Invincible System-I am the Great Devil



The two of them looked at the empty treasury and immediately understood what had happened.    


"Who are you? How dare you barge into my Sun family's treasury!"    


The well-dressed youth frowned, he then took out his sword and pointed it straight at Chu He.    


"I am a dark night demon. When mortals see your true body, they should quickly kneel!"    


Chu He saw two more people barge in, after panicking for a moment he immediately calmed down, and said calmly.    


"Hatred from Sun Yi + 77."    


"Resentment from Zhou Quan + 66."    


Sun Yi and Zhou Quan looked at Chu He in shock, thinking that there was something wrong with this person!    


"You little thief, you still dare to call yourself this sovereign? Hand over the stolen treasure!"    


Sun Yi held his sword horizontally in front of his chest, looking ready to make a move at any time.    


Chu He saw that there was something wrong with the other party's reaction. Wasn't it normal for the other party to be scared to the point of peeing?    


"Ah? Where is my Demon's Horn? "    


He subconsciously touched his head, but it was empty. There were no longer any horns on his head.    


Only now did he recall that when he entered the treasury, he felt that the demon mask was too stuffy and had been taken off.    


It's over, it's over! Now he had been exposed!    


Chu He's mind worked quickly, thinking that there was still no way to save this, "Why don't we just kill these two unlucky bastards!"    


However, thinking about how he had never met these two people before, he was still unable to do such a thing.    


However, these two men had seen his true face. If they left him alone, they might even find out who he was.    


"Yes, these two must have come to the Treasure Vault in the middle of the night to steal treasures. Why not just blame them?"    


Chu He's heart moved, he already had a plan.    


"I have a big blame, I wonder if the two of you are interested in taking over!"    


Chu He gave the two of them a profound look, and laughed loudly.    


"Black pot? What black pot? Why do you want us to take over? "    


The two of them looked at each other, confused.    


"I don't even know about the black pot. It's really old, but it doesn't matter. You'll know about it when the time comes!"    


After which, Chu He activated his Eight Inner Hidden Gates, and his entire person's speed was extremely fast. Without wasting any time, he directly knocked the two people's fist out.    


Before the two of them could even react, they only saw a green light flash by. Immediately, their entire heads went unconscious.    


Chu He immediately dragged the little errand boy outside, and found a carriage in the Sun family's residence, and locked him inside.    


Then, he placed a small portion of the rare treasures in the "Cosmos Sack" on the carriage, and returned to place the South Sea Night Pearl in Sun Yi's hands.    


"No, this Southern Sea Night Pearl is too big, giving it to him would be too wasteful. Giving it to Yu Er as a light bulb would be pretty good."    


Chu He who had a slight toothache took out the Southern Ocean Night Pearl and traded it for a smaller Night Pearl.    


"Heh heh, it's a success. I slipped away ?"    


After Chu He finished all of the things he needed to do, he went and hid his skills and reputation.    


At the moment, Chu He was not wearing a demon's mask and was walking on the streets of Anping City with a calm and composed demeanor.    


"Oh my god, this Sun family's Mayor is really patient. He even went all the way to look for me. But you want to find me with your IQ? In your dreams!"    


Seeing that Anping City was still in a state of chaos, almost all of the Sun family guards and servants came out to search for traces of Chu He.    


At that moment, Sun Tian coincidentally used the Imperial Sword Technique to fly towards him, but just as he was about to pass Chu He, Chu He called out to him.    


"Hey, when I was passing by your Sun Manor just now, I saw many carriages delivering something outside. The bumpy movements make it sound like some sort of precious jade artifact."    


Sun Tian braked and immediately changed the direction he was moving in. He turned into a bolt of lightning and flew towards the Sun Residence.    


"Thank you for your reminder. I wonder what your name is, I will definitely thank you in the future!"    


Sun Tian turned around and looked at Chu He, thinking that he really was a good person.    


"No need to thank me, my name is Chu Lei Feng!"    


Chu He smiled and waved at him, then swaggered out of Anping City.    


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