The Military King Is Back

C6 Thirty-six Times Faster!

C6 Thirty-six Times Faster!

Mu Rong looked at Ye Fei with admiration.    


Ye Fei waved his hand. "This is not a big deal."    


He was about to bend down to pick up the shell when Zhang Shuaipeng walked over and said loudly, "This is important evidence. In order to protect the scene, all unrelated people should go out!"    


"Captain Zhang, he is here to help solve the case!" Mu Rong hurriedly explained.    


"Mu Rong, our investigation team needs this little friend to help solve the case? You are also a member of the criminal investigation team. Isn't this slapping our faces?"    


Zhang Shuaipeng rolled his eyes and said coldly, "Quickly take him out. Don't hinder our work!"    


After saying that, Zhang Shuaipeng carefully put away the bullet shell and chased Mu Rong and Ye Fei out of the door.    


Before the door closed, Zhang Shuaipeng impatiently called the leader. "Director Zhou, it's me. Shuai Peng, I have found the place where the gunmen shot. Hahaha, not fast, not fast. This was still slow! En, we have already found a major clue. It is only a matter of time before we solve the case! Thank you for your concern, Director. I promise to complete the task."    


Mu Rong saw that her credit had been snatched by Zhang Shuaipeng, so she angrily kicked the cardboard box in the corridor. As a result, her shoes flew out, so she could only jump over with one foot and pick them up and put them on.    


"Fine, I did not find any clues and let them steal the credit!" Mu Rong complained on the side.    


"It's just a few bullet shells. The gunmen will leave the bullet shells behind. They are not afraid of being found through this clue. Maybe it is a smoke grenade that will disturb their vision."    


Ye Fei smiled and did not care at all.    


"Then what should we do now?" Mu Rong looked at Ye Fei and had no idea.    


"Let's ask the witness first. However, since the gunmen kept them alive, they definitely did not see anything." Ye Fei thought for a moment and said.    


At this time, the doctor used a stretcher to push the man and woman who were attacked out. Both of them were not injured, but they were frightened and their eyes were erratic.    


Mu Rong went up to ask a few questions and came back dejectedly, "Ye Fei, you are really Kong Ming in this world. You have guessed everything. They said that they did not see clearly and only saw a man wearing a cap, about 1.8 meters tall."    


"That is enough. Let's go." Ye Fei said lightly.    


"Where are we going?" Mu Rong looked puzzled.    


"We are going to catch the shooter." Ye Fei looked at Mu Rong.    


"There are no clues, so we are going to catch the shooter? You must be joking!"    


Mu Rong could not believe her ears. Even if Holmes was alive and Edo Kenan was possessed, she must know the clues to catch the shooter, right?    


He only knew a cap, 1.8 meters, and he could find the shooter?    


"Let's go to the shops nearby and check the surveillance footage." Ye Fei said.    


"Okay." Mu Rong felt that there was no other way.    


A colleague from the Criminal Investigation Unit had already copied the surveillance cameras in the neighborhood. Mu Rong volunteered and said that she wanted to send a copy of the surveillance footage back to the police station.    


In the screening room of the police station, Mu Rong turned on the computer and looked at the surveillance cameras for a hundred hours. She stuck out her tongue.    


The area near the Yalai Group was a bustling street. There were many shops with surveillance cameras installed. It was impossible for the gunman to avoid them.    


In other words, the shooter's figure must be in the surveillance video.    


The problem was that the gunman did not need to go around because at that time, there were thousands of people walking around the street.    


To find him from the crowd was an impossible task.    


"Open it."    


Ye Fei looked confident and had a confident smile on his face.    


Mu Rong looked at Ye Fei and turned on the projector.    


The surveillance camera showed the video footage from the time of the shooting to half an hour later.    


There were a total of close to a hundred shops' surveillance videos. Even if they sat there motionlessly, they would still need to watch for four days and four nights before they could finish watching.    


"It's too slow. Can you speed it up?"    


Ye Fei suddenly said.    


"Of course." Mu Rong drove at 1.5 times the speed. The pedestrians on the screen sped up a little.    


"Faster." Ye Fei still found it slow.    


" Oh."    


Because the quality of the surveillance footage was not good, Mu Rong drove at twice the speed. She already felt that her eyes could not keep up and looked very tired.    


"It is still too slow. The maximum speed can be increased by a few times." Ye Fei said.    


"Ah? You think it's too slow?" Mu Rong had a look of shock. "It can be driven up to 36 times the speed. If it's any faster, the quality of the painting will be damaged. I can't see it clearly anymore."    


"Then 36 times faster." Ye Fei said lightly.    


Mu Rong turned the picture to 36 times the speed and immediately found that the figures of the people had already formed a line. It was completely blurred and blurred. After just a few glances, tears began to flow in her eyes.    


However, Ye Fei narrowed his eyes and watched very seriously.    


"He can see 36 times faster? He must be joking with me!"    


Mu Rong yawned and did not look at the screen. She secretly peeked at Ye Fei. Compared to the surveillance video, the mysterious Ye Fei was more interesting.    


The 100-hour route was 36 times faster. Ye Fei only watched it for less than three hours before he finished watching it.    


Mu Rong had already fallen asleep on the table and was snoring softly.    


"Mu Rong!"    


Ye Fei suddenly slammed the table.    


"Ah? Is it time to eat?" Mu Rong wiped her saliva and stood up, but she bumped into Ye Fei's smiling face.    


"You must be hungry. Actually, I am also hungry." Ye Fei's stomach kept growling.    


"Then let's go. I will treat you to a meal. But I will make it clear in advance, at most, I will treat you to Lan Zhou ramen!" Mu Rong looked at her wallet and said.    


"Lan Zhou ramen... I like it!"    


Ye Fei smiled. He had been on missions overseas. He only ate compressed biscuits, canned food, and individual combat rations, which were tasteless. Eating instant noodles was a luxury, not to mention Lanzhou ramen.    


"But... we have to catch the shooter first."    


Ye Fei pointed at the screen. "Turn the screen back to 15 minutes and 50 seconds."    


"What did you say? You have found the shooter?"    


Mu Rong was shocked.    


"Not yet, but soon." Ye Fei let Mu Rong choose a few more times and then slowed down. He observed carefully for a while and said, "Stop. I am sure it is him."    


The scene was fixed. Ye Fei walked over and took a pen. He circled around the screen and framed a man's figure.    


Mu Rong hurriedly zoomed in on the scene. The quality of the camera was still okay. It did not need to be repaired by professionals to be able to see the man's face clearly.    


He was about 30 years old and was about 1.8 meters tall. His skin was dark and he carried a huge travel bag on his back. He did not wear a cap.    


To be honest, Mu Rong could not tell the difference between him and other pedestrians on the street.    


She looked at Ye Fei in surprise. "How do you know he is a gunman? Could it be... could it be that you are like me, relying on the intuition of a woman, you feel that he is not a good person? "    


Ye Fei rolled his eyes. "Do you think I am the same as you?"    


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