I Am A Billionaire

C182 New Clues

C182 New Clues

After dealing with the family with the surname Lu, Lin Xiao's mood finally improved a little.    


But when he thought of the missing hairpin, his rising mood instantly fell to rock bottom.    


During this period of time, he did not give up on looking for the woman in the surveillance camera. If he could not find her, he would get rid of Bai Shuang. But Bai Shuang did not find any news either. This was a little unbelievable.    


In Lin Xiao's heart, Bai Shuang should be considered omnipotent. He had never seen anything that she could not finish. When he suddenly heard Bai Shuang say that she would give her a little more time, Lin Xiao was not used to it.    


"Is she a very difficult person? If you find anything, I will continue to check." Although Lin Xiao felt a little disappointed, he knew very well that Bai Shuang could not always help him. One day, he would have to face it himself.    


Who knew that Bai Shuang would hesitate for a while and say that she did not find anything.    


This time, Lin Xiao was even more shocked.    


What kind of mysterious person could deceive Bai Shuang?    


"Don't worry, I will definitely find out." Lin Xiao made up his mind. The person opposite him had ignited his fighting spirit.    


After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao went to the security room again. He handcuffed the surveillance video and left it in his USB.    


He watched the surveillance video over and over again. That indescribable sense of familiarity came again.    


Lin Xiao could basically confirm that the person in the video was definitely someone he knew, but the female friend he knew was only Su Huairou in Xin Ling now. Furthermore, Su Huairou was in a hotel with him.    


But Su Huairou had no reason.    


Furthermore, Bai Shuang could not find Su Huairou. It was more likely that her father had already left the stage. Now Su Huairou could only be considered a celebrity.    


But with suspicions, it was impossible to eliminate them easily. If it was not because he understood Su Huairou's character, then he might have already rushed to Su Huairou's room.    


Song Hongchuan sent a message in the group saying that the new scene had been cleaned up and that there was going to be another shoot today. It was exactly what Lin Xiao wanted. When he met Su Huairou, he wanted to test her a little.    


Almost at the same time, Lin Xiao and Su Huairou came to the production together.    


These few days, Lin Xiao had run away after shooting his own scenes. Su Huairou did not even have the chance to chat with him. This time, they finally met. Su Huairou came to Lin Xiao's side and asked him what he had been busy with recently.    


Lin Xiao wanted to say that it was nothing, but he suddenly thought of his previous suspicions. He probed, "I have been looking for something recently. The thing I left in my room was taken by someone."    


Su Huairou heard and her eyes widened in shock. "Did the hotel people steal it? Did you check the surveillance?"    


Seeing that Su Huairou's expression did not seem to be faked, Lin Xiao felt a little discouraged. He shook his head and said that he could not find it even after looking at the surveillance camera.    


"How could this be?" It could be seen that Su Huairou was really worried for him. Lin Xiao felt a little embarrassed when he thought of his previous suspicions.    


"It's fine. I will find it eventually." Lin Xiao comforted Su Huairou instead.    


This hairpin was not a loss to him. However, he felt uncomfortable and uneasy. He felt that he had to find it.    


After entering the production crew, Song Hongchuan was already sitting beside the camera and waiting. When he saw the two of them come in, he called them to quickly prepare.    


Su Huairou thought about it and ran to Song Hongchuan and whispered something.    


Song Hongchuan touched the back of his head and said he knew. It was he who brought Lin Xiao to watch the surveillance camera.    


Su Huairou heard it and realized that she was the last to know.    


A sense of loss welled up in her heart. She thought about what she was looking forward to. Wasn't this how she got along with Lin Xiao?    


Song Hongchuan felt the mood of his female lead instantly drop. He didn't understand what had happened. He just thought that she was feeling sorry for Lin Xiao.    


Coincidentally, Lin Xiao saw Su Huairou and Song Hongchuan chatting for a long time. Before the first scene started, he came over to ask what had happened.    


"Lin Xiao, you haven't found that thing yet." Song Hongchuan asked with concern.    


Lin Xiao nodded.    


"If it really doesn't work out, I'll ask again. Bring out the surveillance camera at the entrance of the film studio and see how it goes. The surveillance camera is right at the entrance of the hotel. Maybe we can capture something." Song Hongchuan stroked his beard and suggested to Lin Xiao.    


Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows. He did not expect Song Hongchuan to have such a relationship. He had thought about checking the surveillance camera at the film studio complex, but he did not know who to look for, so he left it at that.    


Since Song Hongchuan had said it himself, Lin Xiao had no reason to refuse. He thanked him sincerely. This time, Song Hongchuan had helped him a lot. He would return the favor if he had the chance in the future.    


After filming the scenes of today's plan, Song Hongchuan brought Lin Xiao to the film studio administration center.    


Seeing Song Hongchuan negotiating with someone in front of him, Lin Xiao could only look around. The film studio complex was, after all, the largest shooting location for celebrities. Hence, the safety facilities were first-class.    


The monitor next to Lin Xiao could see everything ten meters away clearly.    


"Come, Lin Xiao." Song Hongchuan smiled and discussed with the person in front of him. He turned his head and asked Lin Xiao to come forward.    


Lin Xiao nodded politely and walked inside with the two seniors.    


Soon, they arrived at a room full of screens. Lin Xiaowei was slightly surprised. If he hadn't seen it, he wouldn't have known that there were so many cameras in the film studio complex.    


"You guys want to see the surveillance camera that just entered the room, right?" The staff of the film studio complex walked to the front and sat down, asking the two of them.    


Lin Xiao said yes. Although he did not know if he could take a picture, his only hope now was here.    


"This is it. It should be this day. I've already adjusted it. You guys can see for yourselves." The staff moved aside and handed the place over to Lin Xiao and Song Hongchuan. He had other things to do outside, so he had to go out first.    


Song Hongchuan could just let him be busy. He wouldn't be surprised if he was here.    


Lin Xiao stared at the screen. Finally, he saw a familiar figure.    


"He's here." Lin Xiao said in a low voice. He didn't even dare to blink his eyes as he stared at the screen.    


The mysterious man got into a black car on the opposite side of the car. As soon as he got into the car, the black car started to drive toward the opposite side.    


"Car plate number plate number." Song Hongchuan was even more excited than Lin Xiao. He pointed at the butt of the black car and shouted.    


Lin Xiao thought so too. He wanted to expand the image. Fortunately, the quality of the camera was good. No matter how far it was, it could still be seen clearly.    


After obtaining the license plate number, it could be considered a big clue. Lin Xiao finally felt less burdened.    


Next, he would follow the license plate number and investigate. He should be able to find out the truth very soon.    


After returning to the hotel, Lin Xiao called an old acquaintance.    


"Director-general Hsiao." Lin Xiao greeted the person on the other end of the phone.    


The person on the other side was either the police chief or Hsiao Yongwang.    


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