Immortal Doctor with Super Vision

C2111 Water Monster

C2111 Water Monster

It was normal for Angel to have no confidence in this matter. Anyone who took over this task would find it extremely difficult to do so. However, there was nothing she could do about it since she had to adapt to the process.    


Indeed, among Zhang Xiaofann's girlfriends, Angel was the only one who had never interfered with the group, and only stayed at Shangshui Village.    


Of course, it was related to Zhang Xiaofann knowing Angel very late, and it was also related to Angel's cultivation talent.    


Zhang Xiaofann was facing a strong enemy and worried that his parents would be left unprotected. Thus, he asked Angel and Lee Ke'er to protect his parents, so Angel didn't have the time to accept the group's actions.    


Now that the Snake Island has been eliminated and the safety of Zhang Xiaofann's family was no longer as serious as before, Zhang Xiaofann thought of letting Angel take over some of the responsibility, and this was partly because of An Xiaoli.    


On the other hand, he also wanted to train Angel. After all, managing a company was also a form of cultivation. Being able to manage a company well.    


In terms of mental state, it was also a huge improvement, so he couldn't ignore this problem. He tried hard to roll up his sleeves and work hard, there was nothing he couldn't do.    


"Don't worry, there are so many things your sister has already done. You just need to manage them. You need to remember this one sentence from the beginning to the end."    


"A good manager is someone who wants his people to do their work, not someone who does his own work, who does his own work, who is a failed manager."    


"Learning how to delegate power is a prerequisite for a manager." Zhang Xiaofann made arrangements to Angel.    


Angel nodded.    


"I know. Then when will I take over this job?"    


Angel also wanted to show off her skills. After all, she was a very powerful woman. In her heart, she also had the strong will to conquer them.    


"Tomorrow, Mr. Li will send over a batch of talented people who can open ores, and then we will take a plane here to open the L-Nation. When we arrive at Hua Xia, you can take over this job." Zhang Xiaofann wanted Angel to arrange it.    




Angel said that she had finished and so had An Xiaoli. The two girls saw that although they liked the delicacies, they didn't eat much. Zhang Xiaofann also didn't eat right. Actually, it was an era like today.    


Other than those places that were at war, many other places had problems with nutrition. Otherwise, Zhang Xiaofann's Fasting Valley wouldn't be thriving. That was the truth.    


"We're done eating. Let's go out and check on General Cao, and also take out the tent to go camping. I want to see if there are any places with better scenery here."    


"Every time I go out, I like to take him on a trip. It's even more interesting this way, otherwise I would feel lonely and lacking something. This is not good at all."    


After Zhang Xiaofann finished speaking, the two beauties stood up. Overall, with Zhang Xiaofann's company, An Xiaoli's condition improved a lot. Previously, An Xiaoli was frightened on the one hand, but it was mainly in her subconscious.    


She didn't want to think about what happened between Zhang Xiaofann and her cousin. She felt that she would be happier this way.    


If that was the case, the subconscious would naturally turn him into a fool, meaning that the subconscious would make him sick, but also make him better. What kind of mentality, what kind of changes would happen?    


When Zhang Xiaofann and the other two went outside, they saw that General Cao had already made the tents ready and was waiting for Zhang Xiaofann and the other two to look more favorably on General Cao. This was the good fortune of a country; in a famous family, when they are in danger, there will always be a hero that they respect.    


"Mr Zhang, your tent has already been prepared for you. Since you came from China, you are probably not familiar with the L-Nation either. We have already prepared three routes for you to choose from."    


General Cao gave Zhang Xiaofann the three routes that he had prepared and let him choose.    


Zhang Xiaofann opened the map and looked at it. He chose a location with a lake, and as long as there was water, the mountain would be alive. This was the principle; a place without water didn't feel good, but with water, everything would be different.    


"Then I'll get someone to drive you guys."    


After Zhang Xiaofann chose the map, General Cao said to Zhang Xiaofann, "Send the driver to Zhang Xiaofann." On one hand, it was to be concerned about Zhang Xiaofann, and on the other hand, he could always grasp Zhang Xiaofann's movements. This was especially important to him.    


Zhang Xiaofann nodded. He did not refuse this time and wanted to give General Cao a chance. Otherwise, how could General Cao be satisfied? If General Cao was not satisfied, then things would not be easy to deal with, even though General Cao did not dare to do anything to him.    


But he owed the nation a saying that he was not the Savior, but that, within his means, he wanted to help others, not only for his own good, but for the good of others as well.    


General Cao called a guard over happily. Several soldiers quickly carried Zhang Xiaofann's things onto the car. Zhang Xiaofann thanked them and the three of them set off.    


An hour later, they arrived in front of a lake. There were many poplar trees growing around the lake, and they were especially lush.    


It just so happened that the sun was setting in the west. The red light and the shadow of the trees reflected in the water were really pretty. Zhang Xiaofann really felt that this was a good place.    


"Brother Xiaofann, we are playing a game of fishing, but the prerequisite is that we can't use our thoughts. Otherwise, it would be cheating, like a puppy dog."    


Angel's pouting voice was very cute, and coupled with the current situation, it made his heart itch. But with An Xiaoli still around, things weren't going to be so easy.    


After all, it was the two of them who had hurt An Xiaoli. If they did that in front of An Xiaoli, it would be too much. If that happened, even if An Xiaoli couldn't accept it, no one could.    


"Alright, you won't be able to beat me even if you don't think about it. I'll go with your sister in a bit, and you can go alone. Do you have any objections?" Since Zhang Xiaofann had already said so, what else could he say? An Xiaoli was sick, and Angel had taken An Xiaoli's boyfriend.    


"Of course I don't mind. However, we have agreed that the loser will be dealt with by the winning side. You are not allowed to act shamelessly."    


Angel didn't want to get into a conflict with An Xiaoli anymore. She had to pay a heavy price for what she'd done.    


In fact, she was not interested in those things. If she could choose, she would rather be a flight attendant than do those things. It was too much trouble, too much trouble.    


"We'll do as you say. But before that, we'll set up our tents. That way, it'll be much more convenient for us to rest at night." As Zhang Xiaofann said this, he took out the tent from the car. The driver helped him build the tent.    


The two beauties wouldn't do such menial work. They would rather be laughing off to the side than helping out.    


Zhang Xiaofann shook his head helplessly, but his heart was incomparably sweet. Women must remember one thing, and that was to act coquettishly.    


You can't feel like you can do anything. Not only will you not let a man like you, you'll also make him stay away.    


Angel and An Xiaoli naturally understood this, so they took advantage of it and felt sorry for themselves. This was actually the best way to protect themselves, and the best way to love them.    


"Aren't you two coming over to help?" Zhang Xiaofann shouted at Angel and An Xiaoli.    


Angel smiled back.    


"My feet are numb. If I can't get through, I'll have to trouble my husband. Give me a kiss, it's the power of love." Angel's voice was so attractive that a man could faint just like that.    


Zhang Xiaofann was helpless. He had no way to resist such a beauty. He only had to work hard for his life. Who told him to be a man? He should bear so much burden.    


"Alright, then the two of you rest first. Later, come over and help with the bed. This is your job, I can't do it." After Zhang Xiaofann finished speaking, he continued to build the tent.    


Angel was accompanying An Xiaoli because her brain wasn't clear enough. Now it was time to see Angel being her best sister. Zhang Xiaofann saw the scene.    


He even felt satisfied and regretful, feeling that it was all because of him delaying her. If he had started to confess everything to An Xiaoli at the beginning, it might not have been the case.    


Half an hour later, Zhang Xiaofann was finally done with the construction of the tent. At that moment, Angel and An Xiaoli started to get busy.    


As for their work, they were not the least bit vague. They seemed to be particularly diligent. After making the bed for them in a while, there were no longer any big issues.    


"The two of us will start fishing. Don't be shameless."    


Angel said as she took her fishing rod and ran to a quiet place. An Xiaoli and Zhang Xiaofann went to the other side and didn't have to think about it.    


Zhang Xiaofann was not good at fishing, so he hung the bait on the ditch and waited for the big fish to take the bait. During this time, Zhang Xiaofann was lying in An Xiaoli's arms and An Xiaoli was picking Zhang Xiaofann's ears.    


Time passed like this minute by minute, minute by minute. After an unknown amount of time, Zhang Xiaofann felt the fishing rod start to move.    


Zhang Xiaofann pulled up the fishing rod very quickly. He thought it was a big fish and he couldn't pull it back no matter what. Eventually, the fishing rod broke as well. Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofann frowned.    


At the same time, Angel also ran in front of Zhang Xiaofann with a flustered look on her face. Apparently, the situation was similar to this one.    


"My fishing rod was broken, I guess there's a monster under this lake"    


In fact, with Angel's current cultivation, normal monsters wouldn't be able to harm him. However, he was still a girl. When he encountered such a situation, he couldn't help but feel scared.    


"Don't be afraid, your cultivation is enough to deal with any powerful monster. Be confident. I'll go down and take a look later"    


After Zhang Xiaofann said this, before Zhang Xiaofann could dive into the water, some strange shadows appeared from the water. These shadows looked like human beings, but they had fish scales all over their bodies, which made them seem very scary.    




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