The Military King Is Back

C167 Starting from the Ground!

C167 Starting from the Ground!

Ye Fei rode his motorcycle into the manor.    


This was a small village in the outskirts of the city. It was extremely dilapidated, and it was filled with rubbish everywhere.    


In fact, the Huhai City had developed very quickly in recent years. A large amount of garbage was produced every day, especially the daily garbage. It was very difficult to deal with, so they were all pulled to the landfill near Wei Zhuang and burned and buried.    


The garbage disposal was very serious. The water quality near Wei Zhuang was also polluted. There were many people with cancer, so most of the villagers moved out of this place.    


At night, Wei Zhuang was even more deserted. It was a desolate village.    


Ye Fei went to the dried well at the entrance of the village. Looking at the time, he found that it was exactly twelve o'clock. There was no overtime, but he didn't see anyone coming up to greet him.    


Regarding this situation, Ye Fei was not surprised. These kidnappers were not ordinary people. They wouldn't be stupid enough to come up and greet him directly. One should know that although the police didn't enter Wei Zhuang, but it's surrounded, and it could come any minute. They had captured all the kidnappers in one fell swoop.    


The kidnappers definitely had a backup plan! A backup plan that could shake off even the police!    


Ye Fei waited for two minutes. It was just past twelve o'clock when a phone call came in. It was an unknown number.    


"Ye Fei!"    


The voice on the phone changed through the software. It was sharp and thin. It was neither male nor female.    


"It's me."    


Ye Fei said in a deep voice.    


"You're on time. If you're a minute late, I'll cut that girl into pieces and feed her to the dogs!"    


The mechanical voice on the phone did not sound emotional.    


"You're just asking for money. Why hurt people? I've already brought the money. How can I give it to you!?"    


Ye Fei raised the suitcase in his hand. His eyes were sharp as he scanned the dark village. He had already noticed that someone was staring at him in the dark, but he did not act rashly.    


If the money was gone, he could still earn it.    


But if the person was gone, it would be all over.    


Ye Fei needed to think of a way to save Qin Xiaomeng now. If the kidnapper asked him to leave the money behind, he would do it without blinking.    


"I want you to give it to me personally!"    


The kidnapper ordered, "Look up. Do you see a flashing red dot in the sky to the west? Follow it!"    


"Sure enough, it's coming for me!"    


Ye Fei's heart sank. He looked up and saw that there was indeed a red dot flashing in the sky to the west.    


Ordinary people would not be able to see what the red dot was, but Ye Fei could see it clearly. It was actually a remote control airplane. There was a small light flashing on its tail wing. The light was very weak. If it was further away, he would not be able to see it clearly.    


"It's a high-tech plane! This method, ordinary kidnappers wouldn't be able to think of it. "    


Ye Fei rode his motorcycle and followed the remote control airplane to the west for a while. They arrived at a cement road. At this time, the phone rang again. The kidnapper asked Ye Fei to follow a garbage truck in front of them.    


Ye Fei didn't ask any more questions. He just followed the instructions and drove the garbage truck back to the city area.    


At this time, another jeep drove over. Someone waved his hand and asked Ye Fei to follow him. Finally, they arrived in front of an old building in the western suburbs.    


The building was very dilapidated, but there were many cars parked downstairs. Most of them were hard off-road vehicles like Land Rovers and Tyrants. Ye Fei stopped his motorcycle. He heard a loud barking sound. There was obviously a dog in the building. Besides the barking, he could also hear people cheering.    


"This is Dog King's underground boxing ring!"    


Ye Fei suddenly remembered what kind of place this was.    


Dog King in the western suburbs was the same as Huoloong, a famous gangster in Huhai City. He also had many hired thugs under his command. Unlike Huoloong, who walked away with yellow poison, Dog King walked in the western suburbs to gamble!    


Dog King opened five black casinos in Huhai City. He played everything. The biggest casino he played was the dog house in the western suburbs that he personally guarded!    


The dog house looked like a meat and dog farm, but it was actually an underground boxing ring. Usually, there was a dog fighting event here. Many rich people in Huhai City liked this kind of bloody and cruel event. Dog fighting gambling was one of the entertainment events for many wealthy people.    


Dog King's underground boxing ring in the basement was also a famous underground boxing ring in the entire coastal area. Every time he punched, there would be millions or even tens of millions of people passing by.    


Adding up the underground boxing ring and dog fighting ring, Dog King could earn at least twenty to thirty million per month. It was Dog King's most profitable activity.    


"The kidnapper is actually Dog King? Impossible, he doesn't have this IQ! Furthermore, with his strength, he can't invite an international pirate like Cheng Bai! "    


Ye Fei frowned and guessed the identity of the kidnapper. He once thought that Su Zongheng was behind the scenes, but Su Zongheng hid it too well and did not give himself away.    


Ye Fei didn't know that Su Zongheng was actually the boss behind Dog King. Dog King had earned so much money that most of it was given to Su Zongheng.    


The person in the jeep pointed at the dog building and signaled Ye Fei to go in.    


Ye Fei got off the motorcycle and grabbed the black suitcase that contained the money. He dragged a leg and slowly walked towards the dog building.    


Two strong men at the door stopped Ye Fei, and said, "Dog King told me to search my body!"    


Ye Fei raised both his hands, and his expression was very natural. He let these two strong men search his body.    


The two strong men immediately took out metal detectors and scanned Ye Fei's body. They paid special attention to his collar, sleeves, buttons, and other places. They were mainly looking for microcameras and eavesdropping devices.    


Other than Ye Fei's mobile phone being searched, the metal detectors did not ring.    


Ye Fei's expression relaxed. If they found the three flying knives on his body, it would be a little troublesome.    


Fortunately, although the Celestial Profound Iron was called "iron," it was actually not iron, but a rare metal in the universe. It was heavier than iron and much harder. Therefore, the metal detector could not detect it. Even if Ye Fei took the flying knife and boarded the plane, the metal detector could not detect it, so even if ___ took the flying knife and got on the plane, he would not be discovered.    


When Ye Fei entered the dog house, someone immediately brought him upstairs. In a big room, he saw a man with a white face and no beard. He looked a little feminine. His eyes were deep, and there was a thick smell of blood between his brows. He was not as strong as Huoloong, nor was he a warrior. However, it just so happened that such a person simply stood there. His body was filled with a kind of intimidating aura.    


Ye Fei knew that this was killing intent!    


Dog King had killed too many people, much more than Huoloong!    


There were more than a dozen hatchet men standing behind Dog King. They were all big and strong, and there were steel pipes and machetes beside their hands. Whenever there was any movement, they would rush forward and knock Ye Fei to the ground.    


"Dog King, I have brought the money! Where is Qin Xiaomeng? Let her go!"    


Ye Fei threw the box onto the coffee table. The lid of the box opened, and inside was a large stack of cash.    


"How much is this?"    


Dog King gave a fake smile. Every month, he had to pay twenty to thirty million. In his eyes, five million was just a small amount of money, and he was not moved at all.    


"Five million!"    


Ye Fei saw Dog King's expression and knew that he did not care about the money at all. Then he took such a huge risk and kidnapped the police chief's sister. It wasn't for the money. The meaning behind it was... It was even more thought-provoking.    


"Five million? Why did you take so little money!? I clearly said fifty million!"    


A cold smile appeared on Dog King's face.    


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