Immortal Doctor with Super Vision

C243 Kissing Nurse

C243 Kissing Nurse

"Zhang Xiaofann, I have good news for you. The arrest warrant for you by the police has been cancelled.    


Xiao Qing was extremely happy when she said those words, and she finally did not have to worry about Zhang Xiaofann anymore.    


Hearing that, Zhang Xiaofann felt that something was amiss, why did the people above change their attitude so quickly?    


They wanted to catch him in one moment and get him to save him in another. What was going on? Could it be that something had happened and they couldn't hold on any longer? It must be so, otherwise they wouldn't be in such a hurry to find him.    


"Hehe, you tell them, those people being poisoned have nothing to do with me. I don't have the antidote nor can I cure them."    


Zhang Xiaofann faked it and was angered to the point that he wanted to beat Zhang Xiaofann up. The higher ups had revoked his arrest warrant, what a good opportunity was this, to not go and save people, wasn't there something wrong with his head?    


"Zhang Xiaofann, are you really not going?"    


"No, I won't go."    


As he spoke, he went upstairs and locked himself in a room to sleep.    


Xiao Qing felt that there was something wrong with this fellow's head, but she knew it very well. It would be too casual of him to go and save him now, there would be no chance for him to negotiate conditions with those people in the future.    


old master Du asked Elder Jiang, "How is it, what did little girl Xiao say?"    


Elder Jiang turned to look at old master Du.    


"Little girl Xiao said that Zhang Xiaofann is not willing to participate in this matter."    


Lin Changshan started snorting coldly.    


"Hmph, how could a immature stinky kid possibly have any skills? Don't tell me the two of you think that his medical skills are higher than us old doctors?"    


They were all famous and influential figures in the world of Qinchuan City and medicine. When they heard what Lin Changshan said, they all agreed with Lin Changshan.    


"That's right. Even we can't cure that virus, so how can he solve it?"    




"Pa …"    


An old man slammed his hand on the table and angrily said, "Hmph, to think that you claim to be experts in the medical field. You don't even know the basics."    


Since that brat can cure Elder Jiang's brain cancer, that means he has a certain level of ability. I am asking everyone present, who amongst you has confidence in being able to cure the brain tumor?    


No one said anything. The old man continued, "A bunch of stubborn old men who can't even look at others. We, the Medical Association, don't welcome people like him. As the President of the Medical Association, I have the right to kick you out of the Medical Association."    


"President Hua, do not be angry, we are only discussing the matter, there is no one that cannot tolerate Zhang Xiaofann's anger."    


Hua Yunfei snorted coldly, his gaze turning to Elder Jiang.    


"Hmph, I hope that you are speaking the truth."    


"Elder Jiang, give that brat a call again and agree to all of his conditions. Bring him to us, we only have him as our lifesaver now."    


"Alright …"    


He had interacted with Zhang Xiaofann for more than a month, so he did not really understand Zhang Xiaofann well, but he did have a little understanding about Zhang Xiaofann's personality.    


He knew that Zhang Xiaofann wasn't the type of person to watch someone's back when they were about to die. The reason why Zhang Xiaofann didn't come was because he had been framed and felt uncomfortable.    


Xiao Qing was in a daze in the villa, and the Elder Jiang called again. This time, Xiao Qing knocked on the door, making him answer the call herself.    


Zhang Xiaofann opened the door.    


"Alright, I'll answer their phone on your account and see what they say."    


Zhang Xiaofann picked up the phone, and went straight to the point: "Elder Jiang, you can ask me to save him, but you must agree to three of my requests."    


"First, release my good friend Tian Shuying."    


"Second, on the television, you said that the poisoning incident at the fruit shop has been investigated. Someone purposely framed me, it has nothing to do with my fruit."    


"Third, help me find the mastermind behind this, and give me justice."    


"Alright, alright. I'll agree to all three of these conditions. Hurry and come over with Xiao Lingxi. We'll wait for you at First People's Hospital."    




Zhang Xiao hung up and pulled Xiao Qing's hand as they walked out. Xiao Qing was currently a little confused, she had previously thought that Zhang Xiaofann was very honest, but today she had seen how Zhang Xiaofann did things, and was a typical scheming man.    


After a while, Zhang Xiaofann and Xiao Qing arrived at the entrance of the Qinchuan City First Hospital and saw an old man waiting for them at the entrance with tens of people wearing white gowns. Beside the old man were Elder Jiang and Elder Jiang.    


"Damn, the person standing right in front of everyone is the famous' Tai Shan 'and' Bei Dou Hua Tian Ren 'of China's medical community. It is said that Hua Yunfei is the 308th generation successor of Hua Tuo. His medical skills are surprisingly high, and can even be compared to ancestor Hua Tuo."    


"Hehe, friend, who did you hear about? With our Qinchuan City, how could such a big shot come here? You must be joking!"    


"That's right!" Let me tell you, if that person was Hua Tuo's successor, then I would be the descendant of Sun Sinian, Bian Que, Li Shizhen, and Zhang Zhongjing.    


The speaker shook his head.    


"How uncultured, truly terrifying. If you don't know anything, then don't spout nonsense. The four of them are not from the same dynasty, and anyone who hears of them will laugh until their teeth fall off."    


"Haha, let them laugh as long as they like. I'm just a farmer anyways, I don't know what's so embarrassing about this."    


"No, those tycoons in the medical field are waiting for a small farmer. What's going on?" As the three were discussing, Zhang Xiaofann and Xiao Qing arrived. Hua Yunfei led a dozen or so experts of the medical realm to meet them.    


Elder Jiang went over to Zhang Xiaofann and introduced him to him.    


"Zhang Xiaofann, this is our Chinese medical field's Divine Doctor Hua, Taishan and Beidou. Today, he personally brought us here to receive you.    


Zhang Xiaofann shook hands with Hua Yunfei.    


"Hello, Divine Doctor Hua. Four years ago, I heard your lecture at the China Medical University. It was extremely interesting and I didn't have the opportunity to ask you for guidance at that time. I hope to learn from you today."    


Hua Yunfei was very satisfied with Zhang Xiaofann's performance.    


No wonder the Elder Jiang thinks so highly of you. Let's not talk anymore, let's go to the ward to see the patient. Honestly speaking, I really don't have any leads on this virus.    


Zhang Xiaofann nodded. Amidst everyone's shock, he and Hua Yunfei entered the hospital and everyone who saw it was shocked.    


After a few minutes, they arrived at the patient isolation area. The others were all wearing gas masks, but Zhang Xiaofann didn't wear anything and walked over to the patient. He saw the infected nurse, the one who was on the embankment previously, and felt that it was too much of a coincidence.    


At this time, the nurse was so scared that his face was completely pale. Zhang Xiaofann activated his X-ray vision to check the condition of her body and continuously shook his head. It was obvious that he could not tell what virus it was, why it was so powerful.    


Xiao Qing asked anxiously: "How is it, do you have a way to cure the poison?"    


"Not yet, but I believe so."    


When Zhang Xiaofann finished speaking, he actually went and kissed the nurse in front of everyone. Everyone was stunned, they couldn't understand why Zhang Xiaofann was so bold, the nurse had already been infected, and still dared to kiss the nurse, did he think he had lived for too long!    


"Zhang Xiaofann, are you crazy!"    


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