Immortal Doctor with Super Vision

C2129 Need You

C2129 Need You

"Attack directly. There's no need to change direction."    


Zhang Xiaofann was now full of confidence towards battleships. What the hell was that, to dare to be impudent in front of them, he did not know how powerful the battleships were. They were going to teach these guys a lesson and let them know that technology was invincible.    


"Alright." Tang Xinyue agreed and pressed a button, sending out a bomb. With a loud bang, something in front of them was blasted away.    




Zhang Xiaofann felt that it was too exciting. Just as he was about to hum a small tune, something bad happened. Small organisms flew in from the front and stuck onto the warship, attempting to crawl into the gap.    


Zhang Xiaofann and Leelee were both shocked. These things were probably transformed from the thing they had scattered a moment ago. Now, they had turned into something small to attack them. This was simply outrageous.    


"What do we do, if those things get into the battleship and climb into its power box alive and destroy its power box, then our battleship will be done for."    


Tang Xinyue said to Zhang Xiaofann in fear. Apparently, she realized how scary those things were.    


The key thing was that they couldn't do anything. They couldn't split them up or kill them, so what else could they do?    


"Don't worry, I might have a way." "Zhang Xiaofann has spirit insects, and these insects can devour a lot of things. Since he hasn't released any spirit insects, he probably has been holding them in until now.    


"Go out."    


Zhang Xiaofann said as he released the Holy Worm. In the blink of an eye, the Holy Worm had disappeared and turned into tens of thousands of spirit insects, like a madman, they started devouring the unknown creatures on the plane.    


Tang Xinyue was shocked when she saw this. She did not expect those worms to be so powerful that they could even devour those little bugs. It was simply too unexpected. They were simply god-like existences.    


"Where did you get those bugs?" Tang Xinyue asked in surprise.    


Zhang Xiaofann chuckled. Speaking of those bugs, he had some history. Back in Dunhuang, he had relied on those Holy Worm s to clean up the people of D.    


Now, these Holy Worm looked like their savior, full of gratitude towards those Holy Worm.    


Time flew by quickly, and in a flash, five to six years had already passed. During these five to six years, the Holy Worm had helped him many times, and he was sincerely grateful to those Holy Worm.    


"I got my hands on a treasure belonging to a Yin-Yang master in the country of D, and I've helped a lot since then. Who would've thought that it would come in handy again this time."    


Tang Xinyue couldn't help but admire Zhang Xiaofann's luck, just like how he saved the world in her previous life, there were always so many good things waiting for him.    


"You're really too lucky. I feel that if I had as much luck as you, my achievements would not be small either."    


Tang Xinyue secretly admired him, but to put it bluntly, she could only feel jealous of him. There was no meaning in that at all.    


Zhang Xiaofann admitted that he was lucky, but this luck wasn't something he got by doing good things. No matter what, doing good things was the most important thing. If he didn't do good things, then his luck definitely wouldn't be good.    


"If you learn from me, your luck is also good."    


One's life's achievements had a lot to do with one's moral character. If one's moral character was not good, then one's luck would not be good.    


" "If I say you're fast, you'll be in the sky. Yet you want me to learn from you? Since you're mine, what else do I need to learn?" Tang Xinyue said as she pinched Zhang Xiaofann's arm. Zhang Xiaofann immediately begged for mercy.    


"Witch, have mercy, the wench is right, even I am a wench, would-be wench need not be virtuous."    


"What did you say?" Tang Xinyue became even more angry. Zhang Xiaofann did not say anything, making Tang Xinyue even more angry.    


"No, you are virtuous. You need virtue." Zhang Xiaofann also won't say anything. Tang Xinyue pushed Zhang Xiaofann away and was speechless towards him. His EQ was too low.    


"You can't get an ivory out of a dog's mouth." As Yang Xinyue was speaking, another alarm sounded from the radar in front of them.    


Zhang Xiaofann also noticed it. His gaze turned to the front and saw a dense group of bats flying towards them. That was an extremely poisonous existence, the key was that each of them was several times stronger than the Holy Worm.    


However, the Holy Worm did not retreat at all, and at the same time, the bats that bit into each other made sizzling sounds, which made people's hearts uncomfortable. How could such a thing happen, it was too terrifying, and more importantly, the Holy Worm continued to fall, which clearly showed their heavy losses.    


Zhang Xiaofann's heart ached. The death of every Holy Worm caused waves of pain in his heart. After all, he spent a lot of time to nurture them.    


"What do we do? It doesn't seem like it's going to work even if we open fire."    


The bats were densely packed, and Holy Worm died very quickly. Tang Xinyue was afraid that once she opened fire, the bats would become unknown creatures from before, and attack the warship from inside, which would be even more troublesome.    


Battleships can only fly by relying on power. Once the battleship is destroyed, the trouble brought about by it is unimaginable.    


"Don't worry, I'll go out and teach them a lesson."    


For now, Zhang Xiaofann felt that... Only if he went out and killed the bats would they be able to leave this place. Otherwise, it would be impossible to leave.    


As Zhang Xiaofann said this, he stood up. Tang Xinyue pulled Zhang Xiaofann's clothes and looked at him lovingly.    


"You must return safely. Our family cannot leave you."    


Su Yifei was no longer alone. Tang Xinyue and the baby in his stomach needed Zhang Xiaofann, so no matter what, Zhang Xiaofann had to come back alive. It was a responsibility to a family.    


"Don't worry, those girls from the female division won't come after me."    


As Zhang Xiaofann said this, he kissed Tang Xinyue on the forehead and went outside the battleship. Facing those bats, Zhang Xiaofann was not afraid at all.    


In the blink of an eye, the incoming bats were all sent flying.    


Those who were sent flying were all covered in flames. As they fell into the group of bats behind them, they ignited with even more intense flames. It was truly terrifying.    


At this moment, in front of Zhang Xiaofann, it was like a raging fire, terrifying to the point of suffocation.    


What was even more surprising was that even though the flames in front were burning more vigorously, countless flaming bats were charging towards Zhang Xiaofann, causing the black hole to turn red, which made people very scared.    


Zhang Xiaofann was also getting nervous. He was neither afraid of fire nor poison, but he couldn't withstand the besieging of so many bats. So many bats, even one at a time, were going to eat him.    


"Be careful!"    


Tang Xinyue saw so many bats flying over and was so nervous that her heart was tied to Sang Zi. She was too scared and shouted anxiously, staring straight ahead, praying that nothing would happen to Su Yifei. If anything happened to Su Yifei, they wouldn't be able to live.    


Zhang Xiaofann also couldn't retreat, once they did, the battleship behind would be exposed to the bats. If those bats wanted to sink the battleship, Tang Xinyue and the child would be in danger. As men, how could they fail at this critical moment and not protect their loved ones?    




Zhang Xiaofann shouted and was about to charge in front of those bats. From behind those bats, he didn't dare to have too many bees come in. What's strange is that those bees weren't afraid of the fire bats, so they started to bite them.    


And because they had such a huge advantage in numbers, those fire bats were bitten one by one onto the ground, which made Zhang Xiaofann feel relieved. He never would have thought that their bats were defeated by the bees.    


At this moment, Tang Xinyue also breathed a sigh of relief. While she felt relaxed, she also agreed with what Zhang Xiaofann said before. Zhang Xiaofann's luck was good.    


It was precisely because Zhang Xiaofann had done so many good deeds that those bees were raised by Zhang Xiaofann. At such a critical moment, even if it was like a moth to a flame, he had to save Zhang Xiaofann.    


"Warship acceleration."    


Tang Xinyue was surprised and increased her speed. Ten minutes later, the battleship charged out of the black hole and appeared on the desert. Zhang Xiaofann and Tang Xinyue got out of the battleship.    


"It's really a narrow escape, I almost died in the Ghost Domain. That scary place is really filled with danger." Tang Xinyue muttered while Zhang Xiaofann nodded.    


"Legend has it that the Ghost Domain only appears once every hundred years. Those who enter the Ghost Domain, none of them leave alive. We can also be considered eccentric and break the record of leaving the Ghost Domain alive."    


Zhang Xiaofann said to Tang Xinyue as he looked behind him.    


At this moment, the black hole had already disappeared behind Zhang Xiaofann. Looking around, it was still an endless desert as if nothing had happened. If they wanted to search for the Ghost Domain again, even if they just came out of Ghost Domain, they couldn't find it.    


"Mr Zhang, Commander Tang, I've finally found you guys. I knew that you guys met with trouble in the desert and we searched the entire desert, but we couldn't find you guys. Now, we've finally found you guys."    


A China leader quickly came in front of them and told Zhang Xiaofann and Tang Xinyue that they had indeed been busy these past few days. In order to find Zhang Xiaofann and Tang Xinyue, the plane flew all day above the yellow block and locked onto its target, but they couldn't find it.    


Zhang Xiaofann and Tang Xinyue looked at them.    


"Did other countries put pressure on us to test the strength of our warships in the desert? We were forced to enter the Ghost Domain by the sandstorm, and if it wasn't for our efforts, we would all have died in the Ghost Domain."    


Tang Xinyue explained to those people.    


When those people heard the name Ghost Domain, they immediately became nervous. This was a place that was said to take the lives of people. It was truly a miracle that Zhang Xiaofann and Tang Xinyue were still able to come out alive after entering the Ghost Domain.    


"This is too unbelievable, the Ghost Domain actually exists in this world. Are the Ghost Domain nearby? We are currently focusing on the Ghost Domain and specifically studying it."    


For a system, the detection of the unknown was always the top priority. If there was something worth exploring, they would definitely not let it go.    


For example, the Ghost Domain. To them, this was a project that they knew how to explore.    




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