Immortal Doctor with Super Vision

C2159 Looking for Dad

C2159 Looking for Dad

"It's good that you know."    


Zhang Huanhuan was now much more confident than before. Even Bai Zhang Xiaofann's eyes were filled with charm. Even Zhang Xiaofann did not dare to look at her. This woman was too terrifying, and now, he had decided.    


After helping the people from Zhang Family to set up the fish pond for the past three days, he left this place. After staying here for so long, he was truly afraid that he would be eaten by Zhang Huanhuan.    


"Alright, grilled fish."    


Zhang Xiaofann didn't want to say anything else, so he started to place the pickled fish on top of the flame. Zhang Xiaofann didn't want to say anything else, started to place the pickled fish on top of the flame.    


The fish soup that was brewed previously still tasted vastly different from the one grilled before. Now that the taste had spread out, everyone couldn't help but feel astonished.    


"It smells so good. Let me have a bite."    


Zhang Huanhuan could no longer hold it back. Last time, her mind broke down and she couldn't smell anything. This time, she was too anxious to calm down. She wanted to grab it with her hands before it was cooked. Zhang Xiaofann opened Zhang Huanhuan's hands.    


"You're too stingy, so what if I eat one mouthful of your meat?"    


As Zhang Huan Huan spoke, her mouth was pouting. Zhang Xiaofann rolled his eyes at Zhang Huan Huan.    


"Blind!" Did you not see that it has matured? "    


After saying that, Zhang Xiaofann turned the grilled fish over. After another ten minutes, the grilled fish was handed over to Zhang Huanhuan.    


"It's cooked now, eat!"    


Just as Zhang Xiaofann finished his words, he did not expect Zhang Huanhuan to suddenly sneak attack and give him a kiss on the cheek. Zhang Xiaofann frowned as he hid far away from Zhang Huanhuan.    


"Why are you so far away from me? I have a virus!"    


"You're scarier than a virus." Zhang Xiaofann replied. He ignored Zhang Huanhuan and took some roasted fish to the battleship to find Tang Xinyue.    


After seeing Zhang Xiaofann leave, Zhang Huanhuan retracted her gaze.    


"Truly hateful. You want to escape from my hands? You don't even have a door?" Zhang Huanhuan was very confident right now.    


Lady Zhang cheered Zhang Huanhuan on.    


"Good job. As a person who has gone through many things in the past, I've discovered that my son-in-law is already beginning to like you. As long as you work hard, you'll be able to succeed."    


"No, he wants to hide when he sees me. Why would he like me?"    


"That's because his will is no longer firm."    


As a person who had gone through a lot, he knew more about men. Even with just a small change, he could tell that something was wrong. Zhang Xiaofann wanting to change his mind proved his guilty conscience and proved that Zhang Xiaofann had started to like Zhang Huanhuan.    


It was just that Zhang Xiaofann was unwilling to admit it, or to admit it. Sometimes, people were like this, living through hypocrisy, and still so hypocritical.    


"Really? If that's the case, then I have even more confidence. Continue cheering, I'll bring the good grilled meat to him later."    


"No, if you want to capture him and let him know that you like him, then let him know that you aren't some random girl. Only then will he value you, or else he wouldn't even value you."    


"Men are too complicated. Being with men is really troublesome. It's better to live here simply."    


"Foolish child, it's not that men are complicated, women are also complicated. Women are good at hiding these things in their hearts, men are good at revealing these emotions. If one day you leave here, you will notice that the men and women outside are very complicated."    


"Conspiracy and scheming for a little bit of benefit. This is life. Different people have different lives, and they don't know how to be human."    


"Sooner or later, society will teach you how to be a person and change everything. Only true beauty will not change. As long as you grasp true beauty well, you will be able to win under all kinds of complicated environments."    


"Thank you Mom, I understand."    


Zhang Huanhuan felt that her mother was very weird today. Why would she tell him these things? It was as if she already knew that she wanted to leave. Thinking about it, Zhang Huanhuan felt very uncomfortable and wanted to be alone in the future.    


What would she do if she missed her mother? After all, she had never left her mother for even a day since she was young. Now that her daughter had grown up, she was especially reluctant to part with her mother.    


A woman's sixth sense was exceptionally accurate. Ever since Zhang Huan Huan had emerged from the water, he had discovered that Zhang Huan Huan had changed. Unlike before, she had guessed that Zhang Huan Huan was going to leave, and she couldn't bear to part with her daughter.    


However, if she left her daughter behind, he would probably hate her for the rest of his life. The reason was very simple: without someone he liked, he would be single for the rest of his life.    


This time, after her daughter left, she decided to go outside to gain some experience. Even if she wasn't able to catch up with the person she liked, she had tried her best in her entire life and would definitely not regret it.    


"Mom …"    


Zhang Huanhuan didn't know what to say. In fact, she already wanted to say what she thought earlier, but felt that she would be unhappy if she said it out loud, so she didn't say it out loud. This way, even if her mother guessed it, she could still relax a little.    


Zhang Huan Huan hugged Zhang Huan tightly for more than ten minutes before Zhang Huan Huan was released. At this moment, everyone's roasted meat was already cooked, causing everyone to have a delicious meal. Zhang Huan happily smiled.    


Zhang Xiaofann was a really good kid. Coming here brought them new fun in their lives. If they succeeded in their rearing technique test, then they would have something to do in the future and would definitely not be so bored.    


The more lonely one cultivated, the more quiet he or she would be living a life that ordinary people were unable to lead. Sometimes, it was truly unpleasant, and once the matter of nurturing was settled, he or she would be able to find much pleasure in it.    


Three days later, when everyone saw the fish pond that Zhang Xiaofann helped them to set up, they were extremely happy and Zhang Xiaofann himself was very happy.    


Honestly speaking, Zhang Xiaofann was very nervous about raising fish in the greenhouse. He didn't expect that it would actually work. It was unbelievable.    


"Good son-in-law, thank you so much for helping us make a fish pond. We will finally have food in the future."    


As Mrs. Zhang said this, Zhang Xiaofann looked nervously at Leelee. Leelee had been resting for the past few days, so he was not afraid when Mrs. Zhang called him that, but when Mrs. Zhang called him that today, he was on the verge of tears.    


In these three days, he had never seen Zhang Huan Huanhuan before. Besides, he was leaving now and might never see her again. Why didn't Lady Zhang's illness change? It really made people feel like it was a failure.    


As expected, Tang Xinyue had already twisted his waist with her hands. She clearly wanted him to explain himself. How could he explain himself? This was too unfair. He really didn't do anything!    


"Mrs. Zhang, you don't need to bury me like this. In these three days, I have treated you quite well, right?" Mrs. Zhang, you don't need to bury me like this, for these three days, I have treated you quite well, right?    


When Zhang Xiaofann said these words, he was pitiful. Everyone who saw it wanted to sympathize with him.    


The servants around wanted to hit Zhang Xiaofann, which was really annoying. Their family's young lady was so beautiful, why would he be unwilling to give her to Zhang Xiaofann for free?    


If it were them, they would have gone mad with joy. Unfortunately, Madam looked down on them and did not wish to betroth the young mistress to them. Indeed, it was infuriating to compare the two of them.    


"Hehe, from what Mr Zhang said, I like Mr Zhang. Do you want Mr Zhang to be my son-in-law? How is Mr Zhang unhappy? Is it because of Miss Tang? I feel that Miss Tang is not such a petty person, and is willing to share a boyfriend with my daughter."    


Shared boyfriend. How did Mrs. Zhang, who had always stayed in the ice world, learn such an advanced term? Zhang Xiaofann really couldn't understand it.    


The most important thing was that Tang Xinyue was purposely being magnanimous, as if he did not want Zhang Huanhuan to share a boyfriend with her.    


This made Zhang Xiaofann very depressed. He knew Tang Xinyue too well. On the surface, if he said that, how could he agree to it?    


"I have no objections. If Lady Zhang likes it, you can leave him here and make him your son-in-law. He's not bad at all. I'll go by myself later."    


Alright, good son-in-law, then you can stay. If you stay here, we all welcome you to stay and become a member of our family.    


As Lady Zhang said this, the others' faces were full of sincerity. They really wanted Zhang Xiaofann to stay, but Zhang Xiaofann definitely could not.    


Actually, what Tang Xinyue said was simply because she was sure that Zhang Xiaofann would not stay behind, because even if Zhang Xiaofann was, he would be reluctant to leave the outside world.    


He was very clear about Zhang Xiaofann's character after spending so much time with him. He didn't believe that Zhang Xiaofann would stay in this cold place.    


"Thank you for your kind intentions. I have a lot of things to do and can't stay here, so please forgive me. As long as Qingshan doesn't change, we will meet again in the martial arts world."    


As Zhang Xiaofann said this, he cupped his fists towards everyone. Everyone could only nod and send Zhang Xiaofann and Tang Xinyue off.    


Zhang Xiaofann and Tang Xinyue left Zhang Family's domain, and just as they were about to board their small warship to look for their companions, Zhang Huanhuan appeared from her hiding spot, giggling and wanting to catch up with Zhang Xiaofann and Tang Xinyue.    


Zhang Xiaofann hadn't seen Zhang Huanhuan for the past few days. He thought that Zhang Huanhuan was disappointed with him and went to find a place to complain.    


He did not expect that Zhang Huan Huan would give him this move. She wanted to hold him back, so how could he be willing to let Zhang Huan Huan hold him back?    


"Zhang Huan Huan, what do you mean by this? If you want us to bring you along, we wouldn't want to bring you along no matter what. We also know what you're thinking, so it's impossible for us to do the same."    


Since Zhang Xiaofann rejected Zhang Huanhuan like this, if Zhang Huanhuan said she wanted to follow Zhang Xiaofann, it would be for the sake of chasing after Zhang Xiaofann. That would definitely not do.    


Fortunately, at the bottom of the lake, her relative had given her an ingenious plan and told her to follow it. There wouldn't be any problems. He was a smart girl, so he would definitely be able to learn it as soon as he learned it.    


If my mom hadn't thought that your kung fu was good enough and wanted you to be my son-in-law, I would have taken a fancy to you. Aren't you disgusting me?    


"For one thing, I have already spent more than a year. Although he said that he was trying to protect the Nvwa Stone, in reality, we don't even know if he was alive or dead."    


"Coincidentally, you are also going to look for Nvwa Stone s, so I want to follow you, be your companion, and also have you be my companion. That's it, I don't have the slightest bit of personal feelings for Ben, do you understand?    


Zhang Huanhuan was sharp-tongued, the excuse she found was really impeccable. Firstly, Zhang Xiaofann really wanted to find the Nvwa Stone, and secondly, Zhang Xiaofann wanted to find a companion. It was pretty good to have a person who grew up together in the ice world.    




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