I Am A Billionaire

C176 Cooperation

C176 Cooperation

"What does that have to do with me? You took pictures of me and ruined my reputation. I haven't accused you yet. You brought yourself to me?" Lin Xiao did not care. If he took the job, he would have to be mentally prepared.    


Jia Ping smiled and said yes. He did not know what he meant. Lin Xiao did not know what he wanted to do.    


"Well, Mr. Lin Xiao, I am also curious. I accidentally saw your background. I saw you and Miss Bai Shuang meet. I also saw Miss Bai Shuang go to the big villa in the suburbs. As far as I know, there..." Before Jia Ping could finish his sentence, Lin Xiao stopped.    


He finally knew that Jia Ping was guessing his identity.    


Lin Xiao looked at him with a cold smile. "So, what do you want to say? "You want to threaten me with my background? Another sum of money?"    


When Jia Ping heard that, he immediately waved his hand and said that he did not dare.    


"That's right. In the future, how about I specially gather information for you all? As your private detective, my concealment ability is very good." Jia Ping began to self-sell, praising his own merits with all his might.    


Lin Xiao did not understand.    


Jia Ping let out a sigh and explained again. This time, Lin Xiao understood, and also felt that he understood. Was there something wrong with Japin?    


Could it be that their family still lacked private detectives?    


Lin Xiao thought so and asked.    


Jia Ping said with a frown. Clearly, he did not need to think about it to know that he did not lack private detectives.    


"But my ability must be the best!" Jia Ping said confidently.    


Lin Xiao nodded. He was not interested.    


"Lin Xiao, Mr Xiao, Master Xiao, I beg of you. Please let me work under you." Seeing that Lin Xiao was leaving, Jia Ping decided not to stop. He pulled Lin Xiao and started to pester him.    


Lin Xiao was helpless as well. He had never seen someone so persistent.    


"Give me a reason." Lin Xiao turned around and asked coldly.    


"I can track all the information and also know some computers. I am worth it." Jia Ping immediately promoted himself excitedly. His hands were still glued to Lin Xiao's clothes, and he didn't want to let go.    


As soon as he made a big commotion, the people around him all looked over.    


Jia Ping did not feel ashamed of Lin Xiao and still disliked him. He had no choice but to let Lin Xiao stand up and talk properly. Otherwise, he would not be able to say anything else.    


When Jia Ping saw that there was hope, he quickly stood up and looked at Lin Xiao obediently. It did not match his temperament.    


"What do you want?" Lin Xiao asked helplessly. He was almost in despair.    


Jia Ping stole a glance at him and said with a smile, "I will work for you wholeheartedly. If you can pay me more, it will be the best."    


In the end, it was all for the sake of getting more money.    


Lin Xiao finally understood that Jia Ping thought he was a fool.    


"My wife is going to have a child. But the money I have is gone. I don't have a single cent now. I have no other choice. If you can save me and save my wife, I'll be willing to do anything for you in the future! " Jia Ping lowered his voice, revealing his true feelings, his face full of bitterness.    


Lin Xiao thought that he was doing it for his wife's good, so his heart softened.    


"Okay, then you can try it first. Just do it under me." Lin Xiao did not dare to help his father recruit people. His father had a lot of elites, so there was no need for him to help.    


Jia Ping's mouth moved. It seemed like he wanted to say something, but he did not say anything. In the end, he smiled and said thank you.    


Lin Xiao did not know what to think and smiled. He raised his eyebrows and said to Jia Ping, "Then you can call me Young Master from now on. I will look for you when I have something to do."    


Jia Ping was stunned for a moment. He nodded and agreed.    


Lin Xiao was satisfied and prepared to leave. He took two steps and suddenly stopped. He turned his head and looked at Jia Ping with a smile. "When I have time, I will go to the hospital to see your wife. I will also bring her some things. The pregnancy needs to be repaired properly."    


Jia Ping heard that. Aiyah said no, "I really don't need you, young master. I'm already very grateful that you can accept me. She's not due yet. I'll bring you there when she's due. "    


Lin Xiao nodded and agreed.    


Only then did Jia Ping let out a sigh of relief.    


He signed the agreement verbally with Jia Ping. When he arrived at the entrance of the production team, Lin Xiao saw Su Huairou swaying at the door. If nothing unexpected happened, she should be looking for him.    


"Lin Xiao, you're back. Hurry up and go in. Director Song is looking for you." Su Huairou walked to Lin Xiao's side with a smile and said softly.    


When she passed Lin Xiao, she could see Jia Ping behind her. Jia Ping was still holding a camera.    


"Lin Xiao! There are paparazzi behind us!" Su Huairou's eyes widened as she reminded Lin Xiao in a low voice.    


Lin Xiao turned around and saw Jia Ping waving at him with the camera in his arms.    


"It's okay, we're on the same side." Lin Xiao raised his hand and signaled Su Huairou to calm down.    


Su Huairou was obviously a little suspicious. She looked at Jia Ping a few more times, causing Jia Ping to look back as well. Seeing that Jia Ping's eyes had a vicious and vicious look, Su Huairou was shocked and subconsciously grabbed Lin Xiao's clothes.    


"What's wrong? Why are you sweating?" Lin Xiao looked back and was also shocked by Su Huairou. He did not think it was so hot. Why did he sweat so quickly?    


He did not know that Su Huairou was sweating, but not sweating.    


Looking over again, Jia Ping had already disappeared.    


"Ah? It's fine." Su Huairou forced a smile. She wiped the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand and followed Lin Xiao into the shed.    


Thinking of the look in Jia Ping's eyes, Su Huairou hesitantly reminded Lin Xiao, "Lin Xiao, that friend of yours doesn't look like a good person."    


Lin Xiao chuckled and was amused by Su Huairou's words.    


"His eyes are still sharp. He is indeed not a good person." Lin Xiao seemed to know her well, but he was not in a hurry.    


Su Huairou was a little anxious. She asked Lin Xiao why he still wanted to be friends with him since he knew that Jia Ping was not a good person.    


Lin Xiao laughed and said Su Huairou understood.    


After a week of filming and no more trouble, Lin Xiao could finally rest for a few days.    


Monday was the beginning of the week. Lin Xiao received a call from Jee Qi.    


"Mr Xiao, I found the accountant you asked me to find. She is in the hotel now." Jee Qi did not forget the mission Lin Xiao gave her. She searched hard for the accountant for a week and finally found her figure.    


Lin Xiao said good and thanked her and apologized. He had implicated Jee Qi's reputation and had not called to tell her about it.    


After Jee Qi heard that, she said that it was fine. He had long gotten used to it. He had already returned to school and could not accompany Lin Xiao to find people. He could only send the address to Lin Xiao and let him go and see for himself.    


Lin Xiao agreed.    


Before Bai Shuang left, she left five or six bodyguards for Lin Xiao to order around. She did not need Lin Xiao to personally come out and directly let the bodyguards capture people to the barbecue shop. He arrived shortly after.    


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