The Military King Is Back

C602 Falcon Team Was Destroyed

C602 Falcon Team Was Destroyed

"Haha, that old man, White, didn't listen to my advice. He told me not to underestimate the special forces of Hua Country, but he just didn't listen. Now, look at the three wisps of smoke coming from the forest in the distance. He has lost three of his team members."    


The leader of Wolf Slayer Team, Pantheon, looked at the smoke in the distance with a pair of binoculars and laughed loudly.    


"Bah, a useless team like the Falcon Team actually ambushed the Hua Country Special Forces that are parachuting in order to win. It is a disgrace to the image of a soldier."    


Under a tree, a member of the Wolf Slayer Team was sitting, carefully wiping his sniper rifle.    


"Charles, you are right. Our Wolf Slayer Team is not ashamed of such a sneak attack."    


Pantheon put down the telescope and shook his head. His eyes were burning.    


"Three of them were killed by Monkey. Seriously, I don't know how to evaluate the combat strength of the Falcon Team."    


Charles didn't raise his head. He stared at the beloved spear in his hand and rubbed it over and over again.    


"But the special forces of Hua Country are strong enough. I saw that they killed three members of Falcon Team by themselves, and they even dodged Bobbi's attack."    


Pantheon licked his dry lips and said excitedly.    


"Bobbi is also a waste. Sniping moving objects is too slow. As far as I know, his fastest speed is only 2.6 seconds."    


Charles's eyes were cold. He raised his hand and aimed the sniper rifle.    


“ Oh? Is that so? Charles, what's your current speed? I don't want trash to appear in my team."    


Pantheon gave Charles a meaningful look. If Charles dragged him down, he wouldn't mind giving Charles a shot right now.    


"Captain, what do you mean by your eyesight? My current speed is close to that of a god. My movement and sniping speed is 2.3 seconds. The fastest sniping speed in the world until now is created by me last year."    


After saying that, Charles looked at Pantheon and said, "Do you want to compete with me in speed?"    


"Hehe, no, no. Brother Charles, with your speed, why would I pull my teeth out from the tiger's mouth? Look, the Falcon Team is here. Why don't we just kill them?"    


After saying that, Pantheon made a throat-slitting gesture towards the rest of the team members.    


When the Falcon Team got closer, White had yet to open his mouth when the sound of gunshots rang out.    


In an instant, four of the Falcon Team's team members were shot, and thick smoke rose. White hurriedly hid behind a tree, and Bobbi rolled on the ground again. He rolled to the back of a big rock beside him, and pulled another team member along with him to hide inside.    


"Pantheon, you bastard, how dare you plot against me?" White hid behind a tree and panted heavily. He shouted angrily.    


"This isn't called scheming against you, it's you who is stupid. You dare to be a special forces soldier like this, you will be killed by the enemy sooner or later. I am only teaching you now, so that you won't be killed by the enemy on the real battlefield in the future."    


Pantheon said coldly in the direction White was hiding.    


"Damn it, it's not your turn to teach me. I was going to tell you to be careful, but I didn't expect you to be so vicious."    


White was angry, and he paused for a moment.    


"Brother, thank you for your good intentions. Look at how badly your team has been beaten up by the monkey army. What kind of useless soldiers are you bringing along?"    


As Pantheon spoke, he became even more arrogant and even laughed loudly.    


White had never experienced such a wimp in his entire life. He raised the miniature submachine gun in his hand and swept it towards Pantheon's clamoring voice.    


"Aiyoyo, Captain White, what's wrong? Are you angry? But don't worry, none of you will be able to escape today."    


Pantheon saw that White was angry, so he purposely provoked him again. This way, he would have a greater chance of wiping out the Falcon Team.    


"Captain, you go first. We will help you to take care of the situation. I don't believe that Pantheon and the rest of the bastards will dare to come out."    


Bobbi said to White in a low voice.    


"No, it is my captain who made you suffer. I am going to fight this bastard Pantheon to the death."    


White said and fired in the direction of Pantheon's team. He took advantage of this gap to move forward.    


Pantheon was about to shoot out his head when Bobbi fired. The bullet flew in front of Pantheon's face, and Pantheon even felt the heat of the bullet.    


Bobbi wanted to shoot out a second time, but the sniper's gunshot rang out at this moment.    


"Bang! Bang! Two shots.    


White's laser beacon was hit, and thick smoke came out.    


"This is impossible."    


Bobbi only had this one thought in his mind. The enemy sniper was powerful, and he knew the strength of the captain.    


In the past, when he competed with the captain, the captain was always able to dodge his sniper at the last moment. It could be said that the captain's control of time was accurate to 0.01 seconds.    


More importantly, the captain's ability to dodge bullets in an instant was even stronger. It was already considered the best result for him to hit the captain three times with ten shots during his practice.    


But reality was so cruel. White looked at the thick smoke behind him in disbelief and collapsed on the ground.    


"Captain White, your speed is indeed fast, but you are still too inexperienced in front of me. Do you think I am trash like Bobbi in your team? It takes 2.6 seconds to move and snipe. What a joke. You still treat such trash like a treasure. "    


Charles looked at White, who was lying on the ground with pity. His face was full of ridicule.    


"Impossible. Charles could hit a moving object in 2.5 seconds. How did he do it? Even the most experienced sniper's result was only 2.5 seconds. But his two shots just now were obviously less than 2.5 seconds apart. "    


Bobbi looked at the captain who had fallen to the ground in despair. He felt indignant in his heart. If he could do it, he would definitely be able to do it.    


"Bang... Bang!"    


Another two gunshots rang out. Bobbi and Charles fired at each other, but neither of them hit the other.    


After 2.5 seconds, Bobbi stood up again and aimed in Charles's direction, but in despair, he saw that Charles's black gun muzzle had locked him down.    




A gunshot rang out, and Bobbi's left shoulder was hit by an empty bag. The beacon lit up, and thick smoke rose.    


"Hmph, a mantis trying to stop a chariot, you overestimate your abilities. Wild Sand Team, let's see how I'm going to deal with you monkeys."    


Pantheon said in a sinister manner.    


Besides, on the other side of Wild Sand Team, after the captain, Yikun landed on the ground, he hurriedly looked for cover and used his wristwatch to confirm the casualties of the squad.    


"Five of them were killed, but before they could fight with the enemy team, it would be convenient for me to lose five of my team members."    


Yikun looked at his watch angrily. In the face of such a despicable ambush, there was nothing he could do.    


Currently, only Yikun, Zhong Weiguo, Tiehdan and Qiang were left in Wild Sand Team.    


At this time, Yikun saw three members running towards him. After confirming that they were his own people, Yikun whistled and the three of them ran towards Yikun.    


"Captain, we have suffered heavy casualties this time. I didn't expect that only four of us would be left in the team of ten."    


Zhong Weiguo said anxiously.    


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