Immortal Doctor with Super Vision

C2150 The Fourth Piece of Nuwa Stone

C2150 The Fourth Piece of Nuwa Stone

Xiao Qing ate her delicious food and leaned on Zhang Xiaofann's body as she looked at the sky. She was really blessed.    


It was already night time. Zhang Xiaofann's phone rang. Zhang Xiaofann didn't need to think to know that it was from Tang Xinyue. He immediately hung up and turned off his phone.    


"It's Miss Tang?"    


Zhang Xiaofann's trip to the Arctic Lands was not a secret, so Xiao Qing naturally knew about it. Besides, other than Tang Xinyue's incident, there was nothing else Zhang Xiaofann could do.    


"Yes, Miss Tang."    


"Why not?"    


"Hehe, no one should disturb me tonight. We have discussed this beforehand, even if you know me."    


"Damn." As Xiao Qing said this, she pushed Zhang Xiaofann away. Zhang Xiaofann was so thick-skinned that he hugged Xiao Qing and jumped out like lightning. When he could see him clearly again, he was already in the woods.    


Xiao Qing quickly pushed Zhang Xiaofann away. She really liked this man that she had loved for so many years.    


"Why are you so barbaric, why don't you ask me where I want to be?" Looking at the surroundings, Xiao Qing knew what Zhang Xiaofann was thinking. "What a bastard!"    


Hehe, look, there's a bush over there. It's soft like a sofa. As Zhang Xiaofann said this, he pulled Xiao Qing's hand and she pinched Zhang Xiaofann's nose.    


"Tell me, who were you with in the grass? How do you know it's like lying on a sofa?"    


Girls were really meticulous. Just one sentence was enough to make Xiao Qing think of it.    


Zhang Xiaofann naturally did not admit this point. After all, the matter of the haystack was still done at Qingshui County, and many years had already passed. It was probably meaningless for Beauty Liu and the others to think about it since they were already married.    


"Hehe, I grew up in the countryside. Have you forgotten that our village used to shoot wheat, and the entire village slept in the wheat straw pile?" Hehe, I grew up in the countryside, and you have forgotten that our village used to shoot wheat, and the entire village slept in the wheat straw heap.    


"At least you passed."    


"Ah!" Just as Xiao Qing finished her sentence, Zhang Xiaofann carried Xiao Qing and ran towards the pile of grass. Xiao Qing tapped on Zhang Xiaofann's shoulder for a while and then quieted down.    


The next morning, when Zhang Xiaofann got out of bed, Xiao Qing was still asleep. She hadn't slept last night, so how could she wake up now?    


Zhang Xiaofann looked at the sleeping Xiao Qing and kissed her on the forehead. He then looked at Xiao Qing for a few seconds and left. He didn't know if he would be able to come back alive, because he didn't even know how dangerous the road ahead was.    


This was the path that he had chosen. Every time he left, it was as if he had parted from death, carrying with him a nine out of ten chance of survival.    


The moment Zhang Xiaofann walked out of the room, Xiao Qing also opened her eyes. Tears flowed out from the corners of her eyes. Actually, she had been crying since last night.    


She never fell asleep and was afraid that Zhang Xiaofann would leave after she fell asleep. However, this morning, when Zhang Xiaofann woke up, she closed her eyes. The reason she didn't wake up was because she didn't want to make things difficult for Zhang Xiaofann.    


How could a man live his life with his wife? Where could he dream to go, his career was his truest reliance. With a career, he had everything. Without a career, he had nothing. He would live his entire life for nothing.    


At the Beijing airport, thousands of people were standing in front of a warship. They were waiting for Zhang Xiaofann now. As long as Zhang Xiaofann arrived, they could set off.    


A lot of people were cursing Zhang Xiaofann in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say it out loud. After all, Zhang Xiaofann's identity was there, and his strength was very obvious.    


No one dared to say anything about Zhang Xiaofann, unless they didn't want to live anymore. It was the complete opposite from last time when they were searching for the third Nvwa Stone.    


"Commander Tang, what's going on? Why is Mr Zhang not here yet? You haven't contacted him yet. If there's really something, we can't go if Mr Zhang has to go."    


"We can start by ourselves. There's no need to wait for Mr Zhang. We have to take advantage of the favourable conditions during this trip to the Arctic Mountain Range. We can't lose any opportunity. That would be very troublesome."    


The country leader said to Tang Xinyue.    


Tang Xinyue was so angry that she didn't know what to do. Last night, she called Zhang Xiaofann, but Zhang Xiaofann turned off his phone. This morning, she called Zhang Xiaofann a few more times, but Zhang Xiaofann still turned off his phone.    


"I don't know either. If it really isn't possible, then let's set off. Anyway, we can't delay this matter any longer." Tang Xinyue said helplessly. Zhang Xiaofann finally arrived. Everyone exclaimed in surprise. If Zhang Xiaofann didn't arrive this time, they would have already set off.    


"Sorry everyone, we woke up a bit late today, let's board the battleship."    


Zhang Xiaofann didn't want to say anything to Tang Xinyue at the moment, so he started with another bunch of explanations. It had only been two days since he went to the capital.    


Of course, he couldn't finish the job, so he didn't want to go to the Arctic Lands yet. However, there was no other way. This kind of thing, he couldn't not go.    


Tang Xinyue glanced at Zhang Xiaofann and gestured for everyone to board the battleship. Although this trip to the Arctic Lands was by air, it was still possible to encounter all kinds of natural disasters. After all, that was not a place anyone could go.    


About half an hour later, everyone boarded a battleship. Tang Xinyue ordered the battleship to start, carrying more than two thousand people as they headed towards the coldest place.    


This time, the transport ships were provided by China, and experts from many different countries made several assessments of the safety factor and activated the ship.    


In fact, for such a big matter, every country's system had prepared large battleships, and they were all submitted to the Alliance.    


In the end, after making a comparison, they decided to use China battleship. To a certain extent, this confirmed that China's technology was ahead of other countries in the world.    


The fact that China had developed so quickly over the past few years, aside from the efforts of the China people, the most important thing was that there was a very good leadership team there. Under their wise leadership, the days of the China people really went beyond red and red and the more they went through, the better.    


As the battleship took off, no one was sitting in their own independent room. Because Zhang Xiaofann had been working so hard these days, he wanted to have a good rest. After all, even if he flew to the Arctic Lands, it would still take 4 to 5 days.    


If they were to encounter any other dangers along the way that delayed them, it would take them at least ten to fifteen days to reach the coldest place.    


He could take advantage of this time to rest and recharge his energy for a few days. When he arrived at the coldest place, he would have the ability to defeat those people and obtain the fourth Queen's Stone.    


Zhang Xiaofann was guessing that in the entire world, he had seen all the strong ones before. He didn't know who he would meet this time, nor how he would get the Nvwa Stone from them.    


"Dang, dang, dang."    


At this moment, Zhang Xiaofann heard a knock on the door. He knew it was Tang Xinyue who knocked on the door. He didn't dare to meet her even if he wanted to.    


He wanted to see Tang Xinyue for the next ten days or so. If she was with him, he should be very happy, but he didn't want to see her because he was afraid she would talk about proper business.    


Tang Xinyue always wanted to give everything she had to the organization that he believed in. There was not enough time for that. In Zhang Xiaofann's heart, Tang Xinyue was two people, one was an ordinary person.    


This was something that he particularly loved, and the other was the leader. She was especially afraid, and every time she saw this leader, she would honestly say that she really wanted to see a lot of big things waiting for her.    


However, it was impossible for him to not open the door now, so he went to the door and opened it. It was indeed Tang Xinyue. She walked in from the outside with her eyes wide open.    


"What do you mean, you don't want to see me? Don't want to see me leave immediately."    


Tang Xinyue was angry. She felt that if she were to find the fourth Nvwa Stone, Zhang Xiaofann would definitely benefit the most from it. However, since Zhang Xiaofann was still so slow, it made him feel troubled.    


"No, how could I not want to see leader Tang? On this entire battleship, the person I want to see the most is Leader Tang."    


"Hypocritical." Tang Xinyue also knew what was going on. Zhang Xiaofann avoided her, and since she wasn't blind, how could she not see through it?    


However, she still had to see Zhang Xiaofann because the results of the scouts had come out. The people in the extremely cold land were a bit scary, a bit unexpected.    


Zhang Xiaofann shut the door helplessly. He waited until Tang Xinyue sat down and got a glass of water for her.    


"The empress dowager, please have some tea."    


Zhang Xiaofann was becoming more and more talkative. With just a word, he had made Tang Xinyuedou happy.    


"What are you talking about? We've been busy these past few days, and you didn't even answer our phone. If we weren't so patient, would you have stopped wanting to go with us to the coldest place?"    


Tang Xinyue had Zhang Xiaofann's baby, so she was not polite when she spoke to Zhang Xiaofann.    


Zhang Xiaofann was embarrassed to admit that he hadn't been to the capital for several years. Who would believe that he didn't go crazy when he saw Xiao Qing and the others? However, they were only capable.    


"Hur hur, are you jealous?"    


Of course I'm jealous! You said I have people with children, can I not be jealous? Let me tell you, Zhang Xiaofann, no matter what, you can't just not answer my phone. What if my child was born?    


Tang Xinyue was especially worried about Zhang Xiaofann not answering the phone. Last night, she was especially worried about why this person was so unreliable. He was just like a bastard who didn't even want to answer her own phone.    


When Tang Xinyue said this, tears were already flowing down her face. Zhang Xiaofann suddenly felt that he was really selfish. No matter what, he couldn't not accept Tang Xinyue's call. He had gone too far.    


"I'm sorry, this is the last time. I promise I won't refuse your call in the future, or else I will."    


Just as Zhang Xiaofann was about to swear, Tang Xinyue kissed Zhang Xiaofann. Zhang Xiaofann was also a bastard. He carried Tang Xinyue into the bedroom and the two of them went back to work.    




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