Zhang Xiaofann and their love for Zhang Xiaofann.    


Sure enough, Zhang Huanhuan started to counterattack in her heart.    


"Hmph, you only know how to lie. Why do I see you as very lucky? Every day, it is as if you fall into a honey jar. I believe in you, damn you."    


Although Zhang Huanhuan thought this in her heart, she would never say it, because she was a smart girl.    


"Big Sister Tang is right, I've always thought that he doesn't look like a good person. He's full of evil tricks, and I definitely won't fall for his tricks."    


After Zhang Huan Huan finished speaking, she glanced at Zhang Xiaofann. Zhang Xiaofann laughed, this made Zhang Xiaofann feel relaxed. Zhang Xiaofann did not want Zhang Huan Huan to fall in love with him, otherwise, he would not know what to do.    


Emotions were like taiji. If your side was tight, then his side would loosen up. If your side relaxed, then his side would be tight. Therefore, you must grasp the principle of moderation and loosen your grip. That way, there would be no problems.    


"Big sis Huanhuan is smart and her eyes are bright. She doesn't miss me. She's completely blind."    


Tang Xinyue happily held Zhang Huan Huan's hand. Zhang Huan felt that she was too good at lying. Not only had she cheated Zhang Xiaofann, she had also cheated Tang Xinyue.    


Zhang Xiaofann was very happy to see Tang Xinyue relax. His gaze turned to the front of Lock Yang City and found that the people of E had already been taken away. It was definitely not appropriate to look for the people of E now that they have been captured.    


Lock Yang City's defenses were bound to be the best at a time like this. The best course of action would be to wait for a while for the guards to relax before going in. That way, they would be able to obtain some information.    


"Let's stay outside of the city for two days first. In these two days, we can pretend to be city merchants, set up stalls and ask about some news about Loyang City. That way, once we reach Loyang City, we can get close to our target and relax a bit."    


Zhang Xiaofann possessed a High-tech Ear, so he should be able to hear the sounds coming from the inside of Lock Sun City from here, but he didn't know why.    


He couldn't hear it now. There might be a problem with his ears, or there might be a problem with the system he developed, or something else.    


In any case, Zhang Xiaofann would habitually not think about things that he couldn't understand. It would be much easier that way.    


"I agree with your suggestion. Then it's settled. We'll stay in the ice mountain outside of Lock Yang City for the next two days."    


Zhang Xiaofann was glad that they had a good battleship, which allowed them to stay inside and enjoy all the resources inside the battleship. But without the battleship, just the atmosphere here was unbearable for them.    


Also, they used the ship's energy source. This time, they used the principle of water and oil, water and energy. There were a lot of icebergs, so they didn't lack energy.    


"Alright, let's get on the battleship!"    


As Zhang Xiaofann said this, Tang Xinyue opened the warship and Zhang Xiaofann and the other two entered the warship. Due to her body, Tang Xinyue went to her room to sleep. Zhang Xiaofann drove the warship into the ice mountain.    


It was still early, and the scenery of the ice mountain was very beautiful. Zhang Huanhuan wordlessly got off the battleship and stood on the top of the ice mountain, looking at the endless ice mountain.    


He felt a surge of emotions. He opened his arms and closed his eyes. It was as if he could embrace an iceberg. All the worries in his heart could disappear at this moment. It was wonderful.    


It was unknown when Zhang Xiaofann arrived in front of Zhang Huanhuan, but after seeing Zhang Huanhuan relax, he also relaxed.    


"I grew up in an iceberg since I was young, and I still like icebergs so much. Why do I feel like icebergs aren't as beautiful as they seem?"    


Actually, Zhang Xiaofann felt that the ice mountain was very beautiful, as beautiful as Zhang Huanhuan. However, he didn't know why, but he liked to disagree with Zhang Huanhuan.    


This was because he felt that only when he was opposing Zhang Huan Huan would he feel more comfortable, more natural, and even more free from any worries. To put it bluntly, he was afraid of liking Zhang Huan Huan.    


"This place is not your hometown, so of course you would feel that it's not beautiful here. I'm different. I consider this place to be my hometown, so naturally, I feel that it's very beautiful here."    


Zhang Huan Huan's words were reasonable, everyone was like that. No matter how poor the land that gave birth to him was, he felt that it was the most beautiful place.    


"What you said makes sense. If there's a chance, I'll bring you to my hometown. That place is completely different from this place, with trees everywhere and shade everywhere."    


"There are tall buildings everywhere, there are cars and horses everywhere. It's a bustling scene, and there are also many beautiful clothes. It can be said that only you can think of them and do nothing but think of them."    


The current China was indeed like this, flourishing like a scenery. It was like a beautiful painting that could not be described.    


"Pfft …"    


Zhang Huan laughed and covered her mouth, but Zhang Xiaofann was unhappy. He did not know why Zhang Huan Huan was laughing, but what she said was all true. Without a single word of panic, why wouldn't Zhang Huan Huan believe it?    


"What are you laughing for?"    


Zhang Xiaofann seriously asked Zhang Huanhuan. His gaze was fixated on her and he couldn't help but swallow his saliva. Why do I feel like Zhang Huan was so pretty when she was laughing?    


They were better looking than when crying and also better looking than usual. It's just that Zhang Xiaofann didn't notice them. Now that Zhang Xiaofann had found out, he naturally felt that Zhang Huan was much better looking when laughing.    


"I just think that you are too good at bragging. How can there be such a place in the mortal world? That must be the Immortal World."    


Zhang Huanhuan had never seen such things before, so she naturally would not believe it. In fact, she even knew what a car was.    


Skyscraper didn't know anything, so how could he understand Zhang Xiaofann's words? From Zhang Huanhuan's point of view, Zhang Xiaofann's words were just bragging.    


"I know you won't believe me when I tell you those, but I can guarantee you that what I said was true. I didn't lie to you at all."    


Zhang Xiaofann said as he looked into the distance. He did not know why he said those things. Zhang Huanhuan belonged to this place, so how could he understand the situation there?    


That was impossible. Furthermore, he had brought Zhang Huanhuan to their place, and with a single sentence, Zhang Huanhuan had found her father and decided to part with them. That would end their fated relationship.    


"What happened to me? I can't even bear to part with it. This shouldn't be my condition, so I can't have this feeling."    


Zhang Xiaofann muttered in his heart. Zhang Huanhuan saw Zhang Xiaofann's lips move and looked at him.    


"What's wrong? What are you talking about?"    


Zhang Xiaofann shook his head and looked at Zhang Huanhuan for a few seconds. He sat on the ice mountain and gave Zhang Huanhuan a bottle of Health Wine and himself another bottle of Health Wine.    


"Why did you give me wine? Are you trying to get me drunk? Let me tell you, my alcohol tolerance is extremely good. It's impossible for you to achieve any sort of goal."    


Zhang Huanhuan told Zhang Xiaofann as if she was joking. Zhang Xiaofann ignored Zhang Huanhuan and picked up the Health Wine gourd. He finished the gourd of Health Wine and threw the gourd into the front.    


"Hehe, your alcohol capacity isn't bad. Unfortunately, compared to me, it's still lacking a little."    


After Zhang Huan Huan finished speaking, she was about to pick up her wine gourd to drink, when a series of howls sounded out. It was the cry of an ice wolf again.    




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