Immortal Doctor with Super Vision

C158 Poor Ghost

C158 Poor Ghost

"What? You want me to pay taxes?"    


Xiao Lian turned to Zhang Xiaofann and said, "Why, shouldn't I? "Now that your company has grown so big that you don't even use your bank card to pay salaries, it's clear that you're evading taxes."    


"If you don't pay taxes, our village committee will no longer protect you. When the time comes, someone will naturally come to force you to pay taxes. At that time, you will have to pay even more."    


Zhang Xiaofann gnashed his teeth, and said very helplessly: "Then, how much tax do you think I should pay?"    


"Normally, a company's tax would be 25% of the country's annual income. You can just pay the tax of 3 million. When someone comes looking for trouble with you, our village committee will protect you."    


Zhang Xiaofann was so angry that he almost fainted right now. He was really kind enough to take care of these two beauties, but these beauties actually wanted to repay him kindness with enmity, forcing him to pay the tax, and only asked for three million in one go.    


"Isn't 3 million a little too much?"    


"Then we'll ask to see your company's accounts, and then we'll pay taxes at twenty-five percent." Faang Xiaolian said unyieldingly.    


Zhang Xiaofann's heaven defying vegetables and heaven defying field chicken earned tens of thousands of dollars in a day. In addition to the cured meat recipe that was sold for 50 million, 25% was definitely more than 3 million.    


"Alright, I'll bear with it. I'll pay the three million."    


Zhang Xiaofann gritted his teeth and transferred three million to the account that Faang Yanan would give to the village committee before walking out of the village committee in big strides.    


Seeing that Zhang Xiaofann had left, Lee Yuhuan asked, "Little Lian, aren't we going a little too far by doing this?"    


"No, there are others who have not. In a while, we will let the loudspeakers notify the village name to rent the land to the big team, and then we will lease the land to Zhang Xiaofann to earn the difference in prices."    


"Hey, that's too much."    


Faang Xiaolian blinked her eyes.    


"Miss, this is not excessive at all. We are making money to build the road, so it's better to do something good for him. Besides, if we don't make money like this, we have to ask the old master for money. That way, we will lose a lot of face."    


Lee Yuhuan nodded her head. She felt that Faang Xiaolian's words made sense.    


"So, how great do you think that is? Firstly, we helped Zhang Xiaofann, and secondly, we even did good deeds for the villagers, isn't that better."    


Lee Yuhuan didn't have that many tricks up her sleeve, she only nodded and said: "Okay then, if it's the truth, then we will definitely accomplish something big, if not we won't go back."    




Faang Xiaolian and Lee Yuhuan encouraged each other, it was as if the two of them were going to do something earth-shattering.    


Zhang Xiaofann returned home, full of anger. Seeing that there was no one in the courtyard, he ran to the reservoir to look at the apples.    


"Boss, you came. I knew you would come to the reservoir today, so I've been waiting for you there." When Wang Lina saw Zhang Xiaofann, she cordially told Zhang Xiaofann.    


Zhang Xiaofann looked at Wang Lina.    


"You didn't tell anyone about the photos, did you?"    


"Boss, I've already promised you, why don't you believe me? Aren't you being too petty?"    


"This has nothing to do with being petty and everything to do with my interests, so I must take this matter seriously."    


"Then don't worry."    


Zhang Xiaofann nodded, and looked around, there were around 80 apple trees and on top of one apple tree, there were dozens of fruits, making people hungry.    


"Tomorrow morning, we will pick these fruits and take them to the city to buy. Each apple is priced at 500 yuan, if we sell them all, we can also earn tens of thousands of yuan. When the time comes, we can invest them in the orchard."    


"What? An apple costs 500 yuan? Who can afford that?!"    


"That's why I'm calling all the rich people I know to my fruit store tomorrow. I want them to taste a tooth of apple for free and then sell it to them."    


Zhang Xiaofann thought as he handed his phone over to Wang Lina.    


"Use my phone to call the bosses in my contact list, don't leave a single one behind. This is related to the future of our orchard, if the first shot fails, it will be very difficult to achieve any results later on."    


"Yes, boss."    


Wang Lina agreed and went to the car to make a call. Zhang Xiaofann went around the reservoir and discovered that there were fish inside the reservoir, which immediately aroused his interest.    


"Damn, where did all these fish come from? They look pretty big!" Zhang Xiaofann muttered, he took a bamboo pole from the side of the water reservoir and stuck a fish into it.    


"Yep, this fish looks pretty good. I'll get a few more to go have a taste later." As Zhang Xiaofann thought about this, he found a bucket and settled a dozen or so fish, bringing them over to Wang Lina.    


Just then, Wang Lina had also finished her call. Wang Lina looked at Zhang Xiaofann in shock.    


"Boss, where did you get these fish?"    


"It's in our reservoir. The fish in the river probably swam into the reservoir and grew up quickly. The meat quality is pretty good. I'll take it to have a taste when I get back."    


"The fish in our village's river are very small. Each fish is more than three catties. Could it be that this holy water is very suitable for raising fish?"    


Wang Lina's words had reminded Zhang Xiaofann of the bright future of rearing fish.    


"Driver, do we have any buckets left?"    


"Two more."    


"Alright, let's drink two buckets of holy water to the natural lake at the stone gate. I've already bought the natural lake and want to raise fish there, but it lacks the technology. If the holy water can raise fish, then we can open our fish farm."    




Wang Lina promised. The two of them pulled two buckets of holy water and headed towards the natural lake.    


Ten minutes later, they had already reached the lake. However, they had never expected that the lake had already been ruined by the local villagers.    


At this time, there were many dead fish floating on the surface of the lake. Most of the naturally growing fish had already been scooped up, and even more infuriating was that when they arrived, there were still villagers fighting over the fish.    


"Everyone stop."    


Zhang Xiaofann shouted loudly. The villagers looked at Zhang Xiaofann and no one was willing to bother with him.    


Zhang Xiaofann was helpless and shouted once again: "You bandits, naturally the lake has already been bought by me. If you continue to fish in the lake, it's a robbery.    


When Zhang Xiaofann shouted this, some of the villagers stopped, but there were others who walked over and wanted to teach Zhang Xiaofann a lesson.    


"Fuck you, who do you think you are? So what if I bought this lake for you? We're going to fish here today, do you want to bite me?"    


Zhang Xiaofann was not a soft persimmon. He slapped the face of the villager, causing the villager to lose his head and then crawl to the ground. When he stood up again, his face was as swollen as a pig's mouth.    


"Fucking hell, did you see that?! bastard of the Shangshui Village has come to our Stone Door Village to behave atrociously and bully our Stone Door Village because we don't have anyone. Everyone come and kill him!"    


After the villager finished speaking, dozens of villagers wanted to attack together, but the Secretary Yang had arrived.    


"Stop right there."    


The dozens of villagers stopped, and the Secretary Yang said angrily: "I say, you poor bastards, you are all destitute! We have already bought the natural lake for the Mr Zhang. Back then, you all took the money, so why are you guys starting to mess around now? "    


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