Immortal Doctor with Super Vision

C2115 Tang Xinyue's Trap

C2115 Tang Xinyue's Trap

"You …"    


"What's wrong with me? Didn't I tell you? I'm Zhang Xiaofann's girlfriend. Have you ever respected the boss? Don't take advantage of your seniority here. If you have the ability, go ask Zhang Xiaofann to make you the hospital's president."    


Angel was extremely arrogant and crazy. These words left Dean Tian at a loss for words.    


She was one of the first people to get to know Zhang Xiaofann. At that time, she wanted to be Zhang Xiaofann's girlfriend, but she was too bad she had fallen into a bad situation.    


At that time, there weren't many beauties around Zhang Xiaofann, and she couldn't even defeat Zhang Xiaofann.    


Right now, the little demoness beside Zhang Xiaofann, each one was more beautiful than the other. Just this little demoness in front of her was taller than her in height and more beautiful than her. What else could she do? She could only concede.    


"Fine, I submit. I'll listen to whatever you say."    


Principal Tian helplessly made a choice. Since a person was under the roof, how could they not lower their heads? When faced with the pressure of life and your temper, they had to let it all go.    


"That's right, we all serve free hospitals. I feel that your potential is not bad, so I decided to promote you to vice president of the world's free hospital. You can do anything on my behalf."    


Angel was really smart. She completely understood Zhang Xiaofann's words. A good manager was someone who would do nothing. If he did everything, how could he still be a manager?    


That was why she asked Angel so unrestrainedly. She didn't expect Angel to be so good at scheming, giving her a piece of candy with a slap, making her be pressed down and forced to work hard for her, even giving her a chance to do so gratefully.    


She really should thank Angel. To her, this was indeed a box of chances. Without this chance, how could she soar to the heavens in a single step? Who knew how many free hospitals there were in the entire world.    


According to the calculation of a dean, every free hospital had countless people. Who could be the vice president of the free hospital? That was her, above one person, and above tens of thousands of people. This made her excited just thinking about it.    


"Are you really going to promote me to vice president of the national free hospital?" Although 80% of this matter was true, Principal Tian still wanted to ask. Because this matter had happened too suddenly, she still felt that it was unrealistic.    


Angel chuckled.    


"Of course it's true. Firstly, I don't know much about the medical industry, and secondly, I'm not interested in rights. If it wasn't because Xiaofann told me to take care of this, I really didn't want to do it, so I did it."    


"I must find someone to do it for me. I thought you were pretty good, so I chose you, so if you have any thoughts, you can do them boldly. Don't tell me that you're the dean of a free hospital, but in fact, you're the one who's doing all this, understand?"    


When Angel voiced out her thoughts, Principal Tian became even more excited. He didn't expect Angel to be so good. In other words, she was the vice principal, but she had the authority to be the principal. This was too awesome.    


Dean Tian was also someone with a dream. Otherwise, she wouldn't have let Zhang Xiaofann manage the first hospital in Shangshui Village.    


However, she couldn't see Zhang Xiaofann anymore and didn't rely on him to rise anymore. Otherwise, if she was given a crowbar, she would be able to raise the entire Earth. Now that the crowbar was here, she had to use it well.    


"I understand. Dean An is truly a wise man. I want to pay my respects to Dean An. I believe that our world's free hospital will be led by Dean An."    


It will definitely become the strongest team in the entire Mortal Group system, and will then become the organization that will generate the largest amount of income in the entire Mortal Group. "    


In the past, she had always served others and wanted others to be satisfied with her service. But now, it was different, others were the ones satisfied with her service. This was too awesome! She especially liked this kind of life.    


"Very good, then what's the ranking of Mortal Group Free Hospital's income generation in all the projects?" Angel really didn't know any of this as she asked Principal Tian.    


Dean Tian felt a little embarrassed. Since last year, the world's free hospital had become the world's most important hospital in Mortal Group. Every year, they would donate money to it on a whim, which exceeded the income of any department.    


This kind of income shocked all the upper echelons of Mortal Group. When Zhang Xiaofann was going to do the free hospital program, many people were skeptical about it. In fact, the income generated by this project had completely slapped other people's faces.    


"He's already first."    


Principal Tian replied embarrassedly. Angel wasn't too bothered about how to answer his question. Instead, she was astonished by the result.    


He really did not expect this to be so unbelievable. He was already first in the entire project, how could he donate so much money just because of a random donation?    


When Zhang Xiaofann was doing this project, he had Boss Ma, Boss Wang and others to look after the health industry. Through these years of development, the health industry had become the industry that people paid the most attention to.    


Right now, The Richest Man In The World was still Zhang Xiaofann, and Boss Ma, who was ranked second, had been replaced by Wang Siya, who was ranked fifth.    


Wang Siya's share in the free hospital was more than Boss Ma's share in the free hospital. That was enough.    


"Are you for real?"    


Angel couldn't believe it. The free hospital was free, so how could she beat those charges? This was simply too unbelievable.    


I didn't believe it at the start, but this was the truth. Furthermore, the annual income of the free hospital would be even higher than the other income of the entire Mortal Group.    


Angel almost fainted when she heard that. She suddenly felt that she was under a lot of pressure. Now, it was all because of Zhang Xiaofann.    


Standing on the shoulders of giants, if she still hadn't dealt with this matter properly by then, who knows how many people would find trouble with her and embarrass Zhang Xiaofann.    


You promised me just now that you would be number one. If our number one is stolen by another system, then you can just wait to go home and dig up Earth. We won't let you find any more jobs.    


Angel was too vicious. She wanted to force Dean Tian onto a mountain.    


Principal Tian was so scared that his entire body started to tremble. He really hated himself for opening his mouth. If she hadn't said that just now, Angel wouldn't have known about this at all.    


He wouldn't give her a death command and put so much pressure on her. But now, there was nothing he could do. He could only brace himself and roll up his sleeves to do his best.    


In the Shangshui Village Committee office, Zhang Xiaofann and Tang Xinyue finally quieted down. The two of them were like sick cats, obviously they had just played around with each other.    


"Can you be serious now, you bastard?" Tang Xinyue grumbled as she glared at Zhang Xiaofann.    


Zhang Xiaofann didn't expect such a thing to happen. When he came just now, it was because he didn't have the internet in mind. However, the moment he met her, he got addicted to it.    


This fellow is truly shameless. After finishing this matter, he said that women are toxic. Why didn't he say such words previously? He is simply too shameless.    


"Hey hey, of course you can. If you have anything to say, just say it."    


Tang Xinyue had told him about the fourth Nvwa Stone a long time ago, but she was still pretending not to know that there were really few people in this world who could pretend like this.    


"Zhang Xiaofann, can you not be so shameless? Be serious. Our department has already prepared the fourth piece of Nvwa Stone that appeared."    


"We will be leaving in three days. You must come with us to help our system get the fourth Nvwa Stone, and get more shares in the spaceflight project."    


In fact, Zhang Xiaofann knew clearly in his heart, regardless of whether the system obtains the Nvwa Stone or not, he was the one who reaped the most benefits in the end, because he was the biggest shareholder in the spaceflight program, as long as he found a new Nvwa Stone.    


This meant that the whole project had come to a successful end. If that was the case, then the shares in his hands would become even more valuable. How great would that be?    


"Of course, I hope that your system can acquire the fourth piece of Nvwa Stone. However, I don't consider that having been said. It requires the system to work hard on this."    


"Just me alone can shake that big tree. You know how powerful the M Nation is, they alone are not that easy to pass. Besides, we're allies, so we can't act against them. That's why it's difficult."    


Zhang Xiaofann didn't want to have any conflicts with the Chinese. After all, if that happened, he wouldn't be able to cooperate happily with the Chinese.    


The entire spaceflight project was initiated by the people of M, he was the biggest shareholder, the people of M were the second largest shareholder, the two big shareholders had a conflict, yet the project continued to work together like this.    


"There's no difficulty, we'll ask for your help. Just now, you already took all the advantages. If you don't help me, are you a man or not?"    


Tang Xinyue knew it wasn't easy for Zhang Xiaofann to agree to help, so she set up this little scheme for Zhang Xiaofann and drugged him in the office. Zhang Xiaofann was indeed fooled.    


"Now you want to wipe your mouth clean. You don't even have a door." Tang Xinyue said.    


Zhang Xiaofann was also very shameless.    


"No, listen to me. Just now, both of us were very happy. You can't do this. This isn't fair to me."    


"I'm not being fair to you. Just tell me, do you want to come with us in two days?"    


Tang Xinyue's attitude was very unyielding. Since Zhang Xiaofann was playing with Tang Xinyue, how could he not participate in this? Thus, with a slight smile, he nodded at Tang Xinyue.    


"Now that's more like it, let me show you our upgraded version of the battleship, this time we really did the waterside oil successfully. Our battleship doesn't need your ore at all, it only needs a bit of water to use it as fuel and release a lot of energy."    


Zhang Xiaofann was very surprised. Someone said a long time ago that the Waterside Oil Project was a success today. In that case, the technology of humans must have advanced by leaps and bounds.    


In the future, regardless of what the motivation was, it could be solved with water resources. It was truly powerful.    




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